

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  Seam hypodermal cell Name  H0L
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0004778 Synonym  lineage name: ABplaaappa

1 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
nucleus of pedigree ABplaaappa ABplaaappa nucleus H0L nucleus WBbt:0002043

0 Expression Clusters

23 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
    Expr4703 Expressed in body wall, pharyngeal and vulva muscle, H cell.  
Interestingly, Y is replaced in the hindgut by P12.pa, a descendant of the only P cell in which PEB-1 protein expression was detected in L1 larvae. No detailed description on cellular expression patterns in pharynx, try to find those information in Expr838.   Expr3462 In summary, PEB-1 accumulated in L1 larvae in the nuclei of all hypodermal cells and the epithelial cells lining the rectal lumen. As in the pharynx, PEB-1 was not detectable in neuroblasts or differentiated neurons. PEB-1-expressing cells are not obviously related by cell type or lineage. Rather, one striking common feature of these cells is that they contact the cuticle on the exterior of the worm or lining the pharyngeal or rectal lumen. Like in the pharynx, PEB-1 was first detected in the hypodermal nuclei in comma stage embryos (approximately 400 min) and remained detectable until hatching. In 1 1/2-fold stage embryos, the PEB-1 protein was detected in the nuclei of most, if not all, hypodermal cells including hyp5, hyp6, and hyp7 and the H, P, and V cells. After hatching, PEB-1 remained detectable in most hypodermal cells although it decreased in later larvae and was undetectable in adults. In the L1 lateral hypodermis, the PEB-1 protein was detected in H0, H1, H2, V1 to V6, and T, and their anterior and posterior daughters, as well as in the nuclei of the hyp7 syncytium. PEB-1 was also detected in many of the dorsal and ventral hypodermal nuclei in the head and the ventral hypodermal nuclei in the tail. Notably, PEB-1 was not detected in larval P cells. In addition, PEB-1 was not detected in other neuroblasts including Q and T.p. PEB-1 was also expressed in cells lining the lumen of the hindgut. In 1 1/2-fold embryos (approximately 420 min), PEB-1 was detected in many nuclei near the posterior of the embryo. These likely include both the posterior hypodermal cells and hindgut cells, although these cells cannot be easily distinguished at this stage. In L1 larvae, PEB-1 was detected in many of the non-neuronal nuclei surrounding the rectal lumen, including K, K', U, F, B, and Y. PEB-1 was not detected in the rectal-intestinal valve or the anal depressor muscle. As in other tissues, the PEB-1 protein remained detectable in the hindgut throughout larval development but became progressively less abundant and undetectable in adults. Importantly, this progressive decrease in PEB-1 expression also occurs in Y, which withdraws from the hypodermis during late larval development to become a neuron. nuclei
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr1614 At the beginning of embryonic morphogenesis, all ten pairs of lateral epidermal cells, the seam cells, express cdh-3::lacZ. cdh-3::GFP expression in these cells is observed at hatching and throughout subsequent postembryonic development. During the last larval stage (L4) the 15 pairs of seam cells generated during larval development fuse to form two continuous lateral syncytia, surrounded by hyp7. cdh-3::GFP expression correlates with seam cell identity during these postembryonic divisions; it is not observed in daughters that fuse with hyp7 or adopt other fates. In embryos undergoing morphogenesis, lacZ is expressed in a single large nucleus, whose size and position is consistent with that of the excretory cell. This identification is reinforced by the observation that in many newly hatched L1 larvae, low levels of GFP expression are visible in the excretory cell. This expression of cdh-3-reporter genes was observed only during late embryogenesis and in some newly hatched L1s (the latter may be due to perdurance of the GFP fusion protein), but not at later stages. Several other cells expressed the cdh-3 reporter constructs during embryonic morphogenesis; as in the seam cells this expression continued upon hatching. In the tail two cells, hyp10 and hyp11, show strong GFP expression that persists only during the first larval stage. Strong expression was observed in cells that form interfacial epithelia between the intestinal epithelium and the epidermis. Two cells that form part of the rectal epithelium, designated F and U, express cdh-3::GFP during embryonic morphogenesis and throughout larval development. In the anterior of embryos undergoing morphogenesis there were several cells expressing cdh-3::lacZ, and in larvae and adults, GFP expression is seen in nine cell bodies located just anterior to the first bulb of the pharynx. Processes extend anteriorly from these cell bodies and terminate at the level of the buccal capsule. Based upon the location of the cell bodies and the morphology of the processes, these cells were identified as the anterior and posterior arcade cells. Expression pattern of the pJP#38 construct in males indicated expression in the male tail and several male-specific neurons, however the expression pattern is complicated and the cell identity were not determined. cdh-3::GFP expressed in the developing hermaphrodite vulva. GFP first expressed in the anchor cell in L3 larvae. A little later expression were seen in those vulval cells that are closest to the anchor cell and are beginning to invaginate. As vulval morphogenesis continues all of the cells that invaginate to form the vulva are expressing GFP. During this period, the uterine epithelium closest to the invaginating vulval cells begins to express cdh-3::GFP and the anchor cell fuses with the multinucleate uterine seam cell (utse), which also begins to express cdh-3::GFP. Expression continues in these cells into the adult stage, though at somewhat reduced levels, which may perhaps be due to perdurance of the fusion protein, since older adults show much reduced fluorescence compared with younger ones. During the time that the vulva is forming, cdh-3::GFP expressed in the six VC neurons located in the ventral nerve cord and the two HSNs located just posterior and dorsal to the developing vulva. These cells begin to extend processes at about this time, and GFP expression continues in these cells and their processes throughout the remainder of larval development and into adulthood.  
    Expr11007 egl-18 is asymmetrically expressed in larval seam division daughters with stronger expression in the posterior seam-fated cells in which the Wnt pathway is activated. All ten seam cells in newly hatched L1 larvae showed strong egl-18 expression. After their first division, egl-18::mCherry expression was asymmetric between the daughters, with stronger expression in the posterior daughters that maintain the seam cell fate. Expression in the anterior daughter faded after division, before the hypodermal daughters moved out of the seam cell line. During the L2 stage, several seam cells undergo a symmetric expansion division, generating two seam daughters and increasing the seam cell number from 10 to 16 (Sulston and Horvitz, 1977). In the early L2, strong symmetric expression of egl-18::mCherry was seen in both seam-fated daughters of these divisions. When these seam-fated daughters underwent their subsequent L2 and L3 stage asymmetric divisions, reporter expression faded in their anterior, hypodermal-fated daughters as observed in the L1 stage. In the adult, differentiated seam cells continue to show strong expression of the egl-18::mCherry reporter as described previously (Budovskaya et al., 2008).  
Cell_group: ray precursor cells and ray sublineages. This rescuing GFP reporter contains the endogenous rnt-1 3'UTR that was absent from the reporter described by Nam et al (see Expr1819). It is possible that this difference in reporters accounts for the slight difference in the rnt-1 expression pattern observed.   Expr3752 rnt-1::GFP is visibly expressed in the nuclei of seam cells in embryos from around 260 minutes post fertilisation, just after the time at which seam cell are formed. Seam cell expression in both males and hermaphrodites is visible during all developmental stages, but is particularly strong until late L2. In males, rnt-1::GFP is expressed additionally in seam cell derived ray precursor cells and ray sublineages. rnt-1::GFP is also expressed transiently in body wall muscle nuclei from late embryogenesis until the end of L2. rnt-1::GFP expression was not observed in any other cell types. Expression of rnt-1 has been previously reported in intestinal cells, but no intestinal expression was found using this rescuing GFP reporter construct. Expressed in nuclei.
Other strains-- UL889, UL890   Expr2004 Expression is seen predominantly in embryos (from the precomma stage through morphogenesis) and young larvae, although occasional expression is seen in older larvae and adults. At the 1.5 fold embryonic stage 10 cells running along each lateral side of the embryo can be seen, and are V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, H0, H1, H2, and T. In young larvae expression in the hypodermal seam cells can be seen.  
  Same construct used in Expr542. Expr2602 HBL-1::GFP expression was observed in the hypodermal syncitial cells (e.g., hyp7), in the ventral hypodermal cells (P cells), and weakly in the lateral hypodermal seam cells (H, V, and T cells). By the L2 stage, HBL-1::GFP was no longer expressed in the seam cells but was still observed in P cell descendants and weakly in the non-seam cell hypodermis. By the L3 stage, HBL-1::GFP was virtually absent in the hypodermis and Pn.p cell descendants, but was still highly expressed in the ventral nerve cord (generated from Pn.a cells) (100%, n=40) and other unidentified neurons. Early L4 animals express high HBL-1::GFP levels in the VNC (76%, n=26), while late L4 and adult animals express HBL-1::GFP very weakly in the VNC (100%, n=40). In some adult VNCs, expression is undetectable. As judged by this HBL-1::GFP fusion, HBL-1 expression is downregulated during the course of postembryonic development, with highest expression in L1 animals and lowest expression in adults.  
Lineage expression: P lineage. Lineage expression: T lineage. Lineage expression: V lineage.   Expr1894 The pattern of gfp expression in hermaphrodites carrying the gfp reporter was dynamic but at all stages restricted to hypodermal cells. Early in the L1 stage, expression was seen in H0, H1, and H2, in the anterior V cells, and in the T cells. Weak expression was also seen in hypodermal nuclei in the head and the tail, including those in hyp5, hyp6, hyp8, hyp9, and hyp10. Expression was not seen at this stage, however, in the P cells or in nuclei in the hyp7 syncytium. After division of H1, both H1.a, a seam cell, and H1.p, which joins hyp7, expressed gfp. Likewise, after division of V1V4 both the anterior daughters (which join hyp7) and the posterior daughters (which remain seam cells) expressed gfp. This pattern was repeated at each of the larval molts with the result that in adult worms, all descendents of H1, H2, and V1V4 expressed gfp. At the end of the L1 stage, V5.p could be seen to express gfp but not V5.a, which is a neuroblast. In the P cell lineages, expression was first seen toward the end of the L1 stage in P1.p, P2.p, P9.p, P10.p, and P11.p nuclei. These cells fuse with hyp7 during the L1 stage. Expression of gfp was not seen, on the other hand, in the daughters of P3 to P8 or P12 (all of which remain separate from hyp7). By the end of the L1 stage most nuclei in hyp7 expressed gfp, as did those in hyp5, hyp6, hyp8, hyp9, hyp10, and hyp11. After division of P3.p, P4.p, and P8.p during the L3 stage, all six daughters started to express gfp concomitant with their fusion with hyp7. The daughters of P5.p, P6.p, and P7.p, the progenitors of the vulva, remained negative for gfp expression as did all the cells they subsequently gave rise to. In adult worms, no hypodermal nuclei that failed to express gfp could be identified. Conversely, no nonhypodermal nuclei were observed at any stage that expressed the gfp marker. nuclei
    Expr542 Expressed in hypodermal precursors, primordial pharynx, and cells surrounding developing buccal and rectal openings at comma stage embryo. Found in P1/2 - P11/12, V1L/R - V6L/R, H0L/R - H2L/R, hyp4, hyp6, and hyp7 cells at comma to 1.5-fold stage embryo. First detected at ~500-cell stage in hypodermal precursor cells and several unidentified cells in the developing tail. Comma-stage and 1.5-fold stage, Expression in many hypodermal precursor cells including P1-12, V1-6 (QV5), H0-H2, hyp4, hyp6, hyp7 cells as well as several presumptive hypodermal cells clustered in the tail. Expression at this stage is also observed in the primordial pharynx as well as in the arcade cells encircling the forming buccal cavity. Posterior expression is detected in cells surrounding the forming rectum and in other cells likely to be neuronal precursors. Later in embryogenesis, GFP detected in majority of pharyngeal cells as well as in neurons with no difference in expression in the cells of the hypodermis. In larvae, GFP observed predominantly in neurons. Staining in ventral nerve cord (first detected in L1 prior to migration of P-cells and is later observed in many cells of the ventral nerve cord from L2-L4). Staining is also detected in hermaphrodite-specific neurons HSN beginning around L2 stage and in the canal associated neurons beginning around L3. Staining is also seen in many neurons of the anterior nerve ring, the dorsal nerve cord and several neurons in the tail. In young adult, weak expression observed in muscle cells.  
    Expr10312 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10347 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10223 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10266 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10472 Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10486 Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10374 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10378 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10509 Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10249 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10214 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10227 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr3466 Expression is most robust throughout embryonic development from 250 minutes after the first cleavage until the early 3-fold stage. Expression was observed in the nuclei of hyp5, H0-H2, V1-V6 and T. Additional ceh-16::gfp expression was also observed in cells of the AB lineage at stages prior to the one described above (28-56 cell stage). These cells were determined in 100 minute embryos as being ABprap, ABarpp, ABpraa, ABplap, ABplaa, ABarpa and ABaraa. In later embryonic stages expression was observed in anterior neurons and in the DA1 and DD1 motoneurons after hatching.  
    Expr13573 In WT, lin-22 expression in the seam is restricted to H0-H2 and V1-V4 cells. After cell division, we found that daughter cells show initially comparable amounts of lin-22 expression, both after the L2 symmetric and the subsequent asymmetric divisions. However, lin-22 expression was maintained specifically in the posterior seam cell-fated daughter cell late after asymmetric divisions.  

12 Life Stages

Remark Definition Other Name Public Name Primary Identifier
  The whole period of embryogenesis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, from the formation of an egg until hatching. embryo Ce WBls:0000003
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 620-800min(hatch) after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. A stage after elongation is over. The last stage of embryogenesis. Also called pre-hatched embryo, late embryo or morphogenetic embryo. fully-elongated embryo Ce WBls:0000021
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 350-620min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The stage that embryo starts elongation until elongation is over. elongating embryo Ce WBls:0000015
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 290-350min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Proliferate from 421 cells to 560 cells. The stage when embryo just finished gastrulation and is enclosing. enclosing embryo Ce WBls:0000013
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 100-290min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Proliferate from 28 cells to 421 cells. Referring to the whole period of gastrulation. gastrulating embryo Ce WBls:0000010
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 0-350min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Proliferate from 1 cell to 560 cells. From start of first cleavage until cleavage is over. proliferating embryo Ce WBls:0000004
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 390-420min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo looks like a comma. A stage between bean embryo and 1.5-fold embryo. comma embryo Ce WBls:0000017
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 460-520min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo is elongated and double fold. A stage between 1.5-fold embryo and 3-fold embryo. 2-fold embryo Ce WBls:0000019
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 520-620min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo is elongated and tripple fold. A stage between 2-fold embryo and fully-elongated embryo. Also called pretzel embryo or pretzel stage. 3-fold embryo Ce WBls:0000020
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 420-460min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo is elongated and fold back 50%. A stage between comma embryo and 2-fold embryo. 1.5-fold embryo Ce WBls:0000018
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 350-390min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. Emrbyo elongation started but have not formed comma shape yet. The shape of embryo looks like a lima bean. A stage right before comma embryo. Also called lima embryo or lima bean stage. bean embryo Ce WBls:0000016
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 210-350min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Proliferate from 421 cells to 560 cells. The stage before the fast cleavage of cells finishes. late cleavage stage embryo Ce WBls:0000014

3 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
a group of hypodermal cells that lie along the apical midline of the hypodermis, at the extreme left and right sides between nose and tail seam cell lateral hypodermis WBbt:0005753
embryonic cell ABplaaapp   WBbt:0006136
cell that exists in and is part of an embryo. embryonic cell   WBbt:0007028