Picture: N.A. Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
Expressed in anterior neurons, including AIY, AIZ, RID, M5, ASI, and labial sensory neurons, VNC motorneurons, midbody neurons HSN, CAN, and PVM, tail neurons DVB, DVC, and PDB, and the nonneuronal excretory cell, uterine muscles. -- according to pers. comm. from Oliver Hobert. |
pPAQR-2-N-GFP was localized to the plasma membrane of several amphid neurons in the head, as well as the DVC neuron of the dorsorectal ganglion, the PVT neuronof the preanal ganglion, one mid-body ventral nerve cord neuron and the gonad sheath. |
PAQR-2 localized to the plasma membrane of several amphid neurons in the head. |
The differences in the expression patterns of Pmbr-1::gfp and mbr-1::gfp might be due to the following reasons: first, additional regulatory elements might exist in introns and 3$(B!l(B-UTR regions, which are not included in the former construct; and second, as the product of Pmbr-1::gfp diffuses throughout the cytoplasm, it might be difficult to detect low levels of GFP expression. |
In strains that carry Pmbr-1::gfp, GFP expression was observed in restricted sets of interneurons in the head ganglia: AIM, RIC, RIH (or RIR), RIF (or RIG), and a pair of interneurons tentatively identified as AIN. Expression was also observed in three interneurons of the tail ganglia: PVP and an interneuron tentatively identified as DVA or DVC. In contrast, mbr-1::gfp was expressed in several more neurons compared to Pmbr-1::gfp, including sensory neurons. Expression of mbr-1::gfp was also detected in some intestinal cells at the late embryonic stages as well as in vulval cells and some somatic gonadal cells at the L4 stage. mbr-1::gfp expression becomes detectable first around the early comma stage, which corresponds to the time just after the birth of most neurons. |
The MBR-1::GFP fusion protein was localized to the nuclei, consistent with the idea that MBR-1 functions as a transcription factor. |
Picture: Fig 3. |
Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in anterior arcades, posterior arcades, M1, B cell. Weak or rare expression in intestine. Expression in the nervous system: Amsh, CEPsh, CEPso, ILso, OLso, Phso, DVC, MI. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in gonad sheath, uterus, vulva(low), spermatheca, Sp-ut valve. In developing larva stage, expressed in uterus, vulva, spermatheca, Sp-ut valve. inx-5 first appears in the developing hypodermis at bean stage and then in the excretory cell at three-fold stage. |
Synaptogyrin is expressed in all 26 GABAergic neurons including also RMER and most though not all other neurons. Synaptogyrin is absent in amphids and phasmids and can be detected in non-neuronal glial-like sheath cells in adult worms. The cephalic neurons CEPDR/L and CEPVR/L and amphid-associated sheath cells CEPshDR/L, CEPshVR/L were tentatively positive. Several other neurons that could be tentatively identified in the anterior part are MI, M4, I4, AVL, AIY, RIS, I5, M3R/L, and in the posterior part DVA, AS11, ALNR/L, DVC, DVB, PQR, DA9 (characteristic axonal process denoted by arrowhead), VD13, DD6, VD12. Of these, AVL, RIS, VD13, DD6 and VD12 are GABAergic based on the colocalization with the unc-47p::GFP reporter. In addition, IL neurons were tentatively identified in the anterior (IL*). Synaptogyrin reporter constructs are also expressed in developing neurons. The expression of sng-1p::YFP is closely associated with the development of the nervous system being absent in the gastrula stage with first fluorescence in neuronal precursor cells and newly-formed neurons in the anterior part during the 1.5-fold stage. In addition, it is also detected transiently in cells in the posterior body at the 1.25-fold and 1.5-fold stage. |
eat-4 is expressed in 78 of the 302 neurons of the adult hermaphrodite, which fall into 38 neuron classes (out of a total of 118 anatomically defined neuron classes in the hermaphrodite). Most of these neurons are either sensory- or interneurons. Only two motorneurons utilize glutamate; both are located in the pharynx. |
life_stage summary : postembryonic |
Post-embryonic expression. L1-L4, single ventral cell in middle of the second bulb of the pharynx. L1, single cell in dorsal midline near nerve ring, L2-young adult, 1 dorsal and 1 ventral cell near nerve ring. L2/L3 cell in dorsorectal ganglion. |
C33G8.5 showed medium to strong expression in scattered nonchemosensory neurons.5 |
Particularly intense snf-5 EGFP signal was observed in intestinal cells INT1-9 of the alimentary canal. EGFP expression exhibited a more intensive and aggregated pattern in the epithelial cells of the mature gut, but more even and diffuse expression in the alimentary canal of younger worms. EGFP signal was detected in the pharynx in some, but not all, analyzed preparations. EGFP expression was also detected in the posterior cells of the alimentary canal, two cells of the rectal gland, and several cells that approximately colocalize with the positions of the DVA, DVB or DVC neurons. Further identification of these cells will require additional analysis. Expression of EGFP reporter was also identified in three pairs of amphid sensory neurons that are localized near the dorsa-anterior surface of the posterior pharyngeal bulb (pbp). Considering the localization to the lateral ganglia of head, the relative somatic positions identified via 3D reconstruction of confocal sections, the axonal projections, and the projections and shapes of dendrites visualized in a maximum projection of confocal stack these cells represent the ASI, ADF and ASK neurons. The ASI and ADF neurons exhibited intense labeling in the somata and along the axonal and dendritic projections. In contrast, ASK labeling was weak in the somatic regions and neuronal branches. EGFP expression was also detected in a population of small neurons at the dorsal surface of the anterior pharyngeal bulb. |
Several head neurons, I1 or I2 pharyngeal neurons, head mesodermal cell?, pharynx, vulva, CAN, VC, DA9, 1 neuron pair in the tail, PVT, another cell in PAG? |
Picture: Fig 3. |
Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in pharyngeal epithelium, pm1, pm2, pm3, pm6, pm7, pm8, mc1, mc2, mc3. Weak or rare expression in pm4, pm5. Expression in the nervous system: DDn, DVA, DVB, DVC, PVP. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in proximal gonad sheath, spermatheca. In developing larva stage, expressed in uterus, spermatheca. inx-10 is localized to pharyngeal precursors from early stages of embryogenesis, and by three-fold stage, all pharyngeal muscles except pm4 are seen to express it at high levels. |
Picture: Fig 3. |
Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in anterior arcades, posterior arcades. Weak or rare expression in pm2, pm3, pm4, pm5, pm6, pm7, pm8, mc1, g1, g2, rectal gland cells, rectal epithelial cells. Expression in the nervous system: Phsh, AVK, DVC (early larva), PVR, SIB (early larva), URB, I3. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in gonad sheath, uterus, vulval muscle. In developing larva stage, expressed in vulva. Neuronal expression of inx-9 appears around three-fold stage. The rectal gland expresses inx-9 during early larval stages. inx-9 is expressed in adult hermaphrodite sex muscles. inx-9 was expressed at high levels in arcade cells starting around two-fold stage continuing throughout development and adulthood. |
Picture: Figure 5A to 5E. |
This UNC-36::GFP reporter was expressed in most neurons and virtually all muscle tissue (consistently in body wall and vulval muscle, and sometimes in the pharyngeal muscle). Expression of the UNC-36 reporter was observed in mechanosensory neurons, as well as a number of additional unidentified neurons in the head and tail. GFP expression was observed in ALM, AVM, BDU, and SDQR. Also identified in the tail neurons PVQ, PVC, DVC, and DVA. PLM, ALN, and PHB were probable, but not certain. In the head GFP was expressed in ASE, AVA, SIBDL, RMDVL, ASK, and a number of unidentified neurons. Expression was also observed in PVM and SDQL. |
Picture: Fig. 7. |
The most predominant fluorescence was detected in the head ganglia and the ring neuropile. Among the head neurons labeled, strong and consistent fluorescence was detected in the bilaterally symmetrical pair of RIA interneurons and, less strongly but also consistently, in the bilaterally symmetrical RIC neurons. In addition, inconsistent staining of URY was detected. Outside the head region consistent labeling of the tail neuron, PVT, and possibly DVC was detected, although this latter neuron could not be positively identified. Authors could not detect any consistent expression of our ser-1::GFP construct in muscle either of the body wall, vulva or pharynx. |