Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
The longest construct, containing 10 kb of 5 upstream region from the first lin-3 exon, expresses lin-3::gfp in pharynx; spermathecal-uterine junction core cells and later in the spermatheca valve; pre-anchor (AC)/ventral uterine precursor (VU) cells and later in the anchor cell in the somatic gonad; vulF cells of the primary vulval lineage cells; and F, U and some of the B progeny cells in the male tail. This expression pattern was not affected by the different genetic backgrounds (dpy-20, pha-1 and unc-119) rescued by the corresponding co-injected rescue plasmids, implying that the gfp expression pattern is established by the lin-3 regulatory region. LIN-3 expression in different cells was temporally distinct as well. Expression in the pharynx was observed throughout post-embryonic stages. Spermathecal-uterine junction core cells, which later form the spermatheca valve, started expressing lin-3::gfp at the late L3 larval stage. |
Both YFP::LNKN-1 and LNKN-1::YFP are similarly localized to the plasma membrane of many cells. LNKN-1 begins to be expressed in all somatic gonadal cells of the male, including the LC, the vas deferens precursor cells, and seminal vesicle precursor cells, starting in the early L3 stage and continuing through adulthood. It is also expressed in all somatic gonadal cells of the hermaphrodite, including the distal tip cells, anchor cell, uterine precursor cells, and spermatheca precursor cells. Other expression occurs in pharynx, pharyngeal-intestinal valve, intestine, excretory cell and canal, seam cells, a specialized subset of hypodermal cells, the vulval precursor cells of the hermaphrodite, and hook precursor cells in the male. YFP-tagged LNKN-1 is localized to the plasma membrane, exhibiting stronger localization to the sides of cell-cell contact in tissues such as the intestine, seam, and gonad. |
Picture: Fig 6. |
Apart from cells in the neuroblast lineage that generate ASE, nhr-67::mCherry was expressed in multiple other neuroblast lineages in the developing embryo. Expression was usually observed in the grandmother or mother of a neuron, but not earlier. Within the ASEL and ASER-generating lineage branches, nhr-67 was expressed in neuroblasts that generate closely or distantly related cousins of ASEL and ASER. For example, the sister neuroblast of the ASE-generating neuroblast creates the AUA and ASJ neurons and it expressed nhr-67. The cousin of the ASE-mother cell generates the AWB and ADF sensory neurons. nhr-67 was expressed in these cells. In late stage embryos, a few other, postmitotic neurons started to express nhr-67. Embryonic nhr-67 expression was not restricted to the nervous system, but was observed in a small subset of mesodermal and hypodermal cells. No expression was detected in endodermal cells or the germ line. nhr-67 was expressed in the excretory canal cell. Postembryonically, nhr-67 expression persisted only in a few neurons in the head ganglia until the first larval stage and faded shortly thereafter in most, but not all, of these neurons, with expression persisting through adulthood only in the CEPD/V, RMED/V, AVL and RIS neurons. During mid-larval development, nhr-67 was transiently and dynamically expressed in the AC cells of the vulva. Expression was also found in the VU cells and somatic gonad, but not in vulA, vulB or vulC. Within the ASEL/R generating lineages, nhr-67::mCherry was first observed in the grandmother cells of ASEL and ASER. Transgenic animals that co-express a functional nhr-67::mCherry reporter and a functional che-1::yfp reporter revealed that nhr-67 precedes che-1 expression. nhr-67 expression was maintained in the ASEL and ASER neurons until the first larval stage after which it became undetectable, whereas che-1 expression was maintained throughout the life of the animal. In spite of its genetically deduced role in asymmetric gene expression in ASEL and ASER, nhr-67 expression is bilaterally symmetric in ASEL and ASER. |
Picture: Fig 3, Fig S1, S2, S3. |
The expression pattern of MADD-2::GFP in animals carrying trIs31 was characterized in detail and is similar to the pattern observed in animals carrying trIs32. Weak MADD-2::GFP expression was first observed in the ventral blast cells during late gastrulation, followed by stronger expression in the overlying ventral hypodermal blast cells during enclosure. MADD-2::GFP expression can also be seen in myoblasts at the two-fold stage of development and persists in the BWMs throughout the life of the animal. From the three-fold stage of embryonic development, MADD-2::GFP is localized to the right side of the ventral hypodermal ridge and to the left side of the dorsal hypodermal ridge, where the ventral and dorsal major nerve cords, respectively, reside. MADD-2::GFP is also expressed in the vulval muscles, the anchor cell, the six ventral uterine precursor cells, the lateral seam cells, and the ray precursor cells and their descendents in males. Other ectodermal derivatives that express MADD-2::GFP include the hermaphrodite-specific neurons (HSNs), and some Q cell descendents, including the AVM, PVM, SDQr, and SDQl neurons. |
Authors also expressed CFP-tagged MADD-2 in select body muscles by using the him-4 promoter. The him-4 promoter drives expression in the distal BWMs of each quadrant and not within the nervous system. In these transgenic animals, MADD-2::CFP is localized to the dense bodies and the muscle arm termini in a pattern that recapitulates MADD-2::GFP localization in strains carrying trIs31. Transgenic BWMs that are surrounded by nontransgenic cells show nearby localization of MADD-2::GFP at the hypodermal ridge, suggesting that MADD-2 is localized postsynaptically and not within axons. Within the BWMs, MADD-2::GFP is localized to the dense bodies that anchor thin fila ments to the extracellular matrix. |
No detailed description on expression pattern in other life stages.. Picture: Fig. 1G, 1H. |
This reporter was expressed at low levels in the early somatic gonadal lineage. Prominent expression was first seen in and Z4.ap, and their descendants. In the L3 stage, the F12E12.5 reporter was expressed in ventral and dorsal uterine precursors. Reporter expression was not seen in early embryos, perhaps due to the limited sequences used to generate the reporter. |
GFP was observed in the M cell in the L1 and in all Mv cell daughters giving rise to the sex muscles in the L4. The GFP was occasionally maintained in vulval muscle cell nuclei into the adult. GFP expression was also seen in muscles in the head, in vulval and uterine precursors in L2s and L3s, and in several neurons in the head and ventral nerve cord from L2 to adult. There was also GFP expression in the intestine but this was inconsistent. (The images are of strain UL4037 which exhibited broader and stronger expression than UL3567, which had very weak GFP expression). |
Data from the TransgeneOme project |
Focusing on larval development, we found that LIN-12::mNG::3xFlag was expressed in all postembryonic mesoderm progenitor cells at the 4M and 8M stages, but was only localized to the nucleus in ventral M-lineage cells, consistent with functions in dorsoventral patterning of the M lineage (Foehr & Liu, 2008). LIN-12::mNG::3xFlag was subsequently visible in somatic gonad cells and in several PN.p cells where lin-12 regulates cell fates (reviewed by Sternberg, 2005). LIN-12::mNG::3xFlag was visible at the cell membrane and in internalized punctae in the P3.p - P8.p cells but localized to the nucleus only in P5.p and P7.p. Following vulval precursor cell patterning, LIN-12::mNG::3xFlag was highly expressed in numerous somatic gonad cells, with nuclear localization in several spermatheca and uterine precursor cells. |
VAB-23::GFP was expressed in the AC, the vulval cells, in the ventral and dorsal uterine cells, the seam cells, the vulval muscle cells, a small cluster of unidentified tail cells, and some ventral cord neurons. Vulval expression of VAB-23::GFP was observed predominantly in the 1° lineage beginning at the time of induction and persisting until adulthood. Even thoughVAB-23::GFP was initially expressed at low levels in all VPCs, expression was downregulated in the 2° lineage during induction and persisted at low levels in the tertiary (3°) cells. VAB-23::GFP continued to be strongly expressed in the VulE and VulF cells of L4 larvae during vulval morphogenesis, although relatively weaker expression was also observed in VulC and VulD at this later stage. |
lin-12(1in_1408) displayed a highly differentiated, characteristic expression pattern in the VPC lineages. The expression was already evident in comma-stage embryos. Several glowing cells of different types were seen along the anteroposterior body axis at the twofold embryonic stage. At the L1 stage, lin-12(1in_1408) was expressed in all Pn.p cells. Some unidentified cells in the head and tail regions were also gfp-positive at this stage. By the early L2 stage, lin-12(1in_1408) expression remained strong only in the P(3-8).p cells. Unlike the other Pn.p cells, they remain unfused with the hypodermal syncytium, thereby retaining their competence to differentiate into a vulval cell type. After vulval induction at the early L3 stage, lin-12(1in_1408) was strongly expressed in P5.p and P7.p, the two VPCs that adopt 2nd vulval fates, but weakly detectable in the other VPCs, P(3-4,6,8).p. As shown earlier (Wilkinson and Greenwald, 1995; 276 Levitan and Greenwald, 1998), lin-12 expression remained on in the P5.p and P7.p granddaughters by the late L3 stage. In addition to the P5.p and P7.p descendants, we found obvious fluorescence in the daughters of other VPCs, and even in the P6.p granddaughters [the daughters of P(3,4,8).p fuse with the hypodermis]. Nevertheless, expression of lin-12(1in_1408) was constantly intense in the P5.p and P7.p lineages, as compared with other VPC lineages. At the L2 and early L3 stages, lin-12(1in_1408) is also expressed in the two AC/VU precursors. Later, when lin-12(1in_1408) expression became increased in P5.p and P7.p relative to the other VPCs, transgene activity was seen in the presumptive VU cell, but not in the AC. During the L4 stage, expression of lin-12(1in_1408) was gradually lost from the P6.p lineage; only the P(5,7).p descendants retained GFP fluorescence in the developing vulval tissue. It is worth to note that lin-12(1in_1408) was also active in certain hypodermal and intestinal cells throughout larval development, presumably due to background expression of the vector. In adult hermaphrodites, lin-12(1in_1408) expression could not be detected. The only exception was presented by a few unidentified cells in the posterior body part, probably due to background expression. |
sex-1 is expressed broadly in the hermaphrodite gonad, including pre-VU cells and AC. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
In the vicinity of the developing vulva, consistent mom-2::gfp expression was observed in the anchor cell. Some transgenic lines also expressed GFP in ventral uterine cells near the anchor cell (VU and descendants), HSN neurons, ventral cord neurons, and VPC granddaughters P5.ppa, P5.ppp, P7.paa, and P7.pap. |
nhr-67::gfp was expressed at all postembryonic stages in neurons of the head. nhr-67::gfp expression was not observed in uterine or vulval precursor in embryos or L1 larvae. In the L2 stage, nhr-67::gfp expression was observed in the 4 pre-VU precursor cells (Z1.ppa, Z1.ppp,, Z4.aap) that become the AC and the three VU cells that give rise to the ventral uterus. Expression of nhr-67::gfp in the 4 pre-VU precursor cells appeared at or shortly after their birth. In the mid- to late-L2 stage, expression of nhr-67::gfp in the three VU cells decreased, while remaining at high levels (or possibly increasing) in the AC. During the L3 and early L4 stages, consistent and continual bright nhr-67::gfp expression was observed in the AC and more variable weak levels of expression were found in the six adjacent pi cells. nhr-67::gfp expression was very rarely detected in all 12 pi cells after their dorsal-ventral division. From early L4 through adulthood, weak expression of nhr-67::gfp was observed in all 8 UTSE cells or syncytium, suggesting that expression is turned off in all pi cells after their division and then re-expressed later in UTSE. Expression of nhr-67::gfp was observed in the UTSE before AC fusion. Bright expression of nhr-67::gfp in the AC nucleus was not observed after mid-L4, indicating that it is reduced after fusion of the AC with the UTSE syncytium. |
In the somatic gonad, GFP::HLH-2 was expressed at low levels in the Z1/Z4 somatic gonadal precursor cells at the L1 stage. During the time of the AC/VU decision, GFP::HLH-2 was expressed in both pre-AC and pre-VU cells, and after the AC/VU decision, GFP::HLH-2 was reduced in the VU and its descendants. GFP::HLH-2 persisted in the AC through the time of invasion. |
CDC-42 is expressed broadly in the developing uterine and vulval cells, including the AC. |
The authors observed that a fos-1a translational fusion is expressed throughout the VU intermediate prescursor cells, including pi cells. |
plastFOS-1c::YFP showed expression primarily in the early dorsal and ventral uterus during L3 and L4 stages. Importantly, expression was observed in all VU intermediate precursors including pi cells. Furthermore, the authors confirmed that plastFOS-1c::YFP co-localized with cells expressing an egl-13 pi marker from the late L3 induction stage through generation of pi descendants. |
lag-1::YFP is expressed in the pre-AC/pre-VU cells before specification. It is also expressed in VU cells, but not the AC, after specification. |