

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  Neuron class of one sensory neuron, basal body, not part of a sensillum, projects into preanal gangion. Name  PQR
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0004096 Synonym  lineage name: QL.ap

1 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
nucleus of pedigree QL.ap QL.ap nucleus   WBbt:0002622

15 Expression Clusters

Regulated By Treatment Description Algorithm Primary Identifier
  Transcripts that showed significantly altered expression at URX, AQR, and PQR neurons in camt-1(ok515) animals comparing to in wild type AX1888-1 strain. RNA-seq data were mapped using PRAGUI - a Python 3-based pipeline for RNA-seq data analysis. WBPaper00061902:camt-1(ok515)_regulated_URX-AQR-PQR
  Top 300 transcripts enriched in ADE, AQR, BAG, CEP, FLP, IL1 neuron, IL2 neuron, OLL, OLQ, PDE, PHA, PHB, PQR, PVR according to single cell RNAseq. Top 300 enriched transcripts were determined by log2.ratio of the tpm in the cell type vs the tpm in the other cells * the log2 of the cell.type tpm. WBPaper00061340:Ciliated_non_amphid_neuron
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 125 expressed in: AFD. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:125
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 126 expressed in: ASG. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:126
  Transcripts enriched in PQR according to single cell RNAseq. Genes that pass the Bonferroni threshold for multiple comparisons (q < 0.05) are significantly enriched. WBPaper00061651:PQR_enriched
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 132 expressed in: RMG. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:132
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 39_2 expressed in neuron. scVI 0.6.0 WBPaper00065841:39_2
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 129 expressed in: M5. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:129
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 123 expressed in: I5; I4. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:123
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 127 expressed in: IL1 and subpopulation of OLL. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:127
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 130 expressed in: ALA. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:130
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 131 expressed in: SDQ and subpopulation of NSM. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:131
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 122 expressed in: URX_AQR_PQR. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:122
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 124 expressed in: Embryonic cells. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:124
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 128 expressed in: RME. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:128

125 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
Picture: Fig. 4.   Expr4888 In larvae and adults, pQC105 reveals mnm-2 promoter activity in the M3 cells of the pharynx, extrapharyngeal neurons in the head, including URX, and the PQR tail neurons.  
Picture: Fig. 4.   Expr4889 pQC106, with the 3.0 kb promoter, showed expression in the same cells as pQC105 and also in rectal cells, vulva cells, the spermatheca-uterine valve and in body wall muscle cells and neurons of the ventral nerve cord.  
    Expr4684 GFP expression was detected at most developmental stages, with the spatial expression depending on the developmental stage of the animal. Neuronal expression of hlh-29 was detected in larvae and adults in both amphid and phasmid sockets, in the ALA and PVT neurons, in the chemosensory and mechanosensory neurons, ASI, ASK, PHA, and PQR, and in neurons of the anterior pharyngeal bulb. Weaker expression was also detected in the ASG chemosensory neurons in some transgenic lines. L1 animals show strong expression of hlh-29 in intestinal cells, and weaker expression in the rectal glands and the pharyngeal muscle cell PM1. By L3 stage, intestinal expression of the hlh-29::GFP is limited to the posterior intestinal cells, and PM1 expression is no longer detected. Expression is also detected in the ventral posterior coelomocytes in the later L3-stage larvae, and in the spermatheca and vulval muscles of L4 and adult animals.  
A translational DYF-2::GFP fusion was found to be localized only in cilia of CSN, thus precluding a confirmation of the cellular expression pattern obtained with the transcriptional dyf-2::gfp fusion or any further cell identification.   Expr4204 dyf-2::gfp expression was observed in only a subset of the ciliated sensory neuron (CSN) class in the worm. GFP signal was observed in seven out of twelve neurons of the amphids, including ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, ADL (ciliated neurons that fill with the fluorescent dye DiI) plus two hitherto unidentified amphid neurons. In addition, GFP expression was observed in the phasmid CSN and in neurons identified as AQR and PQR (asymmetric CSN in the head and tail, respectively). No or only very occasional GFP signal was detected in other CSN anterior to the nerve ring in the head of the worm.  
    Expr4540 Expressed in AQR, PQR, URXL/R.  
    Expr11223 egl-13 started to be expressed after Q.a divisions and GFP fluorescence reached the maximum level in Q.ap upon differentiation. By contrast, the GFP signal was barely detected in the Q.p lineage, and the mCherry fluorescence in Q cells did not change during Q cell development. egl-13 was continuously expressed in A/PQR during larval development, indicating that EGL-13 can be involved in neuronal fate initiation and maintenance.  
    Expr14413 A GFP reporter under the control of 1,566 bp of rabs-5 upstream regulatory sequence (rabs-5p::GFP) is expressed predominantly in ciliated cells, including all dye-filling amphid and phasmid neurons, male tail ray neurons and the PQR neuron (weaker expression). No apparent differences in rabs-5p::gfp expression were found in L1 vs. adult worms.  
    Expr12765 nekl-1p::gfp is expressed almost exclusively in a subset of ciliated cells, with little or no obvious expression in non-ciliated cells. These cells included all of the ciliated cells in the nematode tail (PHA/B, PQR), and a subset of amphid channel cells in the nematode head.  
    Expr9983 Pnphp-2::GFP was expressed in the ciliated sensory nervous system throughout development. In the adult, expression was evident in both hermaphrodite and male ciliated sensory neurons, including amphid, phasmid, and IL2 neurons. nphp-2 was also expressed in male specific ciliated sensory nervous system, including the CEM, RnB, and HOB neurons. Expression in the internal oxygen sensor neuron PQR was visible in the hermaphrodite, but could not be distinguished from the tail sensilla in the male.  
    Expr3037 The 5' untranslated region directed expression to a small subset of sensory cells that are ciliated. GFP signal was observed in the multiple ciliated amphid neurons in the head and both ciliated phasmid neurons (PHA and PHB) in the tail. Expression was also detected in other ciliated sensory neurons, including the inner and outer labial neurons and male tail ray neurons. GFP fluorescence was also detected in the midbody PDE ciliated neuron and PQR ciliated tail neuron.  
    Expr9325 Synaptogyrin is expressed in all 26 GABAergic neurons including also RMER and most though not all other neurons. Synaptogyrin is absent in amphids and phasmids and can be detected in non-neuronal glial-like sheath cells in adult worms. The cephalic neurons CEPDR/L and CEPVR/L and amphid-associated sheath cells CEPshDR/L, CEPshVR/L were tentatively positive. Several other neurons that could be tentatively identified in the anterior part are MI, M4, I4, AVL, AIY, RIS, I5, M3R/L, and in the posterior part DVA, AS11, ALNR/L, DVC, DVB, PQR, DA9 (characteristic axonal process denoted by arrowhead), VD13, DD6, VD12. Of these, AVL, RIS, VD13, DD6 and VD12 are GABAergic based on the colocalization with the unc-47p::GFP reporter. In addition, IL neurons were tentatively identified in the anterior (IL*). Synaptogyrin reporter constructs are also expressed in developing neurons. The expression of sng-1p::YFP is closely associated with the development of the nervous system being absent in the gastrula stage with first fluorescence in neuronal precursor cells and newly-formed neurons in the anterior part during the 1.5-fold stage. In addition, it is also detected transiently in cells in the posterior body at the 1.25-fold and 1.5-fold stage.  
    Expr2937 Both ahr-1:GFP reporters are expressed during embryonic and larval development. Expression is first detected in two cells 260 min after the first cleavage. By midembryogenesis (pre-comma stage), 14 cells express the pJ360 ahr-1:GFP fusion gene. At the 2-fold stage of embryogenesis, two cells express ahr-1:GFP in the tail, and the remaining fluorescing cells are in the forming head. During the first larval stage. ahr-1:GFP is expressed in 28 neurons, several blast cells, and two phasmid socket cells. The neurons that express ahr-1:GFP include ALNR/ALNL, AQR/PQR, AVM/PVM, BDUR/BDUL, PLMR/PLML, PLNR/PLNL, PHCL/PHCR, PVWL/PVWR, RMEL/RMER, SDQR/SDQL, and URXR/URXL. The T.pa, T.ppa, and T.ppp blast cells in the tail express ahr-1:GFP, as do all of their descendents, including the PHso1 and PHso2 phasmid socket cells. ahr-1:GFP is also expressed in the MI and I3 neurons in the pharynx and the G2 and W blast cells. Four additional cells in the head express ahr-1:GFP, tentatively identified as the ASK and RIP neurons. The pJ360 construct includes the entire ahr-1 genomic sequence, and transgenic animals express this fusion protein in a subset of neuronal nuclei. The pHT102 transgene lacks most of the ahr-1 coding sequence and labels axons as well as nuclei.
    Expr14590 Embryonic expression of exc-7 was first observed at the bean stage. By reverse lineaging with use of SIMI-Biocell software, we confirm the identity of one of the expressing cells at this stage as the excretory canal cell. In L1 animals, broad expression in the head, ventral nerve cord (VNC), and tail was observed. In young adults, expression is notably observed in vulva cells. In the nervous system specifically, expression is observed in many neurons throughout the body, but unlike Drosophila Elav, exc-7::gfp it is not panneuronally expressed. We confirmed previously reported expression in cholinergic VNC MNs, but absence of GABAergic VNC MNs, consistent with previous reports (Fujita et al., 1999; Loria et al., 2003) and consistent with exc-7 functioning in cholinergic, but not GABAergic neurons to control alternative splicing (Norris et al., 2014). exc-7::gfp is also expressed in some non-neuronal cell types, including muscle and hypodermis, but not in the gut. A previous report showed that exc-7 is only transiently and weakly expressed in the excretory cell, which, based on exc-7's excretory mutant phenotype, has puzzled researchers (Fujita et al., 2003). We find that the gfp tagged exc-7 locus is strongly and continuously expressed in the excretory canal cell.  
    Expr11375 eat-4 is expressed in 78 of the 302 neurons of the adult hermaphrodite, which fall into 38 neuron classes (out of a total of 118 anatomically defined neuron classes in the hermaphrodite). Most of these neurons are either sensory- or interneurons. Only two motorneurons utilize glutamate; both are located in the pharynx.  

0 Life Stages

5 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
post-embryonic cell of pedigree QL.a QL.a   WBbt:0007274
neuron type, neurons that have ciliated nerve endings. ciliated neuron   WBbt:0006816
Neuron that senses and responds to oxygen. oxygen sensory neuron   WBbt:0008432
neuron of lumbar ganglion, right. lumbar right ganglion neuron   WBbt:0005600
neuron of lumbar ganglion, left. lumbar left ganglion neuron   WBbt:0005097