

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  The passageway in the hindgut between the posterior intestine, the rectal valve and the opening to the exterior. Name  rectum
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0005773

6 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
  rectal gland cell   WBbt:0005799
epithelium connecting intestine and anus. rectal epithelium   WBbt:0005800
Essensially a modified rectum, junction between the alimentary and genital tracts in the male. proctodeum   WBbt:0006795
muscle that controls hermaphrodite rectal opening. rectal muscle anal muscle WBbt:0005803
cell that forms intestinal-rectal valve. rectal valve cell intestinal-rectal valve cell WBbt:0005797
  rectal lumen   WBbt:0005731

0 Expression Clusters

74 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
Picture: Fig. 4.   Expr4889 pQC106, with the 3.0 kb promoter, showed expression in the same cells as pQC105 and also in rectal cells, vulva cells, the spermatheca-uterine valve and in body wall muscle cells and neurons of the ventral nerve cord.  
Picture: Figure 7, C and D.   Expr4813 Expression was observed throughout development, starting at midembryogenesis. VHA-5 was also detected at the lumen of the vulva and rectum. In addition, authors found VHA-5 expressed in the sheath cells associated with head and tail sensory organs. Three-dimensional reconstructions showed that VHA-5 and RDY-2 formed a sixfold symmetrical pattern, which includes a larger spot that presumably corresponds to the amphid. In the amphid sheath cell, VHA-5 was found in the most distal part of the cell lining the sheath pocket, which can be equated to its apical side.
Picture: Fig. 2.   Expr4954 In larvae and adults, the circumferential filamentous pattern did not persist, but expression was seen in a subset of head and tail socket cells, the vulva, more faintly the uterus, and the rectum. GFP expression was observed in the epidermis from the 1.2-fold stage of elongation to the end of embryogenesis. The GFP formed a circumferential filamentous pattern that was spatially and temporally strikingly reminiscent of the circumferential actin microfilament pattern. Indeed, actin staining in a strain expressing the RGA-2::GFP construct showed that the two networks coincide.
Clone: pUL#JRH/AF08   Expr7745 Comma stage embryos show low levels of expression in virtually all cells but higher levels in outer cells. Late stage embryos show more localized expression in cells down sides and in the head. Post-embryonically expression is seen in several cells in the head, in the excretory cell, in cells of the developing and adult vulva, in rectal epithelia, & in seam cells.  
    Expr9347 sfrp-1 is expressed in four stripes of cells in the head region, an anterior specific expression that is already present at the 100-cell stage of embryonic development. Using a muscle-specific marker, these cells were identified as head body wall muscle cells. In addition, we found that sfrp-1 is expressed at low levels in a single posterior ventral nerve cord neuron and occasionally in one or more cells around the rectum.  
Clone: pUL#JRH10F4   Expr7757 Expression observed from early embryo to adult. Early and mid embryo expression assumed to be intestinal precursors as intestine expression seen later. Also in rectum and sometimes in pharynx. Dorsal nerve cord, subset of ventral nerve cord, and several amphids. Also vulval expression.  
Cannot find sequence info for IF B1 in this article. --wjc. Protein_Description: Intermediate Filament gene B1. Reporter gene fusion type not specified. The same structures were seen in immunofluorescence experiments with a B1-specific antibody. This antibody recognized in immunoblots the recombinant protein B1a and two closely spaced bands in a total nematode extract.   Expr1497 The B1 promoter-driven GFP staining was seen in cells associated with the amphid sensory neurons, the excretory cells, the vulva, and the uterus and, finally, in the rectum and some neurons of the tail. In the pharynx, staining localized to the marginal cells and the pharyngeal-intestinal valve.  
    Expr2762 A1a/GFP was expressed and integrated into the thick filament bundles of the pharynx, the excretory cell, the vulva and the rectum of the larva. The strong expression in the pharynx was visible already in late embryos. In adults, an additional GFP-containing network was found in the uterus. thick filament
    Expr16291   PTR- 4::SfGFP was not detected during the early part of embryogenesis but appeared by the twofold stage along the apical membranes of the epidermis, excretory duct and pore, and rectum. However, PTR-4 expression was transient and rapidly cleared prior to hatching. PTR-4 reappeared in the middle of each subsequent larval stage, during the time when precuticle is present. During L4 stage, the stage pre- ceding adulthood, PTR-4 was present on apical surfaces between the major epidermis (hyp7) and the lateral seam cells (Figure 5E), which secrete alae (as well as precuticle factors that are needed to shape alae; Lie ́geois et al. 2006; Kolotuev et al. 2009; Forman- Rubinsky et al. 2017; Cohen et al. 2019; Flatt et al. 2019). PTR-4 was also present along apical surfaces of the rectum and of some cells in the vulva, the tube through which eggs will be laid. As in embryogenesis, PTR-4 was transient and disappeared as the adult cuticle was made. Together, these observations demon- strate that PTR-4 is present on the apical surfaces of external epithelia during the time period when precuticle is present.
    Expr9821 GFP expression was seen from late embryogenesis to the adult. The level of GFP was higher in the L1/L2 stages, particularly in the head. The GFP was nuclear-localized in neuronal, hypodermal and muscle cells, and possibly all cells in the head. The level of GFP was much lower in the adult and in many fewer cells, including some neurons in the nerve ring and in the tail, the hypodermis, body wall muscle and in the vulva and rectum, but still nuclear-localized.  
    Expr13086 Unique GFP expression was observed in various tissues, such as the pharynx, hypodermis, rectum, and muscles, but strong expression was commonly observed in the intestine and neurons. CNNM1 was predominantly observed in the basolateral membrane of intestinal cells.
    Expr13087 Unique GFP expression was observed in various tissues, such as the pharynx, hypodermis, rectum, and muscles, but strong expression was commonly observed in the intestine and neurons. CNNM3 was predominantly observed in the basolateral membrane of intestinal cells.
    Expr13498 GFP::MAI-1 (xmSi32) and MAI-1::mCherry (xmSi31) showed the same tissue localization. GFP::MAI-1 is expressed in specific somatic tissues in the nuclei and in the cytoplasm through specific tissues, including the cuticle, hypodermis, rectum, vulva and neurons. Although the expression pattern did not suggest a mitochondria network and MAI-1 does not carry a mitochondrial transport sequence, we tested whether MAI-1 was expressed in the mitochondria by incubating GFP:: MAI-1 with Mitotracker Red CMXRos and found no co-localization between the mitochondrial probe and GFP::MAI-1. These results demonstrate that MAI-1 is indeed not expressed in mitochondria but in the cytoplasm, as previously suggested Ichikawa et al. Additionally, we observed that GFP::MAI-1 is expressed in the nuclei.  
    Expr12094 A LIPS-7 translational reporter showed a similar pattern of expression as that of the lips-7 transcriptional reporter. In addition to faint expression in the hypodermis at the young adult stage, prominent LIPS-7 expression was observed in cells located in the head region near the anterior bulb of the pharynx, which may be neuronal support cells or neurons. LIPS-7 expression was also observed in a single neuron in the tail which was tentatively identified as the PVQ neuron. LIPS-7 also appears to localise to cells associated with the excretory system, vulva and rectum. Using the lips-7 transcriptional reporter, co-localisation of lips-7 and CTBP-1 expression in the putative neuronal or neuronal support cells in which lips-7 is expressed in the head was not observed. Also, there was no co-localisation of lips-7 and CTBP-1 expression in neuronal cells located in the nerve ring or along the body, in which CTBP-1 is expressed. Co-localisation of lips-7 transcription and CTBP-1 expression was observed solely in hypodermal nuclei. Using the lips-7 translational reporter we observed co-localisation of LIPS-7 and CTBP-1 in a single neuron in the nerve ring and in the hypodermis.  
Supplemental Table S4.   Expr10849    
    Expr11009 DNJ-27 displays a ubiquitous expression pattern. Pdnj-27::GFP is mainly expressed in pharynx and vulval cells with weaker expression in other tissues such as body wall muscle cells, intestine, gonad sheath cells, rectum and hypodermis.  
    Expr2763 The B1a promoter/gfp reporter was strongly expressed in the embryonic and the early larval hypodermis. Additional expression was seen in cells associated with the amphid sensory neurons, the excretory cells, the vulva, the nerve cord and the rectum, as well as in some neurons of the tail of the late larva or the juvenile. A similar expression pattern was detected in adults, which, however, lacked the hypodermal expression seen at earlier developmental stages.  
    Expr15866 PHA-4:GFP:3xFLAG transgenic animals bearing an integrated transgene had nuclear-localized expression in the pharynx and intestine in embryos, and in pharynx, intestine and rectum in larvae, confirming published expression patterns.  
Clone: pUL#IAH10H6   Expr7611 Quite broad expression from mid-embryogensis onwards. In larval stages expression is most prominent in the pharynx, apart from the metacorpus. Expression was seen specifically in the excretory cell, vulval muscles, body wall muscles, hypodermis, rectal region and, less distinctly, the intestine which all appeared stronger in adults. Expression appeared somewhat excluded from the seam cells and ventral hypodermis.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr3941 GFP is expressed in all tissues from the comma stage onward, and is strongest in pharynx and rectum.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr3948 GFP is expressed in the pharynx. Additional GFP expression occurs in pharyngeal neurons, embryos, spermatheca, vulva and rectum.  
    Expr8408 Expression detected from late embryos to adults. In late embryos to L1, expression is seen in dnc and intestine. From L2 to adults, expression is detected in almost all tissues except germline; specifically muscle, rectum, vulva, spermatheca, pharynx, intestine, vnc, dnc, nerve ring, hypodermis.  
    Expr13244 Pmemo-1::GFP is expressed in some neurons in the head of an L4 wild-type worm, e.g., amphid neurons, including ASJ, and also non-neuronal tissues, such as the pharynx (the procorpus, the anterior bulb, the isthmus and the terminal bulb). In young, adult wild-type worms, Pmemo-1::GFP is expressed in tail neurons, the posterior end of the intestine and the rectal area. Strong Pmemo-1::GFP expression was detected in tail neurons and weaker expression in the posterior end of the intestine and the rectal area. Pmemo-1::GFP is expressed in the adult vulva. Pmemo-1::GFP is expressed in the spermatheca of wild-type adults. Pmemo-1::GFP is expressed during vulva development at the L4 stage. In an early L4, Pmemo-1::GFP::GFP is expressed weakly around the vulva and expressed strongly in the anchor cell and the vulval precursor cells. There is also strong expression in the ventral cord neurons. Pmemo-1::GFP is expressed in the distal tip cells.  
Picture: Fig 4.   Expr9131 Robust GFP expression for both constructs was observed in the intestinal cells of transgenic worms starting at the 3-fold embryonic stage and was maintained through larval development and in the adult. GFP expression was also seen in several cells of the anterior and posterior bulbs of the pharynx and in seam cells. Lastly, ets-4 expression was observed in a few unidentified cells of the vulva, hypodermal nuclei, several unidentified neurons, labial socket cells of the head, and a few cells of the rectum. Thus, these results expanded the observations made in previous studies using shorter regions of the ets-4 promoter in GFP constructs and demonstrated ets-4 expression in the intestine and neurons, key tissues known to regulate longevity in worms.  
    Expr10010 ALG-1 was prominently expressed in the pharynx. Cells in the tail also displayed specific expression. Expression was seen in vulva, seam cells, ventral nerve chord and somatic gonad. The endogenous ALG-1 expression was confirmed for the pharynx and head neurons with a polyclonal antibody raised against the ALG-1 specific N-terminus region. Examination of the ALG-1 expression during larval development did not reveal differences in expression during the four larval stages and adults. During embryogenesis ALG-1 is first detected at the beginning of the morphogenetic phase.  
Other strain-- UL968   Expr2021 This highly mosaic pattern has a number of components most of which are seen in only a small fraction of worms. Expression is seen from early embryo to adult stages. Strong diffuse expression is seen in the pharyngeal musculature, with other anterior expression in the intestine, and around the isthmus probably corresponding to the nerve ring. Expression is also seen in and around the vulva, in the vulval muscle cells (vm1 and vm2), and in vulC. Posterior expression around the rectum, probably in the sphincter muscles and anal depressor muscle. Expression is also seen in early embryos (approximately the 50 cell stage) in a number of cells possibly of the AB lineage.  
    Expr14573 Both transcriptional reporters were broadly expressed in embryos and L1 larvae. Both reporters showed expression in the canal, duct, and pore of the excretory system and the seam cells of the epidermis, which sit under the alae and are presumed to secrete factors required for alae development, and in the rectum. The reporters were also active in a number of cells in the pharynx and near the nose tip, where dendrites are anchored. Although both reporters were active in L1 larvae, they were progressively fainter in subsequent larval stages and were not observed in adults.  

0 Life Stages

2 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
  alimentary system   WBbt:0005748
entity of anatomical origin that is either entirely acellular or is a collection of cells and acellular parts. Anatomy anatomical structure WBbt:0005766