

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  Neuron, presynaptic in ring, ending in head Name  URBR
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0004930 Synonym  lineage name: ABpraapaapa

1 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
nucleus of pedigree ABpraapaapa ABpraapaapa nucleus   WBbt:0002923

0 Expression Clusters

48 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
F22A3.3 = glr-8   Expr823 I1, I2, MC, NSM, M3 (left/right), I3, MI M4, M3 (left/right), I6, M5, BDU, ALM, PLM, URB (left/right)  
    Expr13164 For lgc-38, all expressing cells shown are observed with the 3.5 kb reporter fusion, except for OLL, which only expresses the 3.9 kb fusion; URA expresses both.  
    Expr14590 Embryonic expression of exc-7 was first observed at the bean stage. By reverse lineaging with use of SIMI-Biocell software, we confirm the identity of one of the expressing cells at this stage as the excretory canal cell. In L1 animals, broad expression in the head, ventral nerve cord (VNC), and tail was observed. In young adults, expression is notably observed in vulva cells. In the nervous system specifically, expression is observed in many neurons throughout the body, but unlike Drosophila Elav, exc-7::gfp it is not panneuronally expressed. We confirmed previously reported expression in cholinergic VNC MNs, but absence of GABAergic VNC MNs, consistent with previous reports (Fujita et al., 1999; Loria et al., 2003) and consistent with exc-7 functioning in cholinergic, but not GABAergic neurons to control alternative splicing (Norris et al., 2014). exc-7::gfp is also expressed in some non-neuronal cell types, including muscle and hypodermis, but not in the gut. A previous report showed that exc-7 is only transiently and weakly expressed in the excretory cell, which, based on exc-7's excretory mutant phenotype, has puzzled researchers (Fujita et al., 2003). We find that the gfp tagged exc-7 locus is strongly and continuously expressed in the excretory canal cell.  
    Expr15436 unc-17(3k)  
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr733 Staining is seen in a set of 47 nuclei in fixed newly hatched first larval stage (L1). All stained cells are neurons. Hermaphrodite express in cells. RIH, RIR, PVR, IL2L/R, URYVL/R, RIPL/R, AIZL/R, FLPL/R, ADAL/R, RMGL/R, BPUL/R, PLML/R, ALML/R, ALNL/R, HSNL/R, URBL/R, NSML/R, URADL/R, IL2DL/R, I2L/R, IL2VL/R, URAVL/R, URXL/R, AIML/R, URYDL/R, PQR, PVM, SDQL/R, PVDL/R, PHCL/R, PLNL/R. Male cells express as in hermaphrodite except for HSNL/R which die, and show expression in CEMDL/R, CEMVL/R which die in hermaphrodites. Expression pattern is first determined in the Q lineage. Once expression has been initiated in a cell, it is maintained by that cell and all of its descendants in all cases except for SDQ.  
    Expr9444 nlg-1 is expressed in a subset of neurons in C. elegans adults, including ~20 cells in the ventral nerve cord and ~20 cells in the head. The nlg-1-expressing cells in the ventral nerve cord were identified as the cholinergic VA and DA motor neurons. Authors also identified the two AIY and two URB interneurons and the four URA motor neurons in the head, and the two PVD mechanosensory and two HSN motor neurons in the body, as nlg-1-expressing cells. Finally, faint Pnlg-1::YFP expression was also observed in body wall muscles. Bright punctate staining was observed in dendritic (postsynaptic) regions. Clear punctate staining was also observed in presynaptic regions of each neuronal type. For example, in the DA9 motor neuron, bright NLG-1::YFP puncta were present in the ventral postsynaptic domain, and dimmer puncta were present in the dorsal presynaptic region. Puncta were excluded from the synapse-poor region between the cell body and dorsal presynaptic region and from the anterior asynaptic region of the dorsal process. To further study the punctate staining in the presynaptic region, NLG-1::YFP localization was examined in animals expressing the tagged synaptic vesicle protein mCherry::RAB-3 in DA9. In the dorsal axon, NLG-1::YFP puncta partially colocalized with puncta containing mCherry::RAB-3, suggesting that NLG-1::YFP localization is perisynaptic. Sub-cellular localization within the body wall muscle: Muscle cell membrane +/- Muscle arms
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8677 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in anterior arcades, posterior arcades. Weak or rare expression in pm2, pm3, pm4, pm5, pm6, pm7, pm8, mc1, g1, g2, rectal gland cells, rectal epithelial cells. Expression in the nervous system: Phsh, AVK, DVC (early larva), PVR, SIB (early larva), URB, I3. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in gonad sheath, uterus, vulval muscle. In developing larva stage, expressed in vulva. Neuronal expression of inx-9 appears around three-fold stage. The rectal gland expresses inx-9 during early larval stages. inx-9 is expressed in adult hermaphrodite sex muscles. inx-9 was expressed at high levels in arcade cells starting around two-fold stage continuing throughout development and adulthood.  
Picture: N.A.   Expr8674 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in pharyngeal epithelium, pm1, pm2, pm3, pm4, mc2. Weak or rare expression in pm6, vir. Expression in the nervous system: AVD, AVK, RIS, URB. Pharyngeal and neuronal expression of inx-6 start around threefold stage, and some of the expression in head and tail neurons disappears after L1 stage.  
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8671 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in pharyngeal epithelium, pm5, pm6, pm7, pm8, g2, rectal gland cells. Weak or rare expression in anterior arcades, posterior arcades, pm2, pm3, pm4, M3, MC, intestine, rectal epithelial cells. Expression in the nervous system: CEPsh, ALN, ASn, CAN, DAn, DBn, DDn, DVA, DVB, HSN, PDE, PLM, PVQ, PVR, PVT, URB, VAn, VBn, VDn, M3, MC. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in spermatheca, vulval muscle, HSN. In developing larva stage, expressed in vulval muscle, uterine muscle, HSN. inx-3 was expressed broadly during early embryogenesis. After the beginning of morphogenesis, inx-3 expression becomes more restricted to the pharynx, hypodermis, and intestine. By three-fold stage inx-3 expression appears in ventral cord motor neurons (strongest in DA neurons) along with continued strong pharyngeal expression. By hatching, its hypodermal expression disappears, while postembryonically born ventral cord motor neurons express it at low levels. Its pharyngeal (strong) and neuronal (faint) expressions continue to adulthood.  
Picture: N.A.   Expr8675 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in pm5, MC. Weak or rare expression in pharyngeal epithelium, pm1, pm2, pm3, pm4 pm6, pm7, pm8, g1, g2, rectal gland cells. Expression in the nervous system: ADE, AIY, ALM, ALN, AVA, AVK, AVM, BDU, CAN, DAn, DVA, DVB, DVC, FLP, HSN, LUA, PLM, PLN, PVC, PVM, PVP, PVQ, PVT, PVW, RID, RIS, SDQ, URB, MC. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in HSN. Faint hypodermal expression of inx-7 is seen around two-fold stage and becomes stronger by threefold stage.  
Neuronal gene expression pattern from collation by Shawn Lockery of neuron-specific promotors posted 20/04/98 (http://chinook.uoregon.edu). Since cell AS is listed under 'body' in the pattern, it presumably means the AS.1-11 ventral cord neurons rather than the AS amphid neurons.[sdm-curator]   Expr320 head: IL2 URA URB SAA SAB SIA SIB SMB SMD RMD AIY, sev more; phar: M1 M2 M5 I1f I6f, others; body: VA VB VC DA DB AS SDQ HSNf; tail: ALN PLN others [J. Duerr (personal communication to Shawn Lockery)], antibody  
Other Strain: OH13840   Expr14090 PVQ, OLL, URB, AIY, ADA, BDU  
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8694 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in M5, I1, I3, I6, NSM. Weak or rare expression in posterior arcades. Expression in the nervous system: Phsh, ADA, ADE, ADL, AIN, AIY, ALM, AUA, AVA, AVD, AVH, AVJ, AVK, AVM, AWB, BDU, CAN, CEP, DAn, DBn, DDn, DVB, DVC, FLP, HSN, IL1, IL2, LUA, OLL, PDA, PDB, PDE, PHA, PHB, PHC, PLM, PLN, PVC, PVD, PVM, PVN, PVP, PVQ, PVR, PVT, PVW, RIB, RIC, RIF, RIP, RIS, RME, SDQ, SIA (early larva), SIB (early larva), SMB (early larva), SMD (early larva), URA, URB, VAn, VBn, VCn, VDn, M5, I1, I6, NSM. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in vulval muscle, uterine muscle, HSN, VCn. In developing larva stage, expressed in HSN, VCn, and anchor cell.  

11 Life Stages

Remark Definition Other Name Public Name Primary Identifier
  The whole period of embryogenesis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, from the formation of an egg until hatching. embryo Ce WBls:0000003
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 620-800min(hatch) after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. A stage after elongation is over. The last stage of embryogenesis. Also called pre-hatched embryo, late embryo or morphogenetic embryo. fully-elongated embryo Ce WBls:0000021
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 350-620min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The stage that embryo starts elongation until elongation is over. elongating embryo Ce WBls:0000015
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 290-350min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Proliferate from 421 cells to 560 cells. The stage when embryo just finished gastrulation and is enclosing. enclosing embryo Ce WBls:0000013
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 0-350min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Proliferate from 1 cell to 560 cells. From start of first cleavage until cleavage is over. proliferating embryo Ce WBls:0000004
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 390-420min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo looks like a comma. A stage between bean embryo and 1.5-fold embryo. comma embryo Ce WBls:0000017
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 460-520min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo is elongated and double fold. A stage between 1.5-fold embryo and 3-fold embryo. 2-fold embryo Ce WBls:0000019
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 520-620min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo is elongated and tripple fold. A stage between 2-fold embryo and fully-elongated embryo. Also called pretzel embryo or pretzel stage. 3-fold embryo Ce WBls:0000020
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 420-460min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo is elongated and fold back 50%. A stage between comma embryo and 2-fold embryo. 1.5-fold embryo Ce WBls:0000018
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 350-390min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. Emrbyo elongation started but have not formed comma shape yet. The shape of embryo looks like a lima bean. A stage right before comma embryo. Also called lima embryo or lima bean stage. bean embryo Ce WBls:0000016
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 210-350min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Proliferate from 421 cells to 560 cells. The stage before the fast cleavage of cells finishes. late cleavage stage embryo Ce WBls:0000014

4 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
neuron with its cell body situated in the head, excluding the pharynx. head neuron   WBbt:0006751
embryonic cell ABpraapaap   WBbt:0006373
Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated laterally, anteriorly to the nerve ring. URB   WBbt:0006845
portion of anterior ganglion of somatic nervous system that is near or posteior to the metacorpus of pharynx. anterior ganglion (post)   WBbt:0005371