Expressed in socket cells of IL or OLQ. Strongly expressed in OLLL and OLLR neurons. |
Expressed in the seam cells at embryo. Expressed in socket cells of IL or OLQ. Expression shown in the intestine, usually stronger in the cells at the terminal regions. |
Expressed in the rectal epithelial cells from L1 and maintained through adulthood. Expressed in socket cells of IL or OLQ. |
Expressed in the hypodermis from embryo stage through adulthood. Expressed in the rectal epithelial cells from L1 and maintain through adulthood. Expressed in the terminal bulb of the pharynx. Expressed in socket cells of IL or OLQ. |
Expressed in socket cells of IL or OLQ. |
Expressed in socket cells of IL or OLQ. |
Expressed in socket cells of IL or OLQ. Expressed in the PVT cell. |
Expressed in the rectal epithelial cells from L1 and maintained through adulthood. Expressed in socket cells of IL or OLQ. |
Expressed in socket cells of IL or OLQ. Expressed in neurons of the lumbar ganglion, but the specific neurons were not identified. |
Expressed in socket cells of amphids, IL or OLQ. |
Picture: Fig. 1G, 1H, Fig S1G-L. |
Expressed in CEPsh glia and in sheath and socket glia of inner and outer labial sensilla, and of the deirid. |
Isoform 1a |
Isoform 1b.2 |
Picture: Fig 3. |
Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in anterior arcades, posterior arcades, M1, B cell. Weak or rare expression in intestine. Expression in the nervous system: Amsh, CEPsh, CEPso, ILso, OLso, Phso, DVC, MI. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in gonad sheath, uterus, vulva(low), spermatheca, Sp-ut valve. In developing larva stage, expressed in uterus, vulva, spermatheca, Sp-ut valve. inx-5 first appears in the developing hypodermis at bean stage and then in the excretory cell at three-fold stage. |
Picture: Fig 6. |
Apart from cells in the neuroblast lineage that generate ASE, nhr-67::mCherry was expressed in multiple other neuroblast lineages in the developing embryo. Expression was usually observed in the grandmother or mother of a neuron, but not earlier. Within the ASEL and ASER-generating lineage branches, nhr-67 was expressed in neuroblasts that generate closely or distantly related cousins of ASEL and ASER. For example, the sister neuroblast of the ASE-generating neuroblast creates the AUA and ASJ neurons and it expressed nhr-67. The cousin of the ASE-mother cell generates the AWB and ADF sensory neurons. nhr-67 was expressed in these cells. In late stage embryos, a few other, postmitotic neurons started to express nhr-67. Embryonic nhr-67 expression was not restricted to the nervous system, but was observed in a small subset of mesodermal and hypodermal cells. No expression was detected in endodermal cells or the germ line. nhr-67 was expressed in the excretory canal cell. Postembryonically, nhr-67 expression persisted only in a few neurons in the head ganglia until the first larval stage and faded shortly thereafter in most, but not all, of these neurons, with expression persisting through adulthood only in the CEPD/V, RMED/V, AVL and RIS neurons. During mid-larval development, nhr-67 was transiently and dynamically expressed in the AC cells of the vulva. Expression was also found in the VU cells and somatic gonad, but not in vulA, vulB or vulC. Within the ASEL/R generating lineages, nhr-67::mCherry was first observed in the grandmother cells of ASEL and ASER. Transgenic animals that co-express a functional nhr-67::mCherry reporter and a functional che-1::yfp reporter revealed that nhr-67 precedes che-1 expression. nhr-67 expression was maintained in the ASEL and ASER neurons until the first larval stage after which it became undetectable, whereas che-1 expression was maintained throughout the life of the animal. In spite of its genetically deduced role in asymmetric gene expression in ASEL and ASER, nhr-67 expression is bilaterally symmetric in ASEL and ASER. |
dpy-14 expression starts at the "16 E cell period", a stage when the embryo consists of 224N-500 cells and 4.25N-5.5 h have elapsed since fertilization. As embryogenesis progresses, expression of dpy-14 becomes clearly hypodermal and is mainly localized to hyp7. In addition to embryonic expression, some GFP fluorescence was observed in the hyp7 syncytium of L1 worms, but not at later larval stages or in adults. This L1 expression is probably an artefact due to the relatively long half-life of GFP. GFP expression of dpy-14 at the lima bean stage was mainly localized to cells of AB lineage that may be grouped into two categories based on their potential to differentiate into hypodermal cells only (AB.alaa, AB.alap, AB.arpa, AB.arap, AB.arpp and AB.alpa), or into either hypodermal cells or ciliated neurons (AB.praa, AB.prap, AB.plpp, AB.plpa and AB.alpp). At the plum stage, expression was localized to hyp7 nuclei and to some amphids (ADFL, AFDL, ASEL, ASHL, ASJL, ASKL and RIAL) and amphid support cells (IlshL and OLQsoVL). |
Picture: N.A. |
Expression in the alimentary canal: Weak or rare expression in intestine. Expression in the nervous system: OLso, AVD, AVG, AVJ, AVK, DVA, DVC, IL1, PVP, RIC, RIF, RMD, SIB, SMD, URA. |
Picture: N.A. |
Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in M2, rectal epithelial cells. Weak or rare expression in anterior arcades, posterior arcades. Expression in the nervous system: Amsh, CEPso, ILso, OLso, PDEso, AVH (early larva), AVJ (early larva), AVK, CAN, IL1 (early larva), PDE, PVD, SIB (early larva), URB, VAn, VBn, M2. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in vulva, spermatheca, sperm(spermatocytes, spermatids). In developing larva stage, expressed in vulva. inx-12 expressionstarts in seam precursors around 1.5-fold stage, followed by expression in arcade cells by 2-fold and head neurons by 3-fold stage. inx-12 is expressed in the hypodermal cells of the animal in postembryonic stages. |
Picture: N.A. |
Expressed in all intestinal cells(weak), major hypodermis, vulva epithelium, rectal epithelium, AMsh, IL/OLso and excretory duct cell. |
Picture: N.A. |
Arcade cells are seen to express inx-13 at high levels starting around two-fold stage continuing throughout development and adulthood. inx-13 is expressed in the hypodermal cells of the animal in postembryonic stages. Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in M1, M2. Weak or rare expression in intestine, rectal epithelial cells. Expression in the nervous system: Amsh, CEPsh, CEPso, ILsh, ILso, OLsh, OLso, Phsh, CAN, DVA, DVB, DVC, LUA, PHA, PHB, PLN, PVC, PVQ, PVR, M1, M2. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in spermatheca, sp-ut valve. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
LEV-8 is first detected in L1 animals in a single pair of neurons in the head, approximately midway along the isthmus. It is also expressed in the PVT interneuron situated in the lumbar ganglion, at the rear of the animal. By L4, LEV-8 is expressed in all six DD motor neurons in the ventral nerve cord. As well as expression in several neuronal cell types, LEV-8 is expressed in body wall and in uterine muscles UV1 and UV2. Expression in the body wall was strongest anteriorly, which accords with the higher level of resistance exhibited by the head muscles of lev-8(x15) mutant worms. In the adult worm, LEV-8 is expressed in many neurons in the anterior nervous system. One of the more prominent of these is a single cell in the dorsal ganglion, ALA. LEV-8 is expressed in the IL and OL socket cells but not the neurons themselves. |
Picture: Fig. 3. |
Expression of itx-1prom::gfp was observed in the intestinal tract of embryos from 1.5-fold stage throughout post-embryonic larval development and adulthood. Furthermore, GFP could be detected in socket cells ensheathing the inner and outer labial neurons. Expression could also be observed in the spermatheca and vulva muscle cells. No other cell type displays consistent reporter gene expression. |