

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  a cellular object that consists of subcellular components, expresses genes or functions. Name  Cell
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0004017 Synonym  Cell type

34 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
somatic cell that situates at the tip of a gonad arm. distal tip cell DTC WBbt:0006865
Major cell type of nervous tissue, specialized for transmission of information in the form of patterns of impulses. neuron neurone WBbt:0003679
Contractile cell that makes up muscle tissue. muscle cell   WBbt:0003675
H-shaped cell associated with the excretory system, largest cell in C. elegans. excretory cell excretory canal cell WBbt:0005812
  pharyngeal cell   WBbt:0005460
A free-floating spherical cell lying in the pseudocoelomic cavity of larvae and adult C. elegans which can endocytose many compounds, possibly for immune surveillance. There are six coelomocytes in adult hermaphrodites, and they display prominent cytoplasmic inclusions and vacuoles. coelomocyte   WBbt:0005751
Head mesodermal cell, function unknown head mesodermal cell hmc WBbt:0004697
cell of epithelium, the layer of cells that cover the external surface of an organism as well as forming an inner lining between the tissues and organs of that organism and the external environment. In C. elegans epithelial cells include epithelium of the alimentary tract, intestinal cells, hypodermis, interfacial cells and somatic gonad cells. epithelial cell epithelium WBbt:0003672
cells that support sensory neurons, similar to glial cells in vertebrates. A category which collectively refers to socket cells, sheath cells, and structural cells, or their processes. All of these cells extend long processes which serve a supporting role, rather like glia, to form a protective environment around sensory neuron endings. In addition, some of these cells extend broad thin processes from their somata which wrap around neuronal ganglia, again in a glia-like fashion accessory cell support cell WBbt:0005762
cell that engulfs a cell undergoing programmed cell death (PCD, apoptosis). engulfing cell   WBbt:0007803
A variety of very different cell types which share cytoplasmic features (such as large membrane-bound granules) that suggest a role in secretion, thus termed gland cells. gland cell   WBbt:0003670
Nucleated cell which has a diploid set of chromosomes. somatic cell FMA:72300 WBbt:0008378
any of 20 large epithelial cells which form a tube and are mostly situated as bilaterally symmetric pairs around the tubular lumen. Each of these cell pairs forms an intestinal ring ( II-IX int rings). The most anterior intestinal ring (int ring I), however, is made of four cells. Intestinal cells contain large nuclei with large nucleoli and numerous autofluorescent granules in their cytoplasm. intestinal cell   WBbt:0005792
A cell that is the E blast cell or is a lineal descendant of E. E lineage cell   WBbt:0005208
A cell that is the M blast cell or is a lineal descendant of M. M lineage cell   WBbt:0008439
cell that exists in and is part of an embryo. embryonic cell   WBbt:0007028
precursor cell destined to divide some time after hatching. blast cell   WBbt:0006783
cell of male gonad. male gonadal cell male somatic gonadal cell WBbt:0008209
a cell, of either sex, directly concerned in the production of a new organism. germ cell   WBbt:0006796
somatic (not germline) cell of the hermaphrodite gonad. hermaphrodite somatic gonadal cell   WBbt:0007815
cell that has more than one nucleus. syncytium syncitium WBbt:0008074
A cell that is the C blast cell or is a lineal descendant of C. C lineage cell   WBbt:0008588
A cell that is the D blast cell or is a lineal descendant of D. D lineage cell   WBbt:0008589
A cell that is the P embryonic blast cell or is a lineal descendant of P. P lineage cell   WBbt:0008590
A cell that is QL or QR blast cell or is a lineal descendant of QL or QR. Q lineage cell   WBbt:0008593
member of a set of two cells that generate exclusively sperm and ovum. germline precursor cell PGC WBbt:0006849
cell destined to die by apoptosis (programmed cell death, PCD). apoptotic cell   WBbt:0006925
A cell that is the AB blast cell or is a lineal descendant of AB. AB lineage cell   WBbt:0008611
a cell that is born in a worm after hatching. post-embryonic cell   WBbt:0007030
One of these cells, sometimes fused with U.l/ra, phagocytoses the male linker cell linker_killer lineage name: U.lp or U.rp WBbt:0004339

0 Expression Clusters

371 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
Picture: Figure 4D, 4E. nfyb-1 and nfyc-1 displayed identical expression patterns.   Expr4874 nfyb-1 was expressed in many cells in the developing embryo. At the larval stages, the expression level of nfyb-1 was reduced in most somatic cells except in some head neurons and in the developing hermaphrodite vulva and male tail. NFYB-1 was localized in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
Picture: Figure 4D, 4E. nfyb-1 and nfyc-1 displayed identical expression patterns.   Expr4875 nfyc-1 was expressed in many cells in the developing embryo. At the larval stages, the expression level of nfyc-1 was reduced in most somatic cells except in some head neurons and in the developing hermaphrodite vulva and male tail. NFYC-1 was localized in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
    Expr4877 The highest levels of expression were detected in intestine cells, but expression was also observed in a wide range of other cell types (neurons, muscles and hypodermal cells) suggesting that letm-1 is ubiquitously expressed.  
    Expr4879 ego-2 mRNA was detected with similar intensity in both strains, indicating that expression is not germline-specific or enriched. Indicating that ego-2 functions in the soma.  
Picture: Figure 4A, B, C.   Expr4873 NFYA-1 was localized to the nucleus and was ubiquitously expressed in all nuclei at all developmental stages. In larvae and adult animals, strong expression of nfya-1 was observed in the head ganglia neurons and also in the developing hermaphrodite vulva and mail tail, while its expression was lower in most somatic cells. NFYA-1 was localized to the nucleus.
Picture: Figure 2A. The validity of the anti-DVE-1 staining is supported by the diminished signal in embryos born to dve-1(RNAi) mothers and by its concordance with the fluorescent signal in embryos expressing a dve-1::gfp transgene controlled by the endogenous promoter (dve-1pr::dve-1::gfp).   Expr4998 Most cells had some DVE-1 staining, but the strongest signal was observed in the mitochondria-rich intestinal precursor cells. Immunostaining of embryos with antiserum raised to bacterially expressed DVE-1 revealed a signal that colocalized with the DNA-binding dye Hoechst H33258, indicating nuclear localization of the endogenous protein.
Picture: Fig 3A.   Expr4950 RAB-7::GFP is expressed ubiquitously, including the amphid neurons where both TUB-1 and RBG-3 are expressed.  
    Expr4330 Immunostained whole mounts of WT animals demonstrated that LIN-54 was present in the nuclei of all or almost all cells from the embryo through the adult. LIN-54 was not detected in lin-54(n3423) mutant animals. Expressed in nuclei. In the hermaphrodite germ line, LIN-54 was localized to condensed chromosomes during the diakinesis phase of meiosis.
    Expr4329 In immunostained whole mounts, LIN-37 was detected in most if not all nuclei of WT animals from the one-cell embryo through the adult and was absent in lin-37(n758) mutant animals. Expressed in nuclei.
    Expr4275 When C. elegans embryos were reacted with a polyclonal mouse antibody raised against DIC-1, the protein appeared as speckles in the cytoplasm throughout embryogenesis. It was present in germ cells and oocytes, and its particulate distribution in the cytoplasm was clearly observed. At the post-embryonic stage, DIC-1 was present in all somatic cells, although at a lower expression level than in germline cells. The speckles of DIC-1 in mitotic germ cells co-localized with anti-cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 antibody conjugated to Alexa Fluor 594, supporting a mitochondrial location of DIC-1.
    Expr4234 Ce-T-synthase was expressed in every cell and at all stages of Caenorhabditis elegans.  
    Expr4228 GFP was detected in the nuclei of most, if not all, somatic cells in transgenic tra-4(bc45) hermaphrodites. GFP was detected as early as the 28-cell stage of embryogenesis and persisted throughout development and adult life. Ptra-4gfp-tra-4 was also expressed in most, if not all, somatic cells, including the CEMs, in transgenic tra-4(bc45) males. tra-4 gene is expressed throughout the soma of both hermaphrodites and males. TRA-4 protein is predominantly nuclear.
    Expr4220 HIS-71::GFP displayed high levels of expression in almost all adult nuclei. With the his-71::GFP transgene, fluorescence was detected at the approximately 51-cell stage (embryos with four E blastomeres). Expressed in nuclei.
In embryos, HIS-72::GFP can be detected in nuclei at all stages. When fixed nuclei were viewed at high magnification, the most intense HIS-72::GFP and YFP::HIS-72 fluorescence appeared coincident with DAPI-stained DNA at all stages of the cell cycle. For example, mitotic chromosomes coalesce into a characteristic bar-shaped structure at metaphase that displayed high levels of fluorescence. These observations suggest that the tagged H3.3 proteins are incorporated into nucleosomes. To test this possibility in the his-72::gfp strain, authors used a high salt histone extraction method to separate nucleosomes (containing histone octamers) from nonnucleosomal proteins. Extracts from lysed embryonic nuclei were bound to hydroxyapatite and eluted at increasing salt concentrations. Nonnucleosomal proteins are predicted to elute in 0.35 M NaCl, and core histones elute in 2.5 M NaCl. Coomassie blue staining and Western blot analysis using an anti-histone H3 antibody confirmed that C. elegans histones are enriched in the 2.5 M NaCl eluate fractions. The majority of HIS-72::GFP, predicted to be about 42 kDa, stained positively with an anti-GFP antibody in the 2.5 M NaCl eluate fractions, indicating that HIS-72::GFP is incorporated into nucleosomes. The combined results suggest that H3.3 is present in chromatin throughout development.   Expr4221 HIS-72::GFP displayed a similar expression pattern in almost all larval and adult nuclei , except that intestinal nuclei showed only low levels of expression. In crosses where sperm bearing the YFP::his-72 transgene fertilized wild-type oocytes, fluorescence from embryonic expression was detected at the approximately 26-cell stage (embryos with two E blastomeres). Expressed in nuclei.
    Expr4217 ISW-1 was present in the nuclei of most, if not all, cells during every stage of C. elegans development. ISW-1 was associated with chromatin, as indicated by colocalization of anti-ISW-1 immunoreactivity with DAPI-stained condensed chromosomes.
scrm-1 in this paper refers to T22H2.5, the official name is plsc-2 according to WS174.   Expr4579   Wild-type C. elegans embryos stained with anti-SCRM-1 antibodies displayed a plasma-membrane staining pattern that was observed in all cells throughout embryogenesis, whereas no specific staining was observed in scrm-1(tm805) mutant embryos. Similar plasma-membrane localization of SCRM-1 was observed in germ cells of wild-type animals, but not in those of scrm-1(tm805) animals.
    Expr4563 Examination of transgenic embryos at different developmental stages revealed that GFP was expressed in all or nearly all cells, except intestinal cells and their precursors, starting at around 100 to 150 minutes post-fertilization and continuing throughout the comma stage of embryogenesis. Reporter expression disappeared after the 3-fold embryonic stage, and only 2 to 3 cells expressed GFP faintly in larva and adults. These cells, one of which was probably the head mesodermal cell, were present in the head and did not reliably express GFP. Reporter expression was similar between males and hermaphrodites, except that, in males, intense staining was observed in the tails of L4 animals.  
    Expr4673 UBXN-1::GFP was expressed ubiquitously from embryos through to adult worms and predominantly in spermathecae at adult stage.  
    Expr4674 UBXN-2::GFP was expressed ubiquitously from embryos through to adult worms and predominantly in spermathecae at adult stage.  
The HIS-24 staining results were reproduced with an anti-GFP antibody and an integrated his-24::gfp transgenic animal line.   Expr4649   Indirect immunofluorescence analysis of wild-type animals revealed the expression pattern and the subcellular localization of HIS-24. In most, if not all, somatic cells, HIS-24 is expressed and exclusively associated with chromatin. It is, however, absent from the primordial germ cells Z2 and Z3, which are born in the embryo and rest during the first larval stage (L1). Germ line HIS-24 expression starts in the late L3 stage concomitant with gonad development and continues during adulthood. The protein, however, does not translocate into the germ nuclei but is associated with specific cytoplasmic granular structures surrounding the nuclei. Costaining with P-granule-specific antibodies revealed that the structures containing the cytoplasmic HIS-24 protein are not the P-granules. Cytoplasmic HIS-24 is characteristic for most developmental stages of the germ line, it is found in the mitotic region of the gonad, in the transition zone, in the meiotic region, and during all stages of oogenesis. SYTO-RNA-select staining of hermaphrodite gonads identified the well-known RNA component of the P granules but showed no staining of the HIS-24-containing granular structures. Only during the late pachytene stage is a small fraction of HIS-24 associated with chromatin. In the male gonad the germ line expression level of HIS-24 is considerably lower than that in hermaphrodites, but the protein is accordingly localized in the cytoplasm.
Species: C. briggsae.   Expr4632 In C. briggsae, the gene expressed in: ubiquitous.  
    Expr4633 Expressed in: ubiquitous.  
Species: C. briggsae.   Expr4634 In C. briggsae, the gene expressed in: ubiquitous.  
    Expr4631 Expressed in: ubiquitous.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr4610 Expressed in the cytoplasm from early embryogenesis to adulthood in most, if not all, cells in C. elegans. There is no clear difference in the expression patterns of alg-1 and alg-2.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr4609 Expressed in the cytoplasm from early embryogenesis to adulthood in most, if not all, cells in C. elegans. There is no clear difference in the expression patterns of alg-1 and alg-2.  
    Expr4493 The embryos near the vulva assumed stronger fluorescence of the CED-10::GFP::CED-10 marker than their younger, more distant siblings. The signal was not detectable until the 50-cell stage of the gastrulating embryo, when the marker started to accumulate beneath the cell boundaries. The signal gradually strengthened until the 3-fold stage, and remained unchanged thereafter until adulthood. The marker was expressed ubiquitously in all cells except the germ line Z2 and Z3 cells. At the subcellular level, the signal was absent in the nucleus, easily identified as a circular void within the cell. The distribution of the marker in cytosol sometimes assumed a vesicular structure. The intracellular vesicles in the scanned images overlapped with most, if not all, the granules observed by differential interference contrast microscopy. The marker accumulated at the boundaries between neighboring cells, appearing much more sparsely at cell surfaces facing the egg shell where no neighboring cell was present, and little accumulation was seen at the boundary facing the germ line cells Z2 and Z3. Large round vesicular structures exhibiting the strongest signals correspond to the cells undergoing apoptosis, indicating the cell boundaries between cells undergoing programmed cell death and the cells engulfing the dying cells.
    Expr4497 asb-2 mRNA was expressed widely and continuously in the whole body.  
    Expr4499 SOR-3::GFP is observed in all cells in the developing embryos, larvae, and adult animals. SOR-3::GFP is evident in both cytoplasm and nucleus.
    Expr12836 elpc-1 is expressed ubiquitously. The subcellular localization of ELPC-1 is mainly in the cytoplasm.

0 Life Stages

1 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
An anatomical entity of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. C. elegans anatomical entity   WBbt:0000100