PKD-2::GFP transgenes fully rescue the male mating defect of pkd-2(sy606) null mutants. |
[pkd-2::gfp] translational fusion. |
pkd-2 is expressed in a subset of male-specific sensory neurons: four CEM neurons in the head, eight pairs of Ray B neurons (1-5 and 7-9, excluding R6B), and the HOB hook neuron in the tail. |
Each neuron that expresses PKD-2 has an exposed cilium at the distal ending of the dendrite. In these neurons, PKD-2::GFP localizes predominantly to cell bodies and cilia, and is also observed in small dendritic and axonal puncta. Within the ciliary region, PKD-2::GFP is distributed throughout the cilium, but primarily concentrated at the ciliary base, which corresponds to the distal-most dendrite and transition zone regions. |
Picture: Figure 3A. |
Expressed in male specific sensory neurons. |
Pcil-7::GFP was expressed in CEM, RnB, HOB, and IL2 neurons. |
The translational and functional CIL-7::GFP reporter localized to cell bodies (excluding nuclei), dendrites, axons, and the cilia and ciliary bases of the extracellular vesicle (EV)-releasing sensory neurons -CEM, RnB, HOB, and IL2. |
Pnphp-2::GFP was expressed in the ciliated sensory nervous system throughout development. In the adult, expression was evident in both hermaphrodite and male ciliated sensory neurons, including amphid, phasmid, and IL2 neurons. nphp-2 was also expressed in male specific ciliated sensory nervous system, including the CEM, RnB, and HOB neurons. Expression in the internal oxygen sensor neuron PQR was visible in the hermaphrodite, but could not be distinguished from the tail sensilla in the male. |
Pnphp-4::GFP is expressed in the amphid neurons in the head and the male-specific CEM neurons. Pnphp-4::GFP is expressed in both pairs of phasmids, the male-specific HOB and RnB neurons. |
CCPP-1::GFP was neuronally expressed in developing embryos (not shown) through adulthood in amphid and IL2 ciliated sensory neurons of the core nervous system, which males and hermaphrodites have in common. In the male-specific nervous system, CCPP-1::GFP was coexpressed with pkd-2 in CEM head neurons and the RnB and HOB neurons in the tail. CCPP-1::GFP was also expressed in some unidentified neurons and the gubernacular erector and retractor muscles in the male tail. CCPP-1::GFP was local- ized diffusely throughout neurons, including cilia, but excluded from the nucleus. CCPP-1::GFP was neuronally expressed in developing embryos (not shown) through adulthood in amphid and IL2 ciliated sensory neurons of the core nervous system, which males and hermaphrodites have in common. In the male-specific nervous system, CCPP-1::GFP was coexpressed with pkd-2 in CEM head neurons and the RnB and HOB neurons in the tail. CCPP-1::GFP was also expressed in some unidentified neurons and the gubernacular erector and retractor muscles in the male tail. CCPP-1::GFP was localized diffusely throughout neurons, including cilia, but excluded from the nucleus. |
ENPP-1::mScarlet showed a speckled presence in the EVNs, with accumulations in the cilia of the CEM and shared IL2 neurons in the head and ray RnB neurons in the male tail. ENPP-1::mScarlet was released in environmental EVs from both CEMs and IL2s. |
Picture: Fig. 4. |
OSM-9::GFP is localized to the cell body, but not cilia, of the polycystin neurons (CEM, HOB, RnB, where n = 1 to 9 except R6B) |
In the head of both males and hermaphrodites, the expression of the Ptbb-4::YFP transcriptional reporter was observed in many amphid neurons, likely ADL, AFD, ASE, ASG, ASH, ASJ, ASK, ASI, AWA, AWB, and AWC as judged by co-labeling with lipophilic dyes and/or cellular morphology. Other head neurons expressing Ptbb-4::YFP include the cephalic CEP neurons, the outer labial quadrant OLQ neurons, and the mechanosensory FLP neurons. In the midbody and tail, Ptbb-4::YFP expression was found in the PDE postdeirid neurons, PQR (a sensory neuron whose cilium is exposed to the pseudocoelomic fluid), and the phasmid neurons PHA and PHB. Ptbb-4::YFP was also expressed in all 18 ray neurons in the male, consistent with a previous report (Portman and Emmons 2004). Because of abundant ray neuron expression, Ptbb-4::YFP expression in male phasmid and hook neurons could not be reliably confirmed, although expression in these cells is not unlikely. We also observed Ptbb-4::YFP expression in the hermaphrodite HSN motor neurons, the vulval muscles, and several unidentified nonsensory neurons. Expression was also occasionally apparent in the amphid sheath (AMsh) and socket (AMso) glial cells. |
In the head, a Ptba-9::YFP transcriptional reporter showed expression in amphid neurons, likely to be ADF, AFD, ASE, ASI, AWA, and AWC, in addition to the OLQ and CEP neurons, the anterior and posterior deirid neurons ADE and PDE, the RIG interneuron, and several additional unidentified nonsensory neurons. In the posterior of both sexes, this reporter was expressed in two tail interneurons, likely DVA, DVB, and/or DVC, as well as the sensory neuron PQR. In the male tail, Ptba-9::mCherry was expressed in the hook HOA and the ray RnA neurons as judged by morphol- ogy, position, and lack of overlap with the RnB marker Ppkd-2::GFP. In the head, a Ptba-9::YFP transcriptional reporter showed expression in amphid neurons, likely to be ADF, AFD, ASE, ASI, AWA, and AWC, in addition to the OLQ and CEP neurons, the anterior and posterior deirid neurons ADE and PDE, the RIG interneuron, and several additional unidentified nonsensory neurons. In the posterior of both sexes, this reporter was expressed in two tail interneurons, likely DVA, DVB, and/or DVC, as well as the sensory neuron PQR. In the male tail, Ptba-9::mCherry was expressed in the hook HOA and the ray RnA neurons as judged by morphology, position, and lack of overlap with the RnB marker Ppkd-2::GFP. |
ADL (100%), ADF (100%), ASH (92%), RIC (88%), I2 (59%), PVR (35%), PVQ (72%), PVW (72%), HOB (25%), ray neurons (50%), protractor muscles (31%), intestine (100%), head muscle (6%). Percentages correspond to the fraction of animals examined that expressed GFP in the indicated neurons. Above 50% marked as certain, below as uncertain. |
Transgenic lines were generated by coinjection of the nlp::gfp construct (5070 ng/ul) and lin-15 rescue construct (pJM24,100 ng/ul) into lin-15(n765ts) animals. At least two independent transgenic lines were analyzed for each nlp gene; 510 animals were scored per line. 1,1'-Dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3 -tetramethylindodicarbocyanine perchlorate (Molecular Probes) was used to stain amphid and phasmid neurons to facilitate identification. |
Expressed in ASK, ADL, HOB, 6 head neurons, 2 tail neurons, I2, g1D, pm6L, pm6R, 2 RVG, processes in pharynx, intestine. |
In wild-type animals, the mab-21::gfp fluorescent signal was first observed in embryos at the beginning of gastrulation. The expressing cells were dorsal hyp 7 cells before their fusion. From this stage on, the signal could be detected in other larval and adult animals in tissues including hypodermal cells, a group of neuronal cells near the pharyngeal bulbs, neurons along the ventral nerve cord, some body wall muscles and the ray cells. Neuronal cells around the anal ganglia region identified as HOA, HOB in the males as well as PLM, PQR, and PVC. In addition to two unidentified anterior neurons, AVM and VA3 were also confirmed to express mab-21::gfp. The mab-21::gfp fusion transgene was expressed in neuron A of all rays, neuron B of rays 3 and 6 and more importantly, the structural cell of only ray 6. |
Expressed in ASE, PVT, RMG, I4, M4, pharyngeal muscle. Faint or variable expression observed in P8 and I2. Male specific expression in Rays 1, 5, 7, HOB. |
Picture: Figure 2B. stam-1, also called pqn-19. |
stam-1 is expressed in many tissues, including the pharyngeal intestinal valve, several head neurons, and phasmids in both males and hermaphrodites throughout development. In males, stam-1 expression is also observed in the gonad and sensory neurons in the tail. stam-1 and pkd-2 are clearly coexpressed in male-specific ciliated CEM, ray B-type (RnB), and hook HOB sensory neurons. |
PKD-2::DsRed2 localizes to cilia and cell bodies of ray, HOB, and CEM neurons. ATP-2::GFP clearly colocalizes with PKD-2::DsRed2 in CEM cilia. In rays and HOB, ciliary colocalization of ATP-2 and PKD-2 was ambiguous due to the expression of ATP-2::GFP in ray neurons, support cells, and hypodermis. |
Picture: Fig. 1B to 1D. |
Expression of both of these transgenes was observed specifically in the RnB, HOB and CEM neurons of the male, and nowhere in the hermaphrodite. |
The CWP-5::YFP fusion protein was clearly enriched in the sensory cilia of these neurons and was also detectable in the soma. |
PKD-2::GFP4 is expressed in the male-specific sensory neurons of the head (the CEMs), rays, and hook (HOB). |
KD-2(+)::GFP4 concentrates in sensory cilia and in a punctate pattern in neuronal cell bodies. Punctate pkd-2::gfp4 expression in ray neuronal cell bodies may be in RER or in Golgi. PKD-2::GFP4 accumulates in a ring around the ciliary transition zones, consistent with plasma membrane localization. |
The overall pattern of alpha-PKD-2 antibody staining is consistent with the expression of the pkd-2::gfp4 fusion gene, although there are a few differences. First, alpha -PKD-2 antibodies label only male-specific neurons, whereas pkd-2::gfp4 is additionally expressed in non-sex-, non-stage-specific nerve ring neurons and occasionally in ray structural cells. Second, alpha-PKD-2 antibodies also recognize axons of male-specific sensory neurons, whereas pkd-2::gfp4 is only weakly expressed in axons. pkd-2(sy606 deletion) mutant animals exhibited no immunoreactivity, demonstrating the specificity of our alpha-PKD-2 polyclonal antibody. |
The alpha-PKD-2 antibodies stained only male-specific sensory neurons in wild-type animals. Based on cell body positions, the PKD-2 protein is detected in the head CEMs, ray (except Ray 6), and hook HOB neurons of wild-type males. |
The alpha-PKD-2 antibodies labeled the entire neuron (cilia, dendrite, cell body, and axon). Cytoplasmic, nonnuclear staining in cell bodies and dendrites is punctate, suggesting that one pool of PKD-2 is located in intracellular membranes of the ER, Golgi apparatus, and/or transport vesicles while another is found in sensory cilia. |
Early in development, 1497pro-mab-3::gfp was expressed in head neurons of late embryos and L1 larvae of both sexes. Later in larval development, starting in L3, it was expressed in the lateral hypodermis (seam) in both sexes, and male-specifically in the nervous system, both in the head and tail, including the sensory ray neuroblasts R1-R9 in the tail. Initially there is some expression in the intestine of both sexes, but expression becomes male-specific by the adult stage, when vitellogenin transcription begins in hermaphrodites. Early in development, pro-mab-3::gfp was expressed in head neurons of late embryos and L1 larvae of both sexes. Later in larval development, starting in L3, it was expressed in the lateral hypodermis (seam) in both sexes, and male-specifically in the nervous system, both in the head and tail, including the sensory ray neuroblasts R1-R9 in the tail. Initially there is some expression in the intestine of both sexes, but expression becomes male-specific by the adult stage, when vitellogenin transcription begins in hermaphrodites. |
lov-1 and atp-2 are coexpressed in the tail ray B neurons and HOB hook neuron as well as the male-specific CEM head neurons. |
ATP-2::GFP is found in a broad range of tissue types, making it difficult to ascertain ciliary localization. To look more carefully at ATP-2 subcellular localization, we examined colocalization of ATP-2 and PKD-2. LOV-1 and PKD-2 exhibit identical subcellular localization patterns. PKD-2::DsRed2 localizes to cilia and cell bodies of ray, HOB, and CEM neurons. ATP-2::GFP clearly colocalizes with PKD-2::DsRed2 in CEM cilia. In rays and HOB, ciliary colocalization of ATP-2 and PKD-2 was ambiguous due to the expression of ATP-2::GFP in ray neurons, support cells, and hypodermis. |
In the wild-type, PKD-2::GFP localizes throughout neuronal cell bodies and in small, discrete puncta in cilia of male-specific CEM, RnB, and HOB neurons. In wild-type rays, PKD-2::GFP normally localizes to ciliated endings on dendrites of RnB neurons. In the head of a wild-type male, PKD-2::GFP normally localizes to the ciliary transition zone and small, finger-like ciliary projections emanating from the transition zone of the four CEM neurons. |
klp-6 is expressed in the male-specific sensory neurons of the rays (RnBs, n = 1-9 but not 6), hook (HOB), and head (CEMs). klp-6 is also expressed in the IL2 head sensory neurons of males and hermaphrodites. |
Genomic and cDNA fusions (gKLP-6::GFP and cKLP-6::GFP, respectively) are expressed in an identical cell-specific pattern and give equivalent localization patterns. KLP-6::GFP is observed throughout the neuron in the cell body, axon, dendrite, and cilium, and it is excluded from the nucleus. |
Pnphp-1::GFP is expressed in both male and hermaphrodite. Pnphp-1::GFP is expressed in the amphid neurons in the head and the male-specific CEM neurons. Pnphp-1::GFP is also expressed in the male and hermaphrodite tail. Pnphp-1::GFP is expressed in the ADL amphid neurons, both pairs of phasmids, the male-specific HOB and RnB neurons, and a subset of the postcloacal sensillae neurons. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
A 6.7-kb fusion (LOV-1::GFP1) and a 15.4-kb fusion lacking only 58 amino acids (LOV-1::GFP5) direct expression in male-specific sensory neurons. Shorter versions of lov-1::gfp1 are not expressed in the same set of male-specific neurons, nor do they act as dominant negatives. lov-1::gfp1 and lov-1::gfp5 are expressed in male-sensory neurons, specifically the CEM neurons, the hook neuron HOB, and the sensory ray neurons. Expression begins during late L4 lethargus and peaks in the adult male. |
LOV-1::GFP1 is localized at high levels in the cell body (punctate cytoplasmic expression) and ciliated endings, whereas LOV-1::GFP5 is found exclusively in cell bodies. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. The basodendritic localization of PKD-2::GFP2 (which contains membrane-spanning regions) is identical to that of LOV-1::GFP1. |
PKD-2 is localized to the same male-specific sensory neurons as LOV-1. Rarely, very faint non-sex- and non-stage-specific expression of pkd-2::gfp1 is observed in nerve-ring cell bodies. Expression of pkd-2::gfp1 (which lacks transmembrane domains) is uniform throughout the HOB, ray and CEM neurons. |
cell body |
A 2.8 kb promoter of cysl-1 drove GFP expression mainly in the nervous system of adult hermaphrodites. The cysl-1::GFP expression pattern was similar for the transcriptional and translational reporters. GFP was observed in subsets of pharyngeal neurons, amphid sensory neurons and tail neurons, starting from late embryonic stages and persisting into adults. We identified GFP-positive cells as the AVM sensory neuron, the BDU interneurons, and the pharyngeal I1 interneurons and M2 motor neurons, based on their characteristic processes and nuclear positions. GFP in body wall muscles, hypoderm, and intestine was present in larvae but only weakly detectable in adult animals. |