A-class motor neuron: enriched in embryo (8.7) and larva (7.9). Neuronal expression include: I5, ASE, ASG, BAG, DD, M3, M5, head neurons. Pan-neuronal: expressed in embryo; enriched in larva (7.1). |
No detailed description on cellular expression pattern in other tissue or life stage. |
gcy-22 gene is exclusively expressed in the ASER neuron. |
ASER-specific expression can be observed with a subfragment from the hen-1 promoter. |
No detailed description on cellular expression pattern in other tissue or life stage. |
50% of animals have more expression in ASHL than in ASHR, about 40% of animals have equal expression in ASHL and ASHR. |
Strong and consistent expression was observed in a limited number of neurons in the head and tail and coelomocytes. Weaker and/or inconsistent expression of TTX-7::EGFP was detected in nerve cord motor neurons, intestine, and somatic gonad. The head neurons expressing ttx-7::EGFP include AFD and RIA neurons. Also expressed in ASH, ASE, ASJ, AWC, ADF, ADL, ASI, ASK, AWB, VNC motor neurons, etc. |
TTX-7::EGFP was diffusely expressed in the cytoplasm and was not localized to any specific subcellular compartment. |
INS-1::Venus, which was confirmed to be functional, was expressed in several amphid chemosensory neurons, ASE, ASI, and ASJ; AIA interneurons; and several other neurons. Of these expression patterns, the fluorescence signal in AIA was the strongest and most consistent between individual animals. |
In AIA neurons, punctate expression patterns in the cell bodies and processes were observed. |
Expressed in ASEL/R, AWCL/R, AVKL/R, AFDL/R, few variable other neurons (weak). |
Expressed in IL2 (strong), ASEL/R (faint), additional faint sensory neurons (three pairs). |
Expressed in ASER, ASIL/R, PVT, URXL/R, AIYL/R, intestine. |
Expressed in ASER, ASIL/R, PVT. |
"ASER biased" incorporates two categories of expression patterns in a given transgenic line: expression only in ASER in some animals and stronger expression in ASER than in ASEL in other animals. |
ASER biased. |
Picture: Fig 3. |
The fusion protein encoded by the transgene was preferentially detected in several tissues including the nervous system. However, its presence was not uniform. Within the nervous system, ELPC-1::GFP was seen predominantly in a pair of neurons that control egg-laying, the HSNs, and in chemosensory neurons in the head. Within the latter class of neurons, the ELPC-1::GFP level was particularly high in the ASE, ADF and ASK pairs of neurons. Outside of the nervous system, a strong ELPC-1::GFP signal was seen in the pharynx and the vulva. In all animals examined, ELPC-1::GFP expression was also seen in the two CAN cells. |
In the nervous system, expression was seen both within the cell bodies and along the entire lengths of the neuronal processes. Outside of the nervous system, in all cells in which ELPC-1::GFP was seen, fluorescence was restricted to the cytoplasm. |
Reporter fusion construct for the translational fusion not specified. |
Upstream regulatory sequences of cng-2 drove gfp expression exclusively in six pairs of head sensory neurons in the adult. AWC, ASE, ASG, ASI, ASJ, ASK (Fig. 2B). |
When expressed under an ASK-specific promoter the CNG-2 fusion protein was restricted to the ASK cell bodies. |
Picture: Figure 2. Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
Expressed in ASE neurons and more than 10 other neurons. |
A promoter fusion to gfp, daf- 41p::gfp, revealed expression most prominently in anterior and posterior neurons including amphids (e.g. ASE, AWC, ASI, ADL) and phasmid sensory neurons, as well as peripheral neurons and ventral cord motorneurons. We also observed strong expression in body wall muscle and pharynx, as well as occasional expression in vulva, seam and intestine. |
We detected DMD-9::GFP expression in 10 head neurons of hermaphrodites at the L4 stage. High dmd-9 expression was detected in the BAG, AFD, AWCon, AWCoff, ASEL, and AWB neurons, with lower expression in ASER, and the ASGs. We also observed weak and inconsistent expression in other head neurons and transient weak expression in the tail of hermaphrodites and males at the L4 stage. No overt differences were observed in DMD-9::GFP expression in neurons of hermaphrodites and males. We also detected DMD-9::GFP expression in non-neuronal tissues. Transient DMD-9::GFP expression was observed in the uterine cells at specific sub-stages of the L4 stage. DMD-9 is not expressed from L4.0 to L4.3, with expression first detected in the early L4.4 stage, with the highest level during L4.4. before gradual loss by the L4.9 stage (Mok et al. 2015). DMD-9::GFP was not detected in adult uterine cells. We also detected DMD-9::GFP expression in sperm of hermaphrodites and males. In addition, we found that in a small proportion of L4 animals DMD-9::GFP shows asymmetric expression in the ASEs and AWCs neurons. |
Expressed in ADF, ADL, AFD, ASE, ASG, ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, AWA, AWB, AWC, BAG, PHA, PHB, URX, intestine. |
Picture: Fig 4E to 4H. npr-5 = Y58G8A.4 in this paper. |
The npr-5p::RFP transgene was expressed in a subset of amphid neurons (ADF, ASE, ASG, ASI, ASJ, ASK, AWA, AWB) in the inner labial neuron IL2, in the interneurons AIA and AUA, and in the phasmids (PHA, PHB). Outside the nervous system, npr-5p::RFP was expressed in head, neck, and body muscles throughout larval and adult development. |
Picture: N.A. |
Expressed in ASER. |
Picture: Figure 8A. Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
Expressed in ASE neurons, also expressed in the AFD or ADF neuron classes. |
Picture: Figure 1a. |
Expressed ASE and AWC neurons. |
Picture: Figure 5D. |
Pmgl-3::gfp was expressed in NSM, ADF, ASE, and AWC amphid sensory neurons, and the RIB and RIC interneurons. Occasional expression in BAG-ciliated neurons was also noted. |
Picture: Fig 2A. |
Marker for ASER neuron. |
Picture: Fig 2A. |
Marker for ASEL and ASER neurons. |
Picture: Fig 2D, 2E. |
Marker for ASEL and ASER neurons. |
Picture: N.A. Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
marker for ASER neuron. |
genomic |
Isoform 1b.1 |
Isoform 1b.2 |