Picture: Figure S4F. |
EVA-1::GFP expression was observed along the VNC, body wall muscles, Also expressed in pharyngeal muscles and hypodermis. |
Exclusively localized on or near the cell surface membrane. |
Picture: FIG. 1D-G. |
Expressed in a relatively broad range of tissues. Robustly expressed in vulval muscles, and modestly expressed in body wall muscles and in the pharynx. Expression of was also observed in the intestine and expression of asd-1 was observed in the nervous system. Widely expressed in the early embryos before morphogenesis. |
Picture: FIG. 1D-G. |
Expressed in a relatively broad range of tissues. Robustly expressed in vulval muscles, and modestly expressed in body wall muscles and in the pharynx. Expression of was also observed in the intestine. Widely expressed in the early embryos before morphogenesis. |
Picture: Fig. 4. |
pQC106, with the 3.0 kb promoter, showed expression in the same cells as pQC105 and also in rectal cells, vulva cells, the spermatheca-uterine valve and in body wall muscle cells and neurons of the ventral nerve cord. |
Picture: Figure 2. Similar DTC expression of GFP was observed in two other independently derived 6-kb pat-2 promoter fusion lines as well as with shorter promoter fusions of 3, 2, and <0.5 kb of pat-2 upstream sequence. To verify that this pattern is an accurate representation of PAT-2 expression, a translational fusion line with GFP inserted near the end of the cytoplasmic tail was examined. The PAT-2::GFP expression pattern was the same as the transcriptional fusions, including the up-regulation of expression in the DTC during L3. |
In each line, the pat-2p::GFP nematodes had high levels of GFP expression in body-wall muscle cells and vulval tissue. No GFP was detected in the DTCs migrating on the ventral ECM during L2. GFP was visible in DTCs during L3, when the DTC migrates from the ventral to dorsal surface, and was maintained in the DTC throughout adulthood. |
A-class motor neuron: enriched in embryo (5.3) and larva (3.7). Neuronal expression include: DA, DB, VA, VB, AS, head neurons. Also expressed in other cells: Body muscle, intestine. Pan-neuronal: enriched in embryo (3.9) and larva (8.3). |
A-class motor neuron: enriched in larva (1.8); not expressed in embryo. Neuronal expression include: All ventral cord motor neurons, head and tail neurons, touch neurons. Also expressed in other cells: Body muscle, anal depressor, sphincter muscle? Excretory gland cells?. Pan-neuronal: enriched in larva (3.2); not expressed in embryo. |
A-class motor neuron: enriched in embryo (2.6); not expressed in larva. Neuronal expression include: DD, head and tail neurons. Also expressed in other cells: Body muscle, pharyngeal muscle. Pan-neuronal: expressed in embryo; enriched in larva (6.5). |
A-class motor neuron: enriched in embryo (1.7); not expressed in larva. Neuronal expression include: DA, VD, AS, VB, DB. Also expressed in other cells: Body muscle. Pan-neuronal: expressed in embryo; enriched in larva (2.7). |
A-class motor neuron: expressed in larva; enriched in embryo (2,5). Neuronal expression include: DA, DB, DD, VA, VB, VD, AS head and tail neurons. Also expressed in other cells: Body muscle, head muscle, pharyngeal muscle. Pan-neuronal: enriched in embryo (2.1) and larva (1.8). |
A-class motor neuron: expressed in embryo; not expressed in larva. Neuronal expression include: All ventral cord motor neurons, head and tail neurons, touch neurons. Also expressed in other cells: Intestine, vulval muscle, pharyngeal muscle, anal depressor, body muscle. Pan-neuronal: enriched in embryo (1.8); not expressed in larva. |
Picture: Figure S1. |
Expressed in head neurons, ventral-cord motor neurons, body-wall muscle, vulval muscle, stomatointestinal muscle, anal-depressor muscle, tail neurons, etc. |
Picture: fig. S3 A. |
A transgene containing the sel-10 promoter driving green fluorescent protein (GFP) labeled a subset of neurons including the HSNL, which suggests that sel-10 is expressed in the HSNL. sel-10 promoter driven GFP is widely expressed in body wall muscles (not consistent though), intestine(not consistent), pharynx, distal tip cell, spermatheca, and within nervous system, it is expressed in HSNs, some ventral cord neurons, a bunch of unidentified head neurons and a few tail neurons. --Pers. Comm. from Mei Ding 11-20-07. |
Picture: Fig. 2G. |
In wild-type animals, GFP was observed in all identified serotonergic and dopaminergic neurons and many muscle cells. Please note: this strain -JY739- shows expression in biogenic amine neurons and the epidermis, not in muscle cells (Loer et al., 2015. Genetics. WBPaper00046585, Expr12165). |
Picture: Figure S1. |
Expressed in head neurons, ventral-cord motor neurons, body-wall muscle, vulval muscle, stomatointestinal muscle, anal-depressor muscle, tail neurons, etc. |
Picture: Figure 8. Staining was greatly reduced in unc-87(e843). |
The antibody react with body wall muscle, pharyngeal muscle, anal depressor and sphincter muscle, intestinal muscles, vulval muscles and uterine muscles. In all cases, UNC-87 was contained withing the pattern observed with phalloidin or anti-actin antibodies, suggesting colocalization with thin filaments.. |
Immunohistochemical staining of wild type adult body wall muscle revealed a atriated pattern. The striations are interupted periodically along their length by unstained regions. Double labelling experiments showed that anti-UNC-87 staining pattern corresponded with that of the monoclonal antibody MH44. This pattern represent the I band. At the center of the I band are the dense bodies, these correspond to the unstained regions within the striations. |
Expressed in body wall and vulva muscles. |
glt-1 is strongly expressed in body wall muscles from early developmental stages. Early in development glt-1 expression was seen in hypodermal cells. Towards adulthood, the GLT-1::GFP signal becomes more restricted to the head muscles. |
In head muscles, bright GFP punctae seem to project from the cell soma towards the center of the nematode head |
The fkb-6 transcript was temporally expressed in all stages from embryo to adult with predominant spatial expression being noted in the adult dorsal and ventral nerve cords. In addition, weaker spatial expression was noted in the pharynx, hypodermis, body wall muscle cells and some somatic and gut cells. |
CO3H5.2 gene has a broad expression pattern. This includes expression in the pharynx and pharyngeal gland cells, seam cells, spermatheca, stomatointestinal muscle, vulva and body wall muscle. |
Young embryos did not present a GFP signal, but expression was observed in late embryogenesis and at all stages of postnatal development: eggs, L1, L2, L3, L4, and adults. Adult animals showed stronger expression than did larval stages and eggs; this was also proved by RT-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), suggesting potential developmental dynamics in atx-3 function. Both transgenic strains had a generalized expression pattern, with a strong signal in the spermatheca and vulval muscle . High fluorescence was observed in neuronal dorsal and ventral cord and neurons of the head and tail. Expression was also observed in the hypoderm, body muscles, and coelomocytes. |
frh-1::gfp1 showed a complex expression pattern, which includes a number of neurons in the head. This construct also stains the muscle cells of the pharynx, intestinal cells, body wall muscle cells and spermatheca. This construct was expressed in neurons that showed dendritic projections toward the mouth, suggesting that they may be sensory amphidic neurons. Costaining with DiI, which stains amphidic neurons in C. elegans, confirmed the amphidic nature of these cells. |
frh-1::gfp3, which does not contain the frh-1 gene but contains all the 5 sequence present in frh-1::gfp1, was not expressed in amphid neurons, suggesting the presence of a regulatory sequence within the frh-1 gene that would drive the expression of the gene in head neurons. On the other hand, the frh-1::gfp3 was expressed in the pharynx, gut cells, spermatheca, and body wall muscles, as the frh-1::gfp1, indicating that frh-1::gfp1 would contain most of the necessary sequences for frataxin expression. |
The anti-CeTNI-2 antibody strongly stained the body wall muscle, and faintly the pharyngeal muscle, vulval muscles and anal muscles. |
At high magnification the anti-CeTNI-2 antibody stained the thin filaments in the I-band regions that also contain actin. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
The tni-2 and tni-3 genes were also expressed in the same cells of body wall, vulval and anal muscles, but while tni-2 was uniformly expressed in body wall muscles, the tni-3 gene was strongly expressed in the head, vulval and anal muscles. Expression of tni-2::gfp was observed in the vulval and anal muscles in addition to those muscles detected with tni-2::lacZ. This was the result of the inclusion of a longer 5' upstream region of tni-2 that includes the NdE-box enhancer for vulval expression. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
The tni-2 and tni-3 genes were also expressed in the same cells of body wall, vulval and anal muscles, but while tni-2 was uniformly expressed in body wall muscles, the tni-3 gene was strongly expressed in the head, vulval and anal muscles. Expression of tni-2::gfp was observed in the vulval and anal muscles in addition to those muscles detected with tni-2::lacZ. This was the result of the inclusion of a longer 5' upstream region of tni-2 that includes the NdE-box enhancer for vulval expression. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
The tni-1 gene was weakly expressed in the same cells as tni-2. |
folt-1 = C06H2.4 |
Expression was consistently higher in the pharynx and the posterior part of intestine; it was also observed in the body wall muscles, head muscles and vulva muscles of these transgenic animals. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
Expression began at the comma stage and continued from the L1 to adult stages in body wall muscles. The tni-1::lacZ animals showed only weak expression in the body wall muscles. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
Expression began at the comma stage and continued from the L1 to adult stages in body wall muscles. The tni-2::lacZ construct gave strong expression in all the body wall muscles. |