

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  Postembryonic neuroblast, migrates posteriorly. Name  QL
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0004056 Synonym  lineage name: ABplapapaaa

3 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
post-embryonic cell of pedigree QL.a QL.a   WBbt:0007274
post-embryonic cell of pedigree QL.p QL.p   WBbt:0007276
nucleus of pedigree ABplapapaaa ABplapapaaa nucleus QL nucleus WBbt:0002641

0 Expression Clusters

42 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
mig-5::gfp rescued the mig-5(ok280) B cell polarity defect.   Expr4252 Animals that contained mig-5::gfp expressed GFP in the B, QL cell and several cells in the nerve ring. MIG-5::GFP was expressed strongly in the B cell and its descendants.  
    Expr4201 This construct expressed GFP ubiquitously in early embryos. The expression became progressively more restricted in older embryos and young larvae, and was not observed in adults. In larvae, expression was observed in dividing cells: ventral nerve cord neuroblasts, vulval precursors, dividing hypodermal seam cells, and the Q neuroblasts and their descendants.  
    Expr14631 smFISH analysis revealed that prkl-1 is expressed in the q neuroblasts.  
New Anatomy_term: male hook precursors (L1-L4). Picture: Figure S3A.   Marker87 Marker for VPC daughters and granddaughters. Expressed in P cells (L1), QL and QR cells (L1-L2), somatic gonadal precursor (L1), V cells (L1), B cell (L1), T cell (L1), ventral cord neurons (L1-L4), Pn.ps (L1-late L2), Pn.pxx (mid L3), male hook precursors (L1-L4), DTCs (L2-L3), vulval cells (L3-L4), uterine cells (L4), vulval muscle (adult), many unidentified cells in head (all), many unidentified cells in tail (all)  
All of the reporter constructs produced the same cell-specific expression pattern as transgenes.   Expr1438 The reporter transgenes express ubiquitously in the early embryo starting at about the 100 cell stage during gastrulation. In late embryogenesis and posthatching, expression is more limited. Strongest expression is observed in migrating cells and growing neurons as these cells undergo movements on the epidermis. At hatching, the reporters express in many neurons throughout the animal, in several cells of the pharynx including some pharyngeal neurons, in the elongated processes of the excretory cells, in the amphid and phasmid sheath and socket cells, in the tail hypodermis, and at later stages in intestine, muscles, vulva, and somatic gonad including the gonad sheath and hermaphrodite distal tip cells. The neurons expressing unc-73 include the PLM, ALM, PDE, HSN, CAN, PHC, and PVN neurons and the ventral cord motorneurons. Expression in the HSNs is absent in early larval stages, but begins late in the second larval stage (L2), precisely when axon outgrowth is initiated from the HSN cell bodies. The Q neuroblasts, Pn neuroectoblasts, sex myoblasts (SMs), and canal associated neurons (CANs) express unc-73 reporters. The left and right Q cells begin to express the GFP reporter as they initiate their migrations along the longitudinal axis of the epidermis during the early first larval (L1) stage, and expression in these cells continues beyond the completion of their first division. The unc-73 reporters express in the Pn cells just before this second phase of movemen. The distal tip cells also express the unc-73/reporters during their migration.  
Picture: Fig 9.   Expr8961 This transcriptional mig-15::gfp transgene was expressed in hypodermis, muscle, pharynx, and neurons as previously described. Additionally, mig-15 promoter::gfp expression was observed in both Q neuroblasts as well as in the lateral seam cells and P cells neighboring the Q cells.  
LacZ expression in posterior of the worm-consistent with in situ pattern. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr694 Expression observed in cells of Q lineage, at first expression is specific for the left Q cell lineage; No expression in QR or its descendants. mab-5::lacZ is not expressed in QL during initial mab-5 independent phase of its migration but is switched on in QL during the course of its migration. beta-galactosidase expression is strongest after first division and persists throughout the migration of the QL descendants. QL moves into a region of the body where ectodermal, mesodermal and endodermal cells express mab-5-lacZ, QR migrates anteriorly into a region where only the juvenile neurons express mab-5-lacZ. After Q cell migration is complete expression observed in QL at low-level but not in QR. After Q cells have divided, QL descendants express high levels of the fusion. Staining persists in all QL descendants throughout migration and to end of L1. There is no expression in QR descendants. 0-2 hours after hatching No expression in Q cell. 2-3h expression observed in QL cells migrating up over V5. Expression observed in all posterior cells in which mab-5 function is predicted genetically, as well as the posterior intestine and juvenile neurons.  
Picture: Figure 2A to 2D.   Expr7865 GFP expression was detected from embryogenesis to adulthood. In embryogenesis, almost all cells, other than those in the gut lineage, showed GFP expression. Before P-cell migration in the L1 stage, expression was detected only in Q cells. After P-cell migration and division, expression was seen in the P-cell derivatives and distal tip cells. In L3, GFP expression was present only in the vulval precursor cells and their derivatives. In L4 and adulthood, GFP fluorescence was detected only in some neuronal cells.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. [cam-1::gfp]. A functional cam-1gfp transgene that rescues the defects of cam-1 mutants. Expr1146 CAM-1GFP expression appears at the 200-cell stage in most cells of the embryo. Migrating ALM, BDU, CAN, HSN and ccM cells, which migrate embryonically and require cam-1 function for their migration, are likely to express CAM-1GFP, as most cells of the embryo express the transgene while these cells migrate. During the first larval stage, V cells often express CAM-1GFP at the time that they divide, and the Q-neuroblast descendents, which also require cam-1 function for their migration, express CAM-1GFP. During larval development, CAM-1GFP is highly expressed in the nervous system, as well as in intestinal, hypodermal and body-wall muscle cells and in parts of the pharynx. In non-neuronal cells, much of the protein appears to associate with the plasma membrane. In neurons, CAM-1GFP is detected predominantly in axons and dendrites.
CeE/Da = hlh-2 in the article.   Expr1470 CeE/DA can first be detected in both nuclei of 2-cell embryos. Staining persists apparently in all nuclei of the early embryo for the first 150-200 minutes of development (100-200 cells). By 270 minutes of development (approx. 350 cells) a dramatic change in antibody staining has occurred in which persistent staining is seen in progressively fewer blastomeres. Most, but not all, blastomeres that initially retain CeE/DA antibody staining at this stage are neurons or their immediate precursors. There are a few neuronal precursors that are located away from the neuronal clusters in the embryo (for example the postembryonic neuroblast W), for which antibody staining was not detected. Therefore, although persistent antibody staining is largely restricted to neurons or their precursors, not every such cell is antibody-positive. CeE/DA-antibody staining is transient for the majority of these cells, with the staining progressively lost as differentiation and morphogenesis occur. This is most clearly evident at the 1.5-fold stage of embryogenesis, in which a lateral view of the embryo shows staining in the head, ventral nerve cord and tail. As the embryo begins elongating, the level of CeE/DA-antibody staining decreases in these cells. Note that most of these cells are postmitotic. Although the majority of cells lose CeE/DA-antibody staining during the later half of embryogenesis, a small percentage of cells remain antibody-positive through the remainder of embryogenesis and after hatching. There are 14 of these continually staining cells in the head and seven more in the tail region. Of the 14 head cells, 5 are pharyngeal. The pharyngeal nuclei have been identified, as two pharyngeal muscle nuclei (pm5L and R) and three pharyngeal gland cell nuclei (g1P, g2L and R). The remaining nine CeE/DA antibody-positive cells in the head are outside of the pharynx and are located in the neuronal cluster between the nerve ring and the posterior pharyngeal bulb. There are four bilateral pairs of stained nuclei and one positive nucleus lying along the ventral mid-line. Using hlh-2::GFP reporter strains and DiI staining, three of the bilateral pairs of neurons have been identified as ADL (L and R) and ASH (L and R) and RIC (L and R). The large number of neurons in this area makes it difficult to identify unambiguously each of the remaining three CeE/DA antibody-positive cells. The seven tail cells with nuclei that remain CeE/DA antibody-positive throughout embryonic development include the two Q neuroblasts and five cells were tentatively identified as DVA (an interneuron), the bilateral pair of intestinal muscle cells, the anal depressor muscle and the anal sphincter muscle. The two intestinal and two anal muscle cells are postmitotic and are non-striated muscles. CeE/Da is not detected in bodywall muscles. In addition to the 21 cells that are CeE/DA antibody-positive at hatching, there are several additional cells detected immunologically during subsequent development. One prominent set of cells that becomes CeE/DA antibody-positive during the L3 stage are the 16 developing vulval and uterine muscle cells (non-striated). These nuclei remain antibody-positive in the mature vulva, although staining intensity appears to decrease. Another prominent pair of postembryonic, CeE/DA antibody-positive nuclei are the distal tip cells (DTC). The DTC nuclei are CeE/DA antibody-positive from the start of gonad elongation in larval development and remain positive in adulthood. Very faint antibody staining can also be detected in the syncytial gonad. At all developmental stages, CeE/DA antibody staining is nuclear (except in the germline).
Lineage expression: V lineage. Transgenic ceh-20(mu290) animals bearing pLY11 were rescued for the QR.pax positioning phenotype, the Muv/Egl, and the Vn.a division phenotype, suggesting that ceh-20::gfp was expressed in cells that require its function for these processes.   Expr3231 ceh-20::gfp expression was detected in QR and QL and their descendants throughout their migrations to the end of L1. V cells and their daughters also expressed ceh-20::gfp. Expression persisted in the descendants of the V cells through the adult stage. At hatching, all P cells expressed ceh-20::gfp. Before the anterior and posterior Pn.p cells fuse, they also expressed ceh-20. In L3 hermaphrodites, expression was maintained in P(3-8).p. ceh-20::gfp expression was identified in several other cell types. These included M, BDU, ALM, HSN, body wall muscle cells, I4, all L1 ventral cord neurons and a few unidentified neurons in the head behind the posterior bulb of the pharynx. In all cells expressing ceh-20, the expression was stronger in the nucleus than in the cytoplasm. ceh-20::gfp expression and nuclear localization did not change in the unc-62(mu232) background.
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr660 9h after fertilization: strong staining in intestinal and hypodermal nuclei; Weak neuronal staining. Early L1: staining in nuclei of most postembryonic blast cells. Strong staining in nuclei of hypodermic blast cells H1, H2, V1-V6, T and all intestinal (E) cells. Weak staining nuclei of neuroblasts Q1 and Q2, mesoblast M cells and P cells. 9h after fertilization: strong staining in intestinal and hypodermal nuclei; Weak neuronal staining. Early L1: staining in nuclei of most postembryonic blast cells. Strong staining in nuclei of hypodermic blast cells H1, H2, V1-V6, T and all intestinal (E) cells. weak staining nuclei of neuroblasts Q1 and Q2, mesoblast M cells and P cells. Adult: staining observed in the mature oocyte nuclei of hermaphrodites, at meiotic prophase I when the chromosomes are condensed. (Possible artifact, detected in lin-14 loss-of-function mutant strains n536n540, n355n726). In embryo, first observed in embryo at 7h after fertilization (half way through embryogenesis). Strong staining in intestinal and hypodermal nuclei. L3: Pn.p stains weakly before division (staining fades by L4). Occasional weak staining of hypodermal, intestinal and neuronal nuclei and cytoplasm at L2 and L3. Late L1: staining of all nuclei except for neuronal nuclei is weaker. More neuron of the nerve ring and posterior ganglion stain than in earlier stages. Intestinal and hypodermal cell lineages stain strongest at mid to late L1 (Fade entirely by L2) similarly with many of the neuronal cells. Mid L1: staining in nuclei of hypodermic blast cells H1, H2, V1-V6 and T. The nuclei of intestinal (E) cells also stain. Weak staining in nuclei of P cells (staining fades before migration into ventral cord). Strong staining in nuclei of embryo-derived nuclei in hypodermal syncytial cell hyp7, ABarpppapa, ABplaapppp, Cpaaaa, Cpaapa, Cpaapp, Cpapaa, terminally differentiated nuclei from embryonic body muscle also stain for lin-14. Staining observed in nuclei of neuronal cells BDU, ALM, and CAN. All embryonic generated ventral cord neurons and some neurons of the nerve ring and posterior ganglion stain for lin-14. lin-14 is localized to the nuclei.
Lineage expression: H, V, T descandents. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr661 lin-14 protein is first observed in embryos at ~7 hours after fertilization where most intense staining is seen in intestinal and hypodermal nuclei. ~9 h after fertilization, additional weak staining is observed. lin-14 protein is expressed at high level in the nuclei of most of the post-embryonic blast cells. Intense nuclear staining was observed in the hypodermal blast cells H1, H2, V1-V6 and T and in all of the intestinal (E) cells and weaker staining was observed in both neuroblasts Q1 and Q2, in the mesoblast M cell and in P cells (P1/2, P3/4 and P5/6). During L1, staining is seen in the progeny of the hypodermal blast cells H1, H2 V1-V6 and T and in all of the intestinal (E) cells. Staining in P-cell nuclei fades before migration into the ventral nerve cord but reappears later in some of their progeny cells. The embryo-derived nuclei in the hypodermal syncytial cell hyp7, ABarpppapa, ABplaapppp, Cpaaaa, Cpaapa, Cpaapp, Cpapaa, all stain for the lin-14 protein during the L1 stage. Terminally differentiated nuclei from embryonic body muscle also accumulate the lin-14 protein. Nuclei of many but not all neuronal cells stain with the antibody (e.g. BDU, ALM, CAN but not HSN). All of the embryonically generated ventral cord neurons and some but not all of the neurons of the nerve ring and the posterior ganglion accumulate the lin-14 protein in their nuclei during the L1 stage. Late L1 stage, staining is seen in all nuclei except in the neuronal nuclei staining is much weaker. In addition, more neurons of the nerve ring and posterior ganglion stain than at the earlier stages. Thus, in the hypodermal and intestinal cell lineages, lin-14 protein level peaks during early L1 and fade entirely by L2. In the many neuronal cells, lin-14 protein peak during mid to late L1 and fade by L2. Pn.p accumulates lin-14 protein at the L3 stage, although, very weak staining is seen before the Pn.p cells divide. This staining fades by early L4, In occasional L2 and L3 stage animals, weak staining is observed in nuclei and cytoplasm of hypodermal, neuronal and intestinal cells. Patches of staining in hypodermal or intestinal nuclei is only rarely observed in very old adults. In most adults, staining reappears only in the mature oocyte nuclei of hermaphrodites at meiotic prophase I when the chromosomes are condensed. The oocyte nuclear staining disappears after fertilization. Quantitation of immunoblots show that the level of lin-14 protein relative to a pharyngeal myosin control decreases >= 25-fold from L1 to L2.  
    Expr878 Fluorescence was first seen in some embryonic cells after gastrulation. All expression was confined to nuclei. Several cells in the head and tail, most of which appeared to be neuronal, were fluorescent in larvae and adults. The expression in at least some of the cells varied with time. Authors observed strongest expression and most continuous expression (lasting into the adult) in the FLP cells. The two HSN cells were seen in comma-stage to 1.5-fold stage embryos. Sometimes saw egl-1(+)-dependent expression in cells in the normal HSN position in L1 and L2 larvae, but never in L3 or older animals. In addition to these cells, GFP fluorescence was also found in 11 pairs of ventral cord neurons in the late L1 stage but not later. As many as 10 cells also fluoresced in the heads of L1 larvae. One cell in the tail also fluoresced at hatching, and two additional cells fluoresced at the end of the L1 stage and the beginning of the L2 stage. All of these cells lost their fluorescence as the animals matured. Unexpectedly, the touch cells also expressed the gfp::egl-46 fusion. This expression was transient (mainly in L2 larvae) and much fainter than the expression in the FLP cells (the postembryonically derived AVM and PVM cells fluoresced strongest). Some PVM fluorescence was seen at the L3 stage. gfp::egl-46 was also expressed in the PVD neurons. egl-46 is expressed transiently in the Q lineages. All expression was confined to nuclei.
    Expr12269   GFP-tagged Anillin (GFP::ANI-1) accumulates at the cleavage furrow and in the midbody during cytokinesis.
    Expr11647 Time-lapse imaging analysis demonstrated that LIN-32::GFP is restricted in the nuclei during interphase and that LIN-32::GFP evenly distributed in the cytoplasm of dividing Q.a and Q.p cells. The dynamic distribution of LIN-32 during asymmetric cell division is consistent with the role of LIN-32 as a transcription factor. lin-32 starts its expression in Q neuroblasts and maintains the expression throughout Q neuroblast development. Interestingly, lin-32 shows distinct expression patterns between Q.a and Q.p lineages. After Q neuroblast division, Q.a and Q.p appear to have the similar level of LIN-32::GFP fluorescence. However, in the end of Q neuroblast development, Q.a progenies have approximately five or four folds higher expression of LIN-32::GFP than that of Q.p progenies in the right side or left side of the animals.  
    Expr11168 COR-1::GFP is enriched at the leading edge of the Q cell. Quantitative fluorescence analysis showed that the COR-1::GFP intensity was 1.7-fold as strong in the leading edge of migrating Q cells as in the lagging edge.  
    Expr11869 The toe-2 promoter (from -2 kb to the start codon). This promoter drove expression of GFP in the Q, Q.a and Q.p cells, in the daughters of Q.a and Q.p, and in the mature neurons A/PVM, SDQ and A/PQR.  
Lineage expression: sex myoblasts and their descandents.   Expr1463 Expression of mig-2::GFP was first detected in early embryos, prior to the onset of morphogenesis (~300 min after first cell cleavage). At this time, expression was seen in nearly every cell with the exception of the intestine. At hatching, many but not all cell types expressed the fusion protein. In particular, mig-2::GFP was expressed in cells that undergo long-range migration during embryogenesis, such as the neurons HSN, CAN, and ALM. Expression was quite strong in the Q cells and their descendants during their migrations in the first larval stage. Expression in these neurons persisted through development. Many mesodermal cells, such as the embryonic migratory cells Z1 and Z4, also expressed mig-2::GFP, although one migratory mesodermal cell, M, did not. Weaker mig-2::GFP expression was also seen in many nonmigratory neurons and epidermal cells; however, no expression was detected in the intestine or germ line. In older larvae and adult hermaphrodites, expression was seen in the vulva, distal tip cells of the gonad, and the sex myoblasts and their descendants. Similar patterns of expression were seen in two additional independently isolated transgenic lines. Throughout development, the fusion protein was clearly localized to the cell periphery (plasma membrane) in most cell types, and no asymmetric subcellular localization was reliably detected. Interestingly, some mig-2::GFP-expressing cells exhibited cytoplasmic as well as membrane-localized staining. These were the HSN neuron, the distal tip cells, the gonadal anchor cell, and the granddaughters of the Q cells.
In the absence of food expression is very high in arrested larvae and then fades by 8-12h post-feeding. See Table 2 in the article cgc3201 for the stage/tissue type expression patterns of this locus. Lineage expression: SM lineage. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr608 First detected at comma stage in pharyngeal primordium as pharyngeal muscles begin terminal differentiation. Strong expression is detected in most cells during late embryogenesis when cells are either differentiating or undergoing cell cycle arrest prior to hatching. At hatching and in L1 animals maintained in absence of food expression detected in Q, M, Z1, Z4 and V cells. Expression in these cells fades after feeding when cell division resumes. Strong expression is observed in many postmitotic neurons and muscle cells. Stronger expression is detected in newly differentiated cells and then gradually decreases. cki-1 also expressed in dauer larvae. 1. Lateral hyodermal V lineage: V cells show strong expression until they divide in the mid L1 (fluorescence decreases significantly). Seam cells express at quite high levels during resting phases between molts and at a reduced level during division. Expression increases at L4 (coincident with seam cell terminal differentiation). 2. sex myoblasts (SM)lineage: High level of expression observed during SM migration, reduced during SM division and high again as the sex muscles differentiate. 3. P lineage: L1-molt progeny of Pn.a neuroblasts express high levels of cki-1::gfp. 4. Somatic gonad: Expression in Z1 and Z4 diminishes prior to cell division in mid-L1. Strong expression in Z1.aa and Z4.pp, the distal tip cells, beginning in L2, undetectable in the rest of Z1/Z4 lineage until the late L3 and early L4. Expression in somatic gonad increases dramatically at the onset of terminal differentiation. 5. Intestine: After L1-molt expression in intestine is seen throughout the larval stages 6. Vulva precursor cells: cki-1::gfp expression first detected in vulva precursor cells (VPCs) in late L1 or early L2 and peaks at L2 molt.  
No detailed description on cellular expression pattern at later stages.   Expr1444 Between the 2-cell and 28-cell stages of embryogenesis, equal levels of POP-1 staining were detected in sister cells born from transverse cleavages. However, different levels of POP-1 stained in almost all pairs of sister cells resulting from an a/p cleavage. For example, in the AB lineage there are no POP-1 differences after the first two divisions, which are transverse, but there are differences after the third division, which is a/p. After the first a/p division in the AB lineage, as well as after a/p divisions in other lineages, authors invariably see higher levels of staining in the nucleus of the anterior sister than in the nucleus of its posterior sister. POP-1 asymmetry appears in interphase nuclei, then POP-1 staining diminishes and is not observed in prophase nuclei. The only anterior cell in which authors fail to detect POP-1 is the P4 blastomere. Heterogeneity in POP-1 staining is observed between many neighboring nuclei in embryos after the 28-cell stage. The descendants of the E lineage can be identified readily in fixed embryos at all stages; POP-1 asymmetry was found after the first, third, and fourth divisions of the E lineage, which are a/p. The second division of the E lineage is transverse (left/right), and symmetrical levels of POP-1 were found in both pairs of sister blastomeres. In late-stage embryos, POP-1 is prominent in the developing nervous system but absent from some other tissues like the hypodermis. In larvae during postembryonic development, POP-1 is present in the row of hypodermal cells, called seam cells, along the lateral surfaces of the body. POP-1 asymmetry is observed after the seam cells divide a/p; in each pair of sisters, POP-1 appears at higher levels in the anterior sister than in the posterior sister. In addition, POP-1 is detected in migratory cells called the Q neuroblasts and in the developing gonad and vulva. nucleus
    Expr14861 DPY-19::GFP is expressed in the QL and QR neuroblasts, the seam cells and the hypodermal syncytium hyp7.  
    Expr14864 We also used smFISH to examine the expression of cdh-4 and cdh-3. Consistent with transgenic reporter studies (Sundararajan et al., 2014), we observed cdh-4 mRNA spots in the Q neuroblasts, as well as a wide range of other cells, including the neighboring seam and P cells, ventral nerve cord neurons and cells in the head region. In contrast, we found that during the initial polarization and migration phase, cdh-3 was specifically expressed in the Q neuroblasts, with additional expression only in a few unidentified cells in the head. Similar to unc-40, there was no significant difference in expression between QL and QR. Moreover, for both cdh-3 and cdh-4, the expression level correlated with migration distance (cdh-3 QL, Spearman r = 0.5765, p < 0.0001, QR, Spearman r = -0.4838, p < 0.0004; cdh-4 QL, Spearman r = 0.3176, p < 0.03, QR, Spearman r = -0.5070, p < 0.0004), indicating that expression increases during polarization and migration.  
    Expr14865 We also used smFISH to examine the expression of cdh-4 and cdh-3. Consistent with transgenic reporter studies (Sundararajan et al., 2014), we observed cdh-4 mRNA spots in the Q neuroblasts, as well as a wide range of other cells, including the neighboring seam and P cells, ventral nerve cord neurons and cells in the head region. In contrast, we found that during the initial polarization and migration phase, cdh-3 was specifically expressed in the Q neuroblasts, with additional expression only in a few unidentified cells in the head. Similar to unc-40, there was no significant difference in expression between QL and QR. Moreover, for both cdh-3 and cdh-4, the expression level correlated with migration distance (cdh-3 QL, Spearman r = 0.5765, p < 0.0001, QR, Spearman r = -0.4838, p < 0.0004; cdh-4 QL, Spearman r = 0.3176, p < 0.03, QR, Spearman r = -0.5070, p < 0.0004), indicating that expression increases during polarization and migration.  
The expression pattern of this construct was similar in independent transgenic lines, but the subcellular localization of the PRY-1 GFP fusion protein differed, ranging from localization at the plasma membrane and in cytoplasmic dots to diffuse cytoplasmic and nuclear staining. This difference in subcellular localization may be a consequence of variations in expression levels of the fusion protein in different transgenic lines. For ease of cell identification, a transgenic line showing diffuse cytoplasmic and nuclear staining was selected. This transgene fully rescued the lethality, the multivulva phenotype, and the QR.d migration defect of pry-1(mu38 and nc1). This suggests that the PRY-1 GFP fusion protein is functional and is correctly expressed in cells in which PRY-1 is essential.   Expr1896 The pry-1 reporter gene is widely expressed throughout development. Expression starts halfway through embryogenesis and is mainly localized to the ventral and lateral hypodermal cells. At the early L1 stage, pry-1 is expressed at high levels in the lateral hypodermal cells (or seam cells) V5 and V6 and in the Q neuroblasts QL and QR. pry-1 is also expressed in the ventral hypodermal (P) cells P7/8 to P11/12, body wall muscle cells, and neurons in the head, the tail, and the ventral nerve cord. No differences in pry-1 expression levels between QL and QR was observed, but this may be a result of PRY-1 GFP overexpression. At the end of the L1 stage, pry-1 is expressed at high levels in all seam cells. Expression was also observed in the QL and QR daughter cells. At later larval stages, pry-1 is expressed at high levels throughout the animal, including hypodermal cells, body wall muscle cells, and many neurons in the ventral nerve cord and head and tail ganglia. In addition, pry-1 is expressed in the vulva precursor (Pn.p) cells and in the developing vulva and male tail.  

2 Life Stages

Remark Definition Other Name Public Name Primary Identifier
  The whole period of embryogenesis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, from the formation of an egg until hatching. embryo Ce WBls:0000003
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 620-800min(hatch) after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. A stage after elongation is over. The last stage of embryogenesis. Also called pre-hatched embryo, late embryo or morphogenetic embryo. fully-elongated embryo Ce WBls:0000021

2 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
embryonic cell ABplapapaa QV5L WBbt:0006017
One of a pair of lateral neuroblasts that migrate separately within the body cavity during larval stages to produce a variety of cell types. Q cell   WBbt:0008598