

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  cell, posterior descendent of P7.p Name  P7.pp
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0006984

3 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.ppp P7.ppp   WBbt:0007266
post-embryonic cell of pedigree P7.ppa P7.ppa   WBbt:0007265
nucleus of pedigree P7.pp P7.pp nucleus   WBbt:0002540

0 Expression Clusters

45 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
    Expr4383 The eps-8p::nls::gfp reporter is expressed in a variety of cell types including neurons, gut, muscle and seam cells as well as in the VPCs and their descendants. A time course analysis revealed a dynamic expression pattern of eps-8::nls:.gfp in the vulval cells. In mid-L2 larvae, eps-8p::nls::gfp is weakly expressed in all VPCs except for P3.p. Around 6 h later in early L3 larvae, before the first round of vulval cell divisions, expression is strongest in P6.p, lowest in P5.p and P7.p and intermediate in P3.p, P4.p and P8.p.  
    Expr4384 Among the vulval cells, EPS-8 protein was detectable only in P6.p and its descendants. At later stages during vulval morphogenesis, eps-8p::nls::gfp expression and antibody staining is found in all vulval cells including the descendants of P5.p and P7.p.  
    Expr4328 Expressed in all VPCs prior to and during vulval induction. After VPC division, CEH-20::GFP accumulation became restricted to the P5.p and P7.p lineages, where it remained apparent until the late L4 larval stage.  
No GO_term assigned.   Expr4213 Both reporters are expressed at the time of vulval induction at equal levels in P5.p, P6.p, and P7.p. After the first round of cell divisions, the translational DEP-1::GFP reporter is down-regulated in the primary lineage, but expression persists in the secondary vulval cells until the L4 stage. DEP-1::GFP expression is lower in P6.p than in P5.p or P7.p descendants in 82% of L3 and in 95% of L4 larvae (n = 26 and n = 21, respectively). A similar reduction of the expression in the primary lineage is observed with the transcriptional reporter, although the down-regulation in the primary lineage only becomes apparent at the Pn.pxx stage. dep-1p::gfp expression is lower in P6.p than in P5.p or P7.p descendants in 80% of the L3 larvae (n = 78). In most cases (e.g., 17 out of 18 larvae at the Pn.px and Pn.pxx stages), DEP-1::GFP expression is low or absent in cells expressing high LET-23 EGFR levels and vice versa. Most of the DEP-1::GFP fusion protein is localized in intracellular punctae that partially colocalize with intracellular LET-23 EGFR.
    Expr4201 This construct expressed GFP ubiquitously in early embryos. The expression became progressively more restricted in older embryos and young larvae, and was not observed in adults. In larvae, expression was observed in dividing cells: ventral nerve cord neuroblasts, vulval precursors, dividing hypodermal seam cells, and the Q neuroblasts and their descendants.  
  For dre-1::gfp, a 4 kb promoter was amplified with primers 5' -GGTACCCGAGGGGACATCGAGATAG-3' and 5' -GGTACCTTCCTGGCCAACCAGAGAC-3' and was cloned into Fire vector L3781 (BA 279). The dre-1 ORF and the dre-1 3' UTR region were amplified with primers 5' -GCTAGCATGTCGTCCTCTTCGTCAC-3' and 5' -ACTAGTTACTTACTCCACTCCACACAG-3' and were cloned into BA279 (BA280). Lines containing this construct included dhEx346 and dhIs442. To obtain the full-length promoter construct, authors substituted the promoter from BA279 with a 12.3 kb promoter by using primers 5' -GCGGCCGCGTTGCACACAAAACATTATTATTTTCTTTCTCTT-3' and 5' -TACGTATCTCGTCCCTGAGATCTCTCATTT-3' (BA508). Resulting lines containing this array included dhEx443 and dhEx452. --precise ends. Expr4547 First detected by midembryogenesis, expression was most prominent in epidermal and intestinal cells. By the 1.5-fold stage of embryogenesis, expression was additionally detected in neurons and other cells. During larval and adult stages, DRE-1::GFP was most visible in epidermal seam cells and hypodermis. Expression was high in larvae and low in adults. In addition, DRE-1 was strongly expressed in the P epidermal blast cells and descendents that give rise to the vulva. Weak expression was seen in the somatic gonad, including the gonadoblasts, the anchor cell, dtcs, and occasionally adult spermatheca and uterus. Notably, with another construct (dhEx346, 4 kb promoter, 4 kb coding region), dtc expression was stronger and commenced by mid-L3. In the musculature, DRE-1 was seen in the pharynx, anal depressor, sex muscles, and body wall muscles. Finally, DRE-1 was detected in neurons of the head, tail, ventral cord, and periphery. Generally, DRE-1::GFP was localized to both the nucleus and cytoplasm, and it was broadly expressed, including in phenotypically affected tissues.
    Expr4502 A transcriptional reporter for sel-2 in which the 5' upstream region drives nuclearly localized YFP is expressed in the VPCs and their descendants, as well as in many other cell types, including the epithelial cells of the intestine and the rectum, the seam cells, many cells in the head and the tail, and the cells of the ventral nerve cord.  
New Anatomy_term: male hook precursors (L1-L4). Picture: Figure S3A.   Marker87 Marker for VPC daughters and granddaughters. Expressed in P cells (L1), QL and QR cells (L1-L2), somatic gonadal precursor (L1), V cells (L1), B cell (L1), T cell (L1), ventral cord neurons (L1-L4), Pn.ps (L1-late L2), Pn.pxx (mid L3), male hook precursors (L1-L4), DTCs (L2-L3), vulval cells (L3-L4), uterine cells (L4), vulval muscle (adult), many unidentified cells in head (all), many unidentified cells in tail (all)  
Picture: Fig 2.   Expr9007 GFP expression was observed in nearly all cells of the embryo from about the 100 cell stage. In larvae and adults, GFP was detectable in neurons, hypodermal cells and the seam cells, the excretory system, and intestinal cells. We noted expression in the vulval precursor cells and their descendents during mid-larval stages and strong somatic gonadal expression in the early L3 stage through to adult. GFP expression was visible in the nucleus, but restricted from the nucleolus in all expressing cells.
Picture: Figure 2A to 2D.   Expr7865 GFP expression was detected from embryogenesis to adulthood. In embryogenesis, almost all cells, other than those in the gut lineage, showed GFP expression. Before P-cell migration in the L1 stage, expression was detected only in Q cells. After P-cell migration and division, expression was seen in the P-cell derivatives and distal tip cells. In L3, GFP expression was present only in the vulval precursor cells and their derivatives. In L4 and adulthood, GFP fluorescence was detected only in some neuronal cells.  
Other strain-- UL403 late embryo(author) = elongating embryo + fully-elongated embryo(curator).   Expr122 Expression begins in precomma stage embryos. It is quite strong, with extensive diffuse cytoplasmic staining as well as nuclear localised staining. Expression is strongest in young larvae, with staining observed in the ventral nerve cord, the circumpharyngeal nerve ring, the head ganglion, the tail ganglion, the retrovesicular ganglion, and in the developing vulva. In older larvae and in adults the strong pharyngeal expression seen in young larvae is less intense and some neuronal processes in the head become apparent (e.g. the motorneuron M1). There is also staining in the pharyngo-intestinal valve and in the seam cells, though expression appears to exclude the nuclei and is generally intermittent along the seam. The defecation muscle group stain as does its axon, DVB. The dorsal cord also stains but is very faint. Two commissures stain (these are also faint), one is located anterior to the vulva, and the other is posterior to the vulva.  
Picture: Figure 2, Figure S5.   Expr7988 mom-2 expression was observed in early embryos, at approximately 0-2 hours after egg laying, and continued throughout embryonic and larval development. mom-2 was expressed slightly earlier in embryogenesis than cwn-1 or cwn-2. Expression of mom-2 continued throughout embryonic and larval development. Expression of mom-2 was observed in body wall muscles, ventral cord neurons, intestinal cells and fused and unfused seam cells throughout larval development. mom-2 expression was also observed in head cells between the anterior and posterior bulbs of the pharynx. During the L3 and L4 stages, mom-2 was expressed in the descendants of P5.p to P7.p. No expression of mom-2 was observed in the anchor cell (8/8 lines).  
Picture: Figure 2, Figure S4.   Expr7987 cwn-2 expression was observed in early embryos, at approximately 0-2 hours after egg laying, and continued throughout embryonic and larval development. In larvae, the expression pattern of cwn-2 is very similar to that of cwn-1 with one notable exception. While cwn-1 is expressed predominately in the posterior half of the animal in VCNs and BWMs, cwn-2 is expressed along the length of the anterior-posterior body axis. Expression of cwn-2 was also observed in intestinal nuclei. In L4 larvae, cwn-2 was observed in P5.p to P7.p descendants. In adults, expression of cwn-2 was only observed in BWMs.  
    Expr2796 L2 stage worms showed GFP fluorescence in the ventral hypodermis. Expression of Ce-dab-1 within the VPCs and their descendants continued through vulval development, and became restricted to the descendants of P5.p and P7.p by mid-L4. Ce-dab-1 was also expressed in the anchor cell (AC), sheath cells surrounding the amphid neurons in the head, the gut, and several unidentified cells in the anus and uterus of L3-adult animals. However, no Ce-dab-1 expression was detectable in the SMs.  
Picture: Figure 2.   Expr8280 DDB-1::GFP expression was also observed in a subset of cells that do not proliferate during the larval stages, including the lateral hyp7 hypodermal cells, rectal gland and epithelial cells, and a subset of neuronal cells in the head and tail regions. Additionally, adult hermaphrodites exhibit high-level expression in the spermatheca. DDB-1::GFP expression from the transgenic array was not observed in germ cells, but this may be due to transgene silencing in the germ line. In embryos, authors did not observe significant zygotic DDB-1::GFP expression. In larvae, DDB-1::GFP expression was observed in blast cells that proliferate during the larval stages, including seam cells in the lateral hypodermis, P cells in the ventral hypodermis, and intestinal cells. The P-cell lineage has the longest quiescent period between rounds of cell division, and within the P lineage, DDB-1::GFP expression correlates with the proliferative state. P blast cells did not express DDB1::GFP in newly hatched L1 larvae; however, expression was observed later in the L1 stage as the cells began to proliferate. During the L2 stage, the P-cell descendants are either quiescent or postmitotic, and they lack DDB-1::GFP expression. DDB-1::GFP expression resumes during the L3 stage in the P-cell descendants that create the vulva (the vulval precursor cells [VPCs]), as they move from quiescence to proliferation, and expression continues through the L4 stage. In adults, all P cell descendants are postmitotic, and DDB-1::GFP is not expressed.  
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8659 As previously reported, GFP is widely observed during embryogenesis. Similarly, GFP is also generally expressed during larval development, being observed within both dividing and terminally differentiated cells. For example, cells within the seam and intestinal lineages strongly express the Pcki-2::gfp reporter. The VPCs and their descendent cells also express GFP.  
Picture: Figure 3E.   Expr8334 vang-1::YFP reporter is expressed in the VPC progeny. Bright vang-1::YFP-expressing cell was also observed in ventral cord neuron.  
Picture: Figure 3A.   Expr8390 A rescuing fluorescent SYS-1 fusion protein (VNS::SYS-1) is also asymmetrically localized in a high (P7.pa)/low (P7.pp) pattern reciprocal to POP-1.  
Picture: Fig. 1B.   Expr8598 A mir-61 transcriptional reporter is specifically expressed in P5.p and P7.p and their daughters.  
Picture: Fig. 4I, 4J.   Expr8597 mir-61::gfp, driven by 3-kb upstream region, is also expressed in several head neurons and transiently and weekly in some seam cells in L3 and L4 stage worms, in addition to vulva precursor cells and gonadal cells as reported before (see Expr8498).  
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr631 LacZ staining is first detected in both Z1.pp and Z4.aa and is seen in Z1.ppp, Z4.aaa, Z1.ppa and Z4.aap. All four cells continue to express until the middle of the L2 stage during AC/VU decision and then expression is restricted to either Z1.ppp or Z4.aaa, with expression observed in presumptive VU (Z1.ppa and Z4.aap) but not in presumptive AC. This is consistent with GFP fluorescence observed. lin-12::lacZ staining disappears in the VUs; staining reappears in their daughters just after division. The level of lin-12::lacZ expression from early L2 until the Vulva Precursor Cells (VPCs) divide in the L3 is uniform in all 6 VPCs. lin-12::lacZ reporter is also expressed in all twelve of the granddaughters of the VUs. There appears to be a time during the early L3 stage when the VUs no longer express the lin-12::lacZ reporter gene. During L3, beta-gal activity is detected in two sheath cells in each gonad arm: sheath cells No. 1 (Z1.paaa, Z1.apa, Z4.pap, and Z4.appp). During early L4 stage, eight more sheath cells express the transgene: sheath cells No. 2 (Z1.paapaaa, Z1.appaaa, Z4.paappp, and Z4.appappp) and sheath cells No. 3 (Z1.paapaap, Z1.appaap, Z4.paappa, and Z4.appappa). Staining is almost always observed in sheath cells No. 1 in the L3 and L4 stages as well as in the young adult. Only a subset of animals consistently express the reporter gene in sheath cells No. 2. Staining in sheath cells No. 3 are never detected once the nuclei have migrated for out along the arm. Staining is observed in 12 sheath cells during the late L3/early L4 stages soon after they are born. As the cells move out the gonad arm, staining is only detected in one member of pair No. 1 and one member of pair No. 2 in each arm. Staining is detected during L4 in up to eight spermathecal cells [Z1.papaa(a/p) (d/v), Z4.apaaa(a/p)(d/v), Z1.pappp(a/p)(d/v) and Z4.apapp(a/p)(d/v)] in each arm. The progenitors of these cells [Z1.papaa(a/p), Z4.apaaa(a/p), Z1.pappp(a/p) and Z4.apapp(a/p)] also express the reporter gene. During the L2 and early L3 stages, lin-12::lacZ is expressed in all six VPCs. LacZ staining is detected in all 12 daughters of the VPCs (Pn.px stage), and is then restricted to P5.ppa, P5.ppp, P7.paa and P7.pap. High level of GFP expression is seen in the daughters of P5.p and P7.p but not in the daughters of p6.p. Variable level of GFP is detected in the daughters of P3,p, P4.p and P8.p. In the VPC granddaughters GFP is detected in P5.ppa, P5.ppp, P7.paa and P7.pap. Weak staining is detected in two of the granddaughters of P5.p and P7.p, the L cells, but is undetected in their progeny. Expression is always detected in the other two granddaughters of P5.p and P7.p, the N and T cells. There is no staining in the T descendants of P6.p cells. The N cells do not divide and staining is detected in both N cells throughout vulval morphogenesis in the L4 stage and in young adults. Staining can be detected in the T daughters in the L4 stage and in young adults. The parents of the SM/bm precursor cells; M.vlp and M.vrp and their dorsal equivalents, M.dlp and M.drp all express lin-12 reporter gene. After division of the parent cells, the SM/bm precursor cells and their dorsal equivalents also express the reporter gene as do the sisters of these cells. Expression is detected in both the SM and bm cells on the left and right sides of the animal. Staining persists in these cells on the ventral side even after it is no longer detectable in the cells of the dorsal side. [M.vrpa, M.vlpa, M.vrpp, M.vlpp, M.drpa, M.dla, M.drpp and M.dlpp]. Expression is detected in a discrete subset of cells during embryogenesis. Staining was only observed in pairs or groups of cells from the 28-cell stage to about the 400-cell stage. Two of the cells that express the gene in the >300-cell embryo may be the intestinal valve cells. Expression is seen in a discrete subset of cells in the ventral nerve cord of L1 larvae. There are three small nuclei that stain in the head region that may be G2, W, the excretory duct cell, G1 or the neuroblast that is the equipotent equivalent of the excretory cell. Staining was observed in the excretory cell.  
Lineage expression: M lineage. The transgene rescued the Daf-d phenotype of rh61rh411 animals, suggesting that daf-12::GFP is functional. Several integrated transgenic lines were made and all gave a similar pattern of expression.   Expr1047 DAF-12::GFP was expressed widely in most cells including tissues modified for dauer formation or by stage. It was expressed in phenotypically affected target tissues (e.g., epidermis, vulva, somatic gonad, intestine, pharynx, sex myoblasts), as well as other tissues with no known phenotype (e.g., nervous system, body wall muscle). Expression was seen from embryo to adult, but was most elevated and widespread during L2. Epidermis: In seam cells and hypodermis, DAF-12::GFP expression was first seen at the 3-fold stage of embryogenesis, increased by late L1, peaked during L2, diminished by late L3, and was low or off in L4 and young adults. Expression was also seen in the ventral epidermal L1 P ectoblasts, L2 vulval precursors, and their L3 descendants. Expression continued during L4 vulval morphogenesis and persisted occasionally in the mature adult vulva at reduced levels. Somatic Gonad: Faint expression was seen as early as L1 in Z1 and Z4 somatic gonadal precursors. By L2, their descendants, the somatic gonadoblasts, including the migratory distal-tip cell, strongly expressed DAF-12::GFP. Expression continued in somatic gonadoblast descendants and distal-tip cells in L3 and early L4. In the adult, expression was robust in the mature spermatheca and uterus. Intestine: Expression in intestinal nuclei was diffuse during the larval stages, but became somewhat stronger in the adult. Nervous System: Only a handful of head and tail neurons expressed GFP early in L1. By mid-L2, DAF-12::GFP was expressed strongly throughout the nervous system, including the ventral cord and peripheral neuroblasts. Expression continued in many neurons in the adult, albeit at reduced levels. Musculature: Expression in body wall muscles became visible by late L1 and L2. Expression continued at later larval stages and in the adult at reduced levels. Expression in pharyngeal muscle was strong by L2 and downregulated by adult. DAF-12::GFP was also expressed in the L1 M-mesoblast, and its derivatives, including post-embryonic body wall muscles, sex myoblasts and their descendants. Dauer formation: DAF-12::GFP was downregulated in dauer larvae in all tissues, but perdured in the somatic gonad and occasional neurons. Upon recovery from dauer diapause, DAF-12::GFP was expressed weakly in most tissues. DAF-12::GFP localized primarily to the nucleus, except during mitosis, when expression became diffuse.
This lin-36::GFP reporter transgene rescued the Muv phenotype of a lin-36; lin-15(n767) strain, indicating that it was expressed in cells needed for lin-36 function.   Expr1154 lin-36::GFP was expressed in the nuclei of the P(3-8).p cells and their descendants during vulval cell determination, division and invagination. Similar observations have been made with an independently constructed lin-36::GFP reporter. Besides the P(3-8).p cells, many other cells expressed GFP in strains bearing this reporter construct. Most notably, neurons of the head, tail and ventral cord expressed lin-36::GFP throughout development, and sporadic fluorescence was infrequently observed in the germline. Very weak staining was observed in hypodermal and intestinal nuclei. lin-36::GFP expression in all cases was localized to nuclei. The GFP reporter gene used in the construction of this reporter construct did not contain a nuclear localization sequence, but as mentioned above, the lin-36 coding region contains a potential nuclear localization sequence.
Another transgenic line independently established with the same construct also showed the similar patterns of EGFP expression.   Expr1884 EGFP expression was first observed at the lima bean stage in P and V epidermal cells and intestinal cells. In larvae, EGFP was expressed intensely in motoneurons in the ventral nerve cord and several neurons in the nerve ring and in the tail. The seam cells showed moderate EGFP expression throughout development. In hermaphrodites, vulval precursor cells and their descendants expressed EGFP intensely throughout development. In the male tail, R(n) cells and their descendants all expressed EGFP intensely.  
    Expr1898 GFP was highly expressed in the vulval muscles and the intestinal cells; the expression was most intense at the junctions between the pharynx and intestine and the intestine and the rectum. GFP was expressed moderately in the descendants of P5.p, P6.p, and P7.p. In addition, GFP was expressed in ectopic pseudovulvae. A significant GFP signal was not detected in other cells. The CDF-1::GFP fusion protein is concentrated at the edge of the intestinal cells and the descendants of the Pn.p cells, indicating that it is localized to the plasma membrane.
This gon-4::GFP translational fusion rescues gon-4(q519) mutants to fertility when incorporated into the extrachromosomal array qEx453. Nine other rescuing lines also exhibited the same pattern. Preliminary results with polyclonal antibodies raised to the C-terminal portion of GON-4 are consistent with expression of GON-4 in the nuclei of dissected germ lines in mid- to late L4s and adults. These same antibodies have not proven useful with whole mounts of early larvae, which require a different protocol for antibody staining. Expression of the gon-4::GFP transgene was silenced in both somatic gonad and germ line.   Expr957 GON-4::GFP was found in the nucleus. Furthermore, GON-4::GFP was found in the somatic gonadal precursor cells, Z1 and Z4, and their descendants from L1 until the early L3 stage. Expression was weak, but reproducible. During L4, GFP was observed in four nuclei of developing vulva, but not in other nongonadal cells. Intriguingly, GON-4::GFP was detected in a scattering of germ-line nuclei of rescued animals. In contrast to the somatic gonadal expression, which occurred during early gonadogenesis, germ-line expression started in the second half of L4 and continued in adulthood. nucleus
    Expr1293 Strong expression of the LIN-25 protein is detected in all six VPCs. Expression begins in the L1 stage and remains strong up until the time the VPCs divide. Shortly after division, staining becomes restricted to the six descendants of P5.p, P6.p and P7.p. Thereafter LIN-25 expression is detected in all descendants of P5.p, P6.p and P7.p through both subsequent rounds of division. Staining is also detected in all descendants of P5.p, P6.p and P7.p during the early L4 stage, after morphogenesis has occurred. Elsewhere in the worm strong LIN-25 expression is seen in a number of cells, most notably the seam cells and many cells in the somatic gonad. Although many other cells are also stained weakly with the antiserum (such as the distal tip cells, the coelomocytes and the excretory cell), many cells fail to stain. Staining was not detected for example in nuclei in the hyp7 syncytium or in the hyp7 cytoplasm. Throughout all stages LIN-25 protein is detected in the nuclei of positive cells but appreciable cytoplasmic staining is also observed.
mir-84::gfp expression was observed in all the VPCs except for P6.p at the stage when their fate in vulval development is determined by signaling from the AC, suggesting that mir-84 could play a role in vulval cell fate determination. A second let-7 family member, mir-48, was also expressed in non-P6.p VPCs, suggesting the potential for redundancy between mir-48 and mir-84 in the VPCs.   Expr3472 mir-84::gfp was first observed in the somatic gonad in larval stage 1 (L1). In L3 animals, strong expression was observed in uterine cells including the anchor cell (AC), and weak dynamic expression was observed in the vulval precursor cells (VPCs). mir-84::gfp expression was observed during the early to mid L3 stage in all the VPCs except for P6.p, in which expression was rarely observed. Subsequent VPC expression in the mid to late L3 stage was restricted to the daughters (Pn.px) of P5.p and P7.p with weaker GFP first appearing in the P6.p daughters just before their division into P6.pxx. Thereafter, equivalent expression was observed in the granddaughters (Pn.pxx) of P5.p, P6.p, and P7.p. In the L4 stage, GFP expression was maintained in the AC and other uterine cells, appeared weakly in hypodermal seam cells, and was upregulated to higher levels in many P5.p to P7.p descendants.  
    Expr3276 The smp-1::egfp expression was detected in all vulval precursor cells and their descendants. In addition to the vulva, smp-1::egfp was detected in larval seam cells, the epidermal cells of a larval male tail, and some neurons in the ventral cord and around the nerve rings. The ventral and dorsal cords also expressed GFP. hyp7 did not appear to express the transgene. The expression pattern resembled that of plx-1::egfp.  
The expression pattern of this construct was similar in independent transgenic lines, but the subcellular localization of the PRY-1 GFP fusion protein differed, ranging from localization at the plasma membrane and in cytoplasmic dots to diffuse cytoplasmic and nuclear staining. This difference in subcellular localization may be a consequence of variations in expression levels of the fusion protein in different transgenic lines. For ease of cell identification, a transgenic line showing diffuse cytoplasmic and nuclear staining was selected. This transgene fully rescued the lethality, the multivulva phenotype, and the QR.d migration defect of pry-1(mu38 and nc1). This suggests that the PRY-1 GFP fusion protein is functional and is correctly expressed in cells in which PRY-1 is essential.   Expr1896 The pry-1 reporter gene is widely expressed throughout development. Expression starts halfway through embryogenesis and is mainly localized to the ventral and lateral hypodermal cells. At the early L1 stage, pry-1 is expressed at high levels in the lateral hypodermal cells (or seam cells) V5 and V6 and in the Q neuroblasts QL and QR. pry-1 is also expressed in the ventral hypodermal (P) cells P7/8 to P11/12, body wall muscle cells, and neurons in the head, the tail, and the ventral nerve cord. No differences in pry-1 expression levels between QL and QR was observed, but this may be a result of PRY-1 GFP overexpression. At the end of the L1 stage, pry-1 is expressed at high levels in all seam cells. Expression was also observed in the QL and QR daughter cells. At later larval stages, pry-1 is expressed at high levels throughout the animal, including hypodermal cells, body wall muscle cells, and many neurons in the ventral nerve cord and head and tail ganglia. In addition, pry-1 is expressed in the vulva precursor (Pn.p) cells and in the developing vulva and male tail.  

0 Life Stages

2 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
  P7.p hermaphrodite   WBbt:0008129
a cell that is born in a worm after hatching. post-embryonic cell   WBbt:0007030