Picture: Fig. 6A Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
The unc-33::gfp reporter is expressed in dividing neuroblasts at pre-comma embryonic stages. unc-33::gfp expression can be observed outside the nervous system in two amphid socket cells and weakly in non-neuronal pharyngeal cells. |
In addition to its widespread neuronal expression, EFN-4::GFP is also expressed in anterior and posterior epidermal cells, including the lateral epidermal cells H0 and QV5, the leading ventral epidermal cells of the anterior, and the posterior three pairs of ventral epidermal cells (P7 - 12). |
In early embryos EFN-4::GFP is widely expressed in ventral neuroblasts prior to epidermal enclosure (see Expr2300). In contrast, PLX-2 reporters were expressed in a much smaller number of ventral neuroblasts. Following epidermal enclosure PLX-2::GFP reporters were expressed in neurons and in a subset of posterior lateral and ventral epidermal cells; these were identified as the lateral cell QV5 and the ventral epidermal cells P9-12. |
SDN-1::GFP transgenes were expressed in many ventral neuroblasts during their migrations, prior to and during epidermal enclosure; in later embryogenesis SDN-1::GFP was mainly expressed in the nervous system (nerve ring localization, nr) and pharynx (ph). |
GPN-1::GFP was expressed in a smaller number of neuroblasts prior to epidermal enclosure. In later embryogenesis GPN-1::GFP was expressed strongly in the developing pharynx and in ventral cord neurons. |
Moreover, neither the dgn-1::GFP promoter reporter nor the rescuing DGN-1::GFP fusion show expression in muscle. Plasmid pJJ516 was made by inserting GFP from pPD114.38 into the HindIII site near the end of the dgn-1 coding sequence. The product contains GFP inserted after residue 575 of DGN-1, with the final seven DGN-1 residues at the C terminus. Expression of DGN-1::GFP is identical to that of the dgn-1::GFP promoter reporter, and DGN-1::GFP rescues the sterility of dgn-1(cg121). |
In early (pre-morphological) embryos, dgn-1::GFP expression is evident in many epithelial and neural precursors comprising the outer layer of cells. As elongation begins at comma stage, expression becomes most prominent in several specialized epithelial cells, including pharyngeal e2 and marginal cells, excretory cells, the somatic gonad precursors (SGPs) Z1 and Z4, and rectal epithelial cells. Weaker expression is apparent in hypodermal precursors and neuroblasts along the ventral midline. Pharyngeal expression persists through the L3 larval stage, whereas excretory and rectal cell expression persists throughout development. SGP expression persists in SGP descendants, such as the distal tip cells (DTCs), and increases throughout the gonad during the L4 stage. Variable, generally weak expression is seen throughout larval development in several neurons, although PVP neurons show strong expression throughout development. Transient increased expression occurs in new P cell-derived neurons in the ventral nerve cord in late L1/early L2 stage animals. Variable weak expression is seen in hypodermal cells, principally hyp5 in the head. Preceding the L4/adult molt, expression increases in the vulval epithelium. |
Postembryonic expressed pattern was not described. |
VAB-2/EFN-1 expression first detected at the 100-cell stage in several cells in the anterior and posterior. After gastrulation VAB-2/EFN-1 was expressed in lateral cells, corresponding to neuroblasts. During epidermal enclosure VAB-2/EFN-1 was expressed in neurons in the midanterior of the embryo, beneath the leading cells of the epidermis, and in several tail neurons. At later stages VAB-2/EFN-1 was expressed in the processes of many neurons, and in the pharynx. Thus, VAB-2/EFN-1 was expressed mostly in the developing nervous system and not in epidermal cells before or during epidermal enclosure. |
VAB-2/EFN-1 was expressed in the processes of many neurons. |
During ventral enclosure of the epidermis, VAB-1::GFP was expressed in clusters of cells of the head and tail regions. In the head region, VAB-1::GFP was expressed in clusters of presumptive neuronal cells. Early in enclosure these cells appear to lie beneath the epidermal leading cells; later in enclosure, the VAB-1 expressing cells lie anterior to the leading cells. VAB-1::GFP was not detectably expressed in the epidermal leading cells at any stage during ventral enclosure. In the posterior of the embryo, VAB-1::GFP was expressed in several cells, including QV5 and the ventral hyp7 cells posterior to the rectum; VAB-1::GFP was also expressed in several pharyngeal cells. In late embryogenesis and throughout larval and adult development, VAB-1::GFP was localized to the axons of many neurons throughout the nervous system. Thus, in most stages following gastrulation, VAB-1::GFP is widely expressed in the developing nervous system. During ventral enclosure of the epidermis, VAB-1::GFP was expressed in clusters of cells of the head and tail regions. In the head region, VAB-1::GFP was expressed in clusters of presumptive neuronal cells. Early in enclosure these cells appear to lie beneath the epidermal leading cells; later in enclosure, the VAB-1expressing cells lie anterior to the leading cells. VAB-1::GFP was not detectably expressed in the epidermal leading cells at any stage during ventral enclosure. In the posterior of the embryo, VAB-1::GFP was expressed in several cells, including QV5 and the ventral hyp7 cells posterior to the rectum; VAB-1::GFP was also expressed in several pharyngeal cells. In late embryogenesis and throughout larval and adult development, VAB-1::GFP was localized to the axons of many neurons throughout the nervous system. Thus, in most stages following gastrulation, VAB-1::GFP is widely expressed in the developing nervous system. |
Located at axons of many neurons. |
SAX-3::GFP is expressed in early neuroblasts during gastrulation cleft closure and in the underlying neurons during ventral enclosure, similar to VAB-1 and EFN-1. However, unlike VAB-1 or EFN-1, SAX-3::GFP was also observed in epidermal cells . To examine SAX-3 and VAB-1 co-localization, anti-VAB-1 antibodies and anti-GFP antibodies were used on transgenic embryos expressing VAB-1 (pCZ47) and the SAX-3::GFP construct. VAB-1 and SAX-3 co-localized on neuroblasts. However, the co-localization is not exact and VAB-1 and SAX-3 were also expressed in separate cells. |
Picture: Figure 6, A to C. |
Full-length swan-1::gfp expression was first detected at ~100 min postfertilization when embryonic transcription begins. Expression was observed in most cells, including neuroblasts and neurons, and persisted throughout development into adulthood. The only cells that did not show swan-1::gfp expression were the intestinal cells and their precursors. The transcriptional reporter transgene displayed a temporal and spatial expression pattern identical to that of the full-length fusion transgene. |
SWAN-1::GFP accumulated predominantly in the cytoplasm of all cell types analyzed. |
Picture: Figure 4A to 4F. |
FOZI-1 protein was localized in nuclei of a distinct set of cells in wild-type animals. Expression of FOZI-1 was first detectable in a small subset of nuclei (probably neuroblasts) in embryos at the 2-fold stage. During larval development, FOZI-1 expression was restricted to a subset of unidentified neurons in the head (seven to 12 cells) and along the ventral nerve cord (five to seven cells). FOZI-1 was also present transiently during the L1 larval stage in cells derived from the M lineage. |
nuclei |
sox-2 expression is restricted to subsets of neuroblasts. sox-2 is expressed relatively late in nervous system development, in the progenitor of differentiated neurons, but not in earlier neuroectodermal cells. sox-2 is also expressed in some progenitors of non-neural tissue, in the head hypodermis and the arcade cells. sox-2 is expressed in several postembryonic blast cells that are generated in the embryo. These blast cells include the B, Y, F, U and K rectal epithelial cells and the seam cells along the body. Although expression of sox-2 is absent in the terminal neurons generated by these lineages, sox-2 expression extends beyond the blast cell stage [e.g. sox-2 expression is maintained in the V5 daughters (V5a and V5p) but is lost in the next division].sox-2 is expressed in the sensory neurons AWB, AWC, IL1, IL2, URA, URB, OLL, the interneurons AIM, AIN, AVK, RIH and the motor neuron class RME. The sox-2 fosmid reporter or sox-2 smFISH did not show any expression in the germ line or oocytes of young adult worms. Expression patterns obtained by smFISH were very similar to the ones observed with fosmid reporters. |
Picture: Figure 2A. |
ref-2::venus is detected in a substantial number of dividing cells in the embryo. At the end of gastrulation, the reporter is detected in some neuroblasts on the ventral side of the embryo. These neuroblasts include the left/right symmetric pair of ABpl/rpapaaa neuroblasts, which will give rise to AIY and its sister cell, the SMDD motor neuron, through an asymmetric cell division. During interphase, the REF-2::VENUS protein is detected in the nucleus of the SMDD/AIY mothers, then spreads into the cytoplasm just before cleavage. No expression is observed in AIY during larval and adult stages. Thus ref-2 appears to be expressed only transiently in the AIY lineage during embryogenesis. REF-2::VENUS is also expressed in the excretory system (G1, G2, excretory pore, and excretory gland) in the P cell lineage and in the Y and B cells. |
Picture: Fig 6. |
Apart from cells in the neuroblast lineage that generate ASE, nhr-67::mCherry was expressed in multiple other neuroblast lineages in the developing embryo. Expression was usually observed in the grandmother or mother of a neuron, but not earlier. Within the ASEL and ASER-generating lineage branches, nhr-67 was expressed in neuroblasts that generate closely or distantly related cousins of ASEL and ASER. For example, the sister neuroblast of the ASE-generating neuroblast creates the AUA and ASJ neurons and it expressed nhr-67. The cousin of the ASE-mother cell generates the AWB and ADF sensory neurons. nhr-67 was expressed in these cells. In late stage embryos, a few other, postmitotic neurons started to express nhr-67. Embryonic nhr-67 expression was not restricted to the nervous system, but was observed in a small subset of mesodermal and hypodermal cells. No expression was detected in endodermal cells or the germ line. nhr-67 was expressed in the excretory canal cell. Postembryonically, nhr-67 expression persisted only in a few neurons in the head ganglia until the first larval stage and faded shortly thereafter in most, but not all, of these neurons, with expression persisting through adulthood only in the CEPD/V, RMED/V, AVL and RIS neurons. During mid-larval development, nhr-67 was transiently and dynamically expressed in the AC cells of the vulva. Expression was also found in the VU cells and somatic gonad, but not in vulA, vulB or vulC. Within the ASEL/R generating lineages, nhr-67::mCherry was first observed in the grandmother cells of ASEL and ASER. Transgenic animals that co-express a functional nhr-67::mCherry reporter and a functional che-1::yfp reporter revealed that nhr-67 precedes che-1 expression. nhr-67 expression was maintained in the ASEL and ASER neurons until the first larval stage after which it became undetectable, whereas che-1 expression was maintained throughout the life of the animal. In spite of its genetically deduced role in asymmetric gene expression in ASEL and ASER, nhr-67 expression is bilaterally symmetric in ASEL and ASER. |
Expression of the reporter is first detected in embryos at around the 50-cell stage in 23 cells and widens during embryonic development. At the comma stage, expression is seen in a set of cells whose position is consistent with neuroblasts in the tail as well as in the head where they form a ring-like structure. In larval stages and throughout adult stages, expression is largely restricted to a set of neurons in several head ganglia (AIY, AIZ, RID, M5, ASI, and subsets of labial sensory neurons), motor neurons in the ventral nerve cord, neurons in the midbody region (HSN, CAN, and PVM) and in the tail ganglia (DVB, DVC, and PDB). Consistent nonneuronal expression could be observed in the excretory cell and uterine cells. |
In embryos NCK-1A is expressed in neuroblasts in the anterior, lateral and posterior regions of the embryo. NCK-1A is also expressed in the hypodermal cells of the developing embryo. During the Larval stages, animals show NCK-1A expression in the head neurons, dorsal nerve cord (DNC), motor neurons in the ventral nerve cord and some tail neurons. In adult animals NCK-1A is expressed in the VC neurons, commissure neurons, head and tail neurons, SDQ neurons, mechanosensory neurons (PLM, PVM, and AVM), CAN neurons, HSN neurons, uterine-seam cell (utse), spermathecal-uterine junction (sujn), and excretory canal cell. NCK-1A is also expressed in uv2 and uv3 cells of the developing uterus. In males, NCK-1A is expressed in all the ray sub lineages and the adult male tail. NCK-1A promoter were expressed in head neurons, ventral and dorsal nerve cords, CANs, HSNs, the Q neuroblast descendants SDQs, mechanosensory neurons, hypodermal cells and the spermathecal-uterine junction. The NCK-1A isoform was expressed exclusively in the motor neurons and VC neuronal cell bodies, the excretory canal cell, uterus (utse, uv2 and uv3 cells), the ray sub lineage and male tail. |
NCK-1A is predominantly localized to the cytoplasm. |
Picture: Figures 6A6F. |
EFN-2::GFP is first detected in putative neuroblasts positioned just anterior to the posterior epidermal marginal cells that encircle the enclosing pocket. As the GFP-expressing cells move toward the ventral midline, additional anterior cells, also presumptive neuroblasts within the pocket, begin to express GFP. During ventral enclosure, all of the expressing cells within the pocket migrate toward the ventral midline, presumably just ahead of the advancing epidermal marginal cells, and come to occupy the ventral region destined to be covered by the spreading epidermis. |
Picture: Figure 8, A to D. |
The neuroblast stained positive only for GFP. By contrast, costaining of the precursor cell was seen with both anti-beta-galactosidase and anti-GFP antibodies. This costaining was lost around the time when the precursor divides and also was missing in the HSN neuron, which stained only for beta-galactosidase. These observations show that egl-5 is expressed in the HSN/PHB precursor, and then later only in the HSN. |
NHR-25 was first observed in major epidermal cells of embryo with approximately 200 cells and continuously expressed throughout embryogenesis and larval stages as judged by a combination of cell morphology and position. It was also observed in precursor/blast cells of neuron and epidermis which are called Pnp cells in embryo and in seam cells during early larval stages. Despite its expression in precursors of neurons and epidermal cells, NHR-25 appears not to be expressed in the neurons of larval stage. |
We first observed tagged Wnt/EGL-20 fluorescence in posterior cells in comma-stage embryos along with isolated punctae in more anterior regions and found that tagged Wnt spread from the posterior to the mid-body region of the embryo within 60 min . In early larvae, tagged Wnt/EGL-20 formed an anteroposterior gradient along approximately the posterior half of the worm with low levels of protein detectable along the entire body axis. Tagged Wnt localized most conspicuously to posterior cells near its source along with longitudinal body wall muscles, epithelial seam cells, neuroblasts, and ventral midline cells. |
At approximately 240 min post-fertilization, UNC-39::GFP appeared in more posteriorly located nuclei in addition to the anterior nuclei. Posterior nuclei expressing unc-39::gfp included Z1 and Z4, the M cell, and the embryonic coelomocytes. Occasionally expressed in additional posteriorly located cells. Expression in M and the coelomocytes was transient and no longer observed by 600 min post-fertilization, whereas Z1 and Z4 expression persisted into the L1 larval stage. Expression of the full-length unc-39::gfp transgene was dynamic throughout development. UNC-39::GFP was first seen at approximately 100 min post-fertilization when gastrulation and embryonic transcription begin. UNC-39::GFP accumulated in the nuclei of 12 to 16 blast cells in the anterior of the embryo. As embryogenesis proceeded, expression was observed in increasing numbers of anterior nuclei which were most likely the descendants of the earlier-expressing cells, as UNC-39::GFP-expressing pairs of cells in the process of cell division were observed. Expression in anterior nuclei continued until about 450 min post-fertilization (2-fold stage), at which time expression became restricted to less than 10 cells and persisted into adulthood. The locations and morphologies of some of these cells indicated that they were anterior neuroblasts derived from the AB lineage. In addition to expression in the anteriorly generated mesodermal Z1, Z4, M, and coelomocytes, the unc-39 promoter was active in all of the body wall muscle cells of late embryos and L1 larvae. Thus, unc-39::gfp transgenes were expressed very early in embryogenesis in anterior cells that generate neuronal and mesodermal tissues, and later in body wall muscle cells. The 4-kb unc-39 promoter driving the expression of gfp alone showed a similar general pattern. However, expression of this construct persisted in a greater number of anterior cells into larval and adult stages. These cells had axon and dendrite morphologies characteristic of amphid sensory neurons. Furthermore, the CAN neuron clearly showed unc-39 promoter expression. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
During embryogenesis kal-1 expression is first detectable at about the 160- to 200-cell stage in a group of eight to ten neuroblast descendants of the AB blastomere. At no stage during embryogenesis were kal-1 driven reporters detectably expressed by epidermal cells. After elongation of the embryo is completed, the expressing cells have roughly reached the positions they will occupy in larval stages. During post-embryonic development, the expressing neurons remain largely the same, except for the recruitment of some sexually dimorphic neurons. Three groups of neurons express the kal-1 constructs post-embryonically. One group is located in the anterior ganglia. Here, about 15 neurons express the gene. They include some interneurons and some sensory neurons. A second group is located at mid body and is composed of the two canal associated neurons (CANs) and, in adult hermaphrodites, of the hermaphrodite specific neurons (HSN). The third group is located in the tail region, where three to six neurons express the construct. Among these are the PDB neuron and another interneuron, possibly PVW. Two male-specific neurons were also identified, the interneu on EF3 and one of the neurons of sensory ray 5. As during ventral enclosure, also during male tail formation, kal-1 is not expressed by epithelial cells but by neurons. |
A GFP construct driven by a 4-kb sax-3 promoter revealed a wide sax-3 expression pattern in the nervous system. Psax-3::GFP is present in both RMED and RMEV neurons. sax-3 expression begins around the midembryonic stage (350 min) and is restricted to the anterior region of an embryo, where the neurons or neuroblast cells are clustered. SAX-3::GFP is distributed on the membrane surfaces of those cells. When embryos progressed to the late-embryonic stage (500 min), SAX-3::GFP is detected on RME cells. |
SAX-3::GFP is distributed on the membrane surfaces of neuroblasts. |
ULP-2 expression was first detected at the 200-cell stage (mid-gastrulation) and increased during epidermal morphogenesis. ULP-2 was mainly expressed in epidermal cells but was also detected in the underlying neuroblasts. |
Similar to myosin, ECT-2 is expressed in neuroblasts and epidermal cells and localizes to the junction-free edges of the lateral epidermal cells around the ventral pocket during ventral enclosure. However, unlike myosin, ECT-2 is more uniformly distributed around the cell boundaries. |
To characterize the expression of mnp-1, reporter analysis was performed using an mnp-1p-GFP transgene containing 3 kb of upstream sequence driving a nuclear localized green fluorescent protein (GFP). At the comma stage (approximately 400 cells) and persistent through hatching, GFP expression was apparent in all of the body-wall muscle cells. At these embryonic stages, GFP expression is also seen in the migrating z1 and z4 gonadal precursor cells and a number of unidentified cells in the dorsal anterior region. These unidentified cells are likely neuronal precursors based on their position, although other cells types are not ruled out. After hatching, GFP expression fades quickly and is typically absent by mid to late L1 larval stage. To characterize the expression of mnp-1, reporter analysis was performed using an mnp-1p::GFP transgene containing 3 kb of upstream sequence driving a nuclear localized green fluorescent protein (GFP). At the comma stage (approximately 400 cells) and persistent through hatching, GFP expression was apparent in all of the body-wall muscle cells. At these embryonic stages, GFP expression is also seen in the migrating z1 and z4 gonadal precursor cells and a number of unidentified cells in the dorsal anterior region. These unidentified cells are likely neuronal precursors based on their position, although other cells types are not ruled out. After hatching, GFP expression fades quickly and is typically absent by mid to late L1 larval stage. |
Expression clearly localized GFP proximal to the plasma membrane of embryonic muscle cells, suggesting that the portion of MNP-1 containing the predicted transmembrane domain is sufficient to direct localization to the plasma membrane. |
Transgenic lines containing pCZ178 rescued both the uncoordination and cellular defects of the ventral cord motor neurons of cnd-1(ju29) mutants. To minimize misrepresentation caused by the mosaicism of the extrachromosomal arrays, authors collected data from three independent transgenic lines containing pCZ179 or pCZ178 respectively. |
pCZ178 and pCZ179 were expressed in similar sets of cells, however, GFP expression from pCZ178 was much weaker than from pCZ179 in most cells. CND-1::GFP expression was first detectable in four descendants of the AB lineage of 14 cell embryos. AB derived neuroblasts give rise to most of the C. elegans nervous system. By the 24-cell stage, approximately 75 minutes postfertilization, CND-1::GFP was found in 15 AB derived blastomeres. CND-1::GFP expression was observed in numerous unidentified nuclei throughout gastrulation and epidermal enclosure. By early comma stage, approximately 360 minutes postfertilization, CND-1::GFP was found in many postmitotic neurons in the head and in the ventral cord. The expression of CND-1::GFP in the ventral cord neurons was maintained until hatching, but disappeared completely by the end of the first larval stage. CND-1::GFP was not observed in postembryonically derived motor neurons. To determine whether cnd-1 was expressed in non-neuronal cells of the AB lineage, embryos carrying cnd-1::GFP transgenes were double labeled with anti-GFP and anti-LIN-26 antibodies. In all embryonic stages examined the expression of CND-1::GFP and LIN-26 did not overlap. To confirm the identity of specific AB-derived blastomeres during later stage embryogenesis, embryos carrying CND-1::GFP transgenes were double labeled with anti-GFP and anti-UNC-86 antibodies. CND-1::GFP and UNC-86 are primarily expressed in different subsets of mitotic and postmitotic neurons throughout embryogenesis. At 230 minutes postfertilization, UNC-86 is expressed in ABplaaaaaa, ABarpapaaa, ABplapaaaa, ABprapaaaa, ABarppaaap, and ABarpppapp blastomeres (Finney and Ruvkun, 1990). At the same stage, CND-1::GFP was found in a non-overlapping set of neuroblasts derived from the ABplppap and ABprppap, including ABplppaap, ABplppapp, ABplpppaa, ABprppapa, ABprppaap, ABprppapp and ABprpppaa, which give rise to the embryonic ventral cord motor neurons. In summary, reporter transgene analysis reveals that CND-1::GFP is expressed in both mitotically active neuroblasts throughout embryogenesis, and in subsets of postmitotic neurons including the ventral cord motor neurons. |
Transgenic lines containing pCZ178 show that GFP was localized to the nucleus. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
Expressed on the surface of motile cells and pioneering neurons whose migrations are affected in unc-40 mutants. UNC-40/GFP becomes detectable on the surface of all cells at the onset of gastrulation (~100 min after first cleavage), and then gradually decreases. By the end of gastrulation (~290 min), the protein is barely detectable on all cells. In the neurula (~400 min), UNC-40/GFP is highly expressed on ventral cord motorneurons, including cell bodies and axons, undergoing axonogenesis. Additional neurons express UNC-40/GFP soon after, but are difficult to identify in the elongating neurula. This expression generally persists into the first larval stage and beyond, allowing unambiguous identification of most cells. Similar expression patterns were observed using unc-40 upstream regulatory sequences to direct cytoplasmic expression of soluble GFP. In first stage larvae, ventral epidermoblasts P1/2 to P11/12 (Pn cells) express UNC-40/GFP as they undergo planar movements within the epithelium. Similarly, neuroblasts QL and QR and their descendants express UNC-40/GFP as they migrate longitudinally along the epidermis. In second stage and later larvae, the distal tip cells of hermaphrodites express UNC-40/GFP as they migrate along the body wall. |
cytoplasmic expression |
sem-2 expression was identified in several early blastomeres and in some neuronal and non-neuronal progenitors. Its expression colocalized with that of sox-2 in a few progenitors. As in vertebrates, sem-2 expression was observed in postmitotic neurons, but in contrast to the broad expression of SoxC genes in vertebrate postmitotic neurons, only a single class of postembryonic neurons expresses sem-2, the RMH class. sem-2 expression in these neurons is observed throughout larval and adult stages. We did not detect any sem-2 expression in the RME neurons themselves, but sem-2 is instead expressed in the progenitor of RMEL/R. |
ANI-1 is strongly expressed in the dividing neuroblasts under the ventral epidermal cells during ventral enclosure. |
Antibodies revealed ANI-1 localization to contractile rings and cell boundaries in the early embryo. However, ANI-1 continued to localize to the cortex and cleavage furrows of dividing cells through mid-embryogenesis. |
HMP-1 localizes to adhesion junctions in the epidermal cells as expected, but also is expressed in the underlying neuroblasts. During pocket closure, HMP-1 initially localizes to neuroblast cell boundaries, but then decreases along these boundaries and enriches at a central focal point similar to what we observed for myosin. |