

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  Seam hypodermal cell, postembryonic blast cell Name  V5R
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0004876 Synonym  lineage name: ABprapapaap

6 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
Anterior daughter cell of V5R, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium hyp7. V5R.a lineage name: V5R.a WBbt:0004246
post-embryonic cell of pedigree V5R.p V5R.p   WBbt:0007463
hyp7 syncytium in male. hyp7 syncytium male   WBbt:0008070
nucleus of pedigree ABprapapaap ABprapapaap nucleus V5R nucleus WBbt:0003090
hyp7 syncytium in hermaphrodite. hyp7 syncytium hermaphrodite   WBbt:0008071

0 Expression Clusters

24 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
New Anatomy_term: male hook precursors (L1-L4). Picture: Figure S3A.   Marker87 Marker for VPC daughters and granddaughters. Expressed in P cells (L1), QL and QR cells (L1-L2), somatic gonadal precursor (L1), V cells (L1), B cell (L1), T cell (L1), ventral cord neurons (L1-L4), Pn.ps (L1-late L2), Pn.pxx (mid L3), male hook precursors (L1-L4), DTCs (L2-L3), vulval cells (L3-L4), uterine cells (L4), vulval muscle (adult), many unidentified cells in head (all), many unidentified cells in tail (all)  
    Expr13568 ztf-6::gfp expression is first observed in late embryogenesis (threefold stage). In early larval stages, the ztf-6::gfp-expressing cells include head hypodermal cells, head muscle cells, neurons, and ectodermal blast cells along the body (all P and all V cells) and in the tail. Starting in the L2 stage, additional neurons in P cell-derived ventral cord motor neurons express ztf-6::gfp. Because of the postdeirid loss phenotype of ztf-6 mutants, we examined the postdeirid lineage in more detail. We observe ztf-6 expression in the V5 cell of freshly hatched L1 animals. Upon division of the V5 cell into a posterior and anterior daughter, we observe expression in both the anterior and posterior daughters of the V5 cell. The descendent of the posterior V5.p daughter, V5.pa (the founder of the postdeirid lineage), and V5.pp also continue to express ztf-6::gfp. Within the V5.pa lineage, expression of ztf-6::gfp is retained in the blast cells that generate the glial cells and the PDE and PVD neurons (v5.paaa, V5.papa, V5.paap, V5.papp). No expression is detected at later stages in this lineage.  
Data observed from, atIs13, atEx32 and atEx35.   Expr970 In comma to 1.5-fold stage embryos, the nhr-25::GFP are expressed in the V cells, P cells and hyp7. Expression also observed in the head and tail hypodermal cells of embryos. The earliest expression is at ~250-300 min post fertilization. atEx32 and atEx35 L1 animals exhibited consistent reporter expression in the hyp7 and P cell nuclei. The P cell expression was very strong at hatching. GFP expression in the P cell and hyp7 decreased during mid-L1, but frequently increased late L1. At hatching no expression in observed in the V cells. In mid L1 the V cells divided and the anterior daughters begin to express GFP as they join the syncytium. Strong expression is also seen in the head and tail hypodermal nuclei of L1 larva. Expression in the hypodermal nuclei of older larva stages is similar to that in the L1. GFP expression decreases markedly in adults. GFP is also observed in other ectodermal cells. In L1, expression is observed in the G2(excretory pore) cell and in a cell tentatively identified as the W neuroblast. In older larva, expression continues in G2 but disappears in the W lineage once the cells divides to generate neurons. Beginning in L2, GFP is expressed in the region around the rectum. Expression is also occasionally observed in the anterior pharynx, in the nuclei with positions consistent with those of the pharyngeal epithelial cells. nuclei
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. [cam-1::gfp]. A functional cam-1gfp transgene that rescues the defects of cam-1 mutants. Expr1146 CAM-1GFP expression appears at the 200-cell stage in most cells of the embryo. Migrating ALM, BDU, CAN, HSN and ccM cells, which migrate embryonically and require cam-1 function for their migration, are likely to express CAM-1GFP, as most cells of the embryo express the transgene while these cells migrate. During the first larval stage, V cells often express CAM-1GFP at the time that they divide, and the Q-neuroblast descendents, which also require cam-1 function for their migration, express CAM-1GFP. During larval development, CAM-1GFP is highly expressed in the nervous system, as well as in intestinal, hypodermal and body-wall muscle cells and in parts of the pharynx. In non-neuronal cells, much of the protein appears to associate with the plasma membrane. In neurons, CAM-1GFP is detected predominantly in axons and dendrites.
    Expr1455 Almost every transgenic animal shows strong DAF-3/GFP expression in many, but not all, head neurons, the ventral nerve cord (both cell bodies and processes), the intestinal cells, especially the membrane adjacent to the intestinal lumen, and tail hypodermal cells and neurons. Weak expression in the pharynx, hypodermal V blast cells, P blast cells and hyp7 hypodermal cells is observed in about half of the transgenic animals. Expression in the tail hypodermal cells hyp 9, hyp 10, and hyp 11 is clearly seen in nearly every animal. This apparent difference between tail hypodermal expression and main body expression may be a consequence of the anatomy of the animal. The main body hypodermis is underlain by bright GFP in the intestine and ventral nerve cord, so weak expression in the hypodermis is hard to see against this background. Expression is rarely detected in dorsal body wall muscle. DAF-3/GFP is expressed in the distal tip cells and in their precursors, Z1.a and Z4.p, throughout development. DAF-3/GFP is also expressed strongly in unidentified vulval cells in adults. In wild-type embryos of 200 to 400 cells, DAF-3/GFP is expressed uniformly thoughout the embryo. In wild type, DAF-3/GFP is primarily, although not exclusively, cytoplasmic. DAF-3/GFP subcellular distribution was examined in head neurons in the vicinity of ASI (the cell that produces the DAF-7 signal), as well as in intestinal cells. DAF-3/GFP was predominantly cytoplasmic in all animals. However, in all animals, dim GFP fluorescence was seen in the nucleus of some of the cells with bright cytoplasmic fluorescence, and in 25% of the animals, equivalent DAF-3/GFP levels in the nucleus and cytoplasm was observed in one or more cells.
Lineage expression: V lineage. Transgenic ceh-20(mu290) animals bearing pLY11 were rescued for the QR.pax positioning phenotype, the Muv/Egl, and the Vn.a division phenotype, suggesting that ceh-20::gfp was expressed in cells that require its function for these processes.   Expr3231 ceh-20::gfp expression was detected in QR and QL and their descendants throughout their migrations to the end of L1. V cells and their daughters also expressed ceh-20::gfp. Expression persisted in the descendants of the V cells through the adult stage. At hatching, all P cells expressed ceh-20::gfp. Before the anterior and posterior Pn.p cells fuse, they also expressed ceh-20. In L3 hermaphrodites, expression was maintained in P(3-8).p. ceh-20::gfp expression was identified in several other cell types. These included M, BDU, ALM, HSN, body wall muscle cells, I4, all L1 ventral cord neurons and a few unidentified neurons in the head behind the posterior bulb of the pharynx. In all cells expressing ceh-20, the expression was stronger in the nucleus than in the cytoplasm. ceh-20::gfp expression and nuclear localization did not change in the unc-62(mu232) background.
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr660 9h after fertilization: strong staining in intestinal and hypodermal nuclei; Weak neuronal staining. Early L1: staining in nuclei of most postembryonic blast cells. Strong staining in nuclei of hypodermic blast cells H1, H2, V1-V6, T and all intestinal (E) cells. Weak staining nuclei of neuroblasts Q1 and Q2, mesoblast M cells and P cells. 9h after fertilization: strong staining in intestinal and hypodermal nuclei; Weak neuronal staining. Early L1: staining in nuclei of most postembryonic blast cells. Strong staining in nuclei of hypodermic blast cells H1, H2, V1-V6, T and all intestinal (E) cells. weak staining nuclei of neuroblasts Q1 and Q2, mesoblast M cells and P cells. Adult: staining observed in the mature oocyte nuclei of hermaphrodites, at meiotic prophase I when the chromosomes are condensed. (Possible artifact, detected in lin-14 loss-of-function mutant strains n536n540, n355n726). In embryo, first observed in embryo at 7h after fertilization (half way through embryogenesis). Strong staining in intestinal and hypodermal nuclei. L3: Pn.p stains weakly before division (staining fades by L4). Occasional weak staining of hypodermal, intestinal and neuronal nuclei and cytoplasm at L2 and L3. Late L1: staining of all nuclei except for neuronal nuclei is weaker. More neuron of the nerve ring and posterior ganglion stain than in earlier stages. Intestinal and hypodermal cell lineages stain strongest at mid to late L1 (Fade entirely by L2) similarly with many of the neuronal cells. Mid L1: staining in nuclei of hypodermic blast cells H1, H2, V1-V6 and T. The nuclei of intestinal (E) cells also stain. Weak staining in nuclei of P cells (staining fades before migration into ventral cord). Strong staining in nuclei of embryo-derived nuclei in hypodermal syncytial cell hyp7, ABarpppapa, ABplaapppp, Cpaaaa, Cpaapa, Cpaapp, Cpapaa, terminally differentiated nuclei from embryonic body muscle also stain for lin-14. Staining observed in nuclei of neuronal cells BDU, ALM, and CAN. All embryonic generated ventral cord neurons and some neurons of the nerve ring and posterior ganglion stain for lin-14. lin-14 is localized to the nuclei.
Lineage expression: H, V, T descandents. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr661 lin-14 protein is first observed in embryos at ~7 hours after fertilization where most intense staining is seen in intestinal and hypodermal nuclei. ~9 h after fertilization, additional weak staining is observed. lin-14 protein is expressed at high level in the nuclei of most of the post-embryonic blast cells. Intense nuclear staining was observed in the hypodermal blast cells H1, H2, V1-V6 and T and in all of the intestinal (E) cells and weaker staining was observed in both neuroblasts Q1 and Q2, in the mesoblast M cell and in P cells (P1/2, P3/4 and P5/6). During L1, staining is seen in the progeny of the hypodermal blast cells H1, H2 V1-V6 and T and in all of the intestinal (E) cells. Staining in P-cell nuclei fades before migration into the ventral nerve cord but reappears later in some of their progeny cells. The embryo-derived nuclei in the hypodermal syncytial cell hyp7, ABarpppapa, ABplaapppp, Cpaaaa, Cpaapa, Cpaapp, Cpapaa, all stain for the lin-14 protein during the L1 stage. Terminally differentiated nuclei from embryonic body muscle also accumulate the lin-14 protein. Nuclei of many but not all neuronal cells stain with the antibody (e.g. BDU, ALM, CAN but not HSN). All of the embryonically generated ventral cord neurons and some but not all of the neurons of the nerve ring and the posterior ganglion accumulate the lin-14 protein in their nuclei during the L1 stage. Late L1 stage, staining is seen in all nuclei except in the neuronal nuclei staining is much weaker. In addition, more neurons of the nerve ring and posterior ganglion stain than at the earlier stages. Thus, in the hypodermal and intestinal cell lineages, lin-14 protein level peaks during early L1 and fade entirely by L2. In the many neuronal cells, lin-14 protein peak during mid to late L1 and fade by L2. Pn.p accumulates lin-14 protein at the L3 stage, although, very weak staining is seen before the Pn.p cells divide. This staining fades by early L4, In occasional L2 and L3 stage animals, weak staining is observed in nuclei and cytoplasm of hypodermal, neuronal and intestinal cells. Patches of staining in hypodermal or intestinal nuclei is only rarely observed in very old adults. In most adults, staining reappears only in the mature oocyte nuclei of hermaphrodites at meiotic prophase I when the chromosomes are condensed. The oocyte nuclear staining disappears after fertilization. Quantitation of immunoblots show that the level of lin-14 protein relative to a pharyngeal myosin control decreases >= 25-fold from L1 to L2.  
    Expr2579 SCC-1/COH-2 was expressed in germ cells throughout the development, including the adult stage. SCC-1/COH-2 was detected in virtually all mitotic germ nuclei. Similarly to somatic cells in embryos, SCC-1/COH-2 was dispersed in the cytoplasm at mitotic prometaphase and was absent from the condensed anaphase chromosomes in germ cells. In female germ cells that entered meiotic prophase in adult hermaphrodites, SCC-1/COH-2 was observed uniformly in the nuclei. It was unclear whether SCC-1/COH-2 localized to the condensed meiotic chromosomes, because of the strong SCC-1/COH-2 signal emitted from the nucleoplasm. SCC-1/COH-2 was detected also in male germ cells at mitosis and meiosis, but it was not detectable in mature sperm. SCC-1/COH-2 was strongly expressed in virtually all cells in early embryos, but its expression was gradually weakened, and the signal could hardly be detected in late embryos, in which cell division was ceased almost completely. Strong nuclear signals of SCC-1/COH-2 reappeared in larvae, though they were limited to a subset of cells. SCC-1/COH-2 was detectable only in cells that were going to divide. For example, in an L1 larva, intense SCC-1/COH-2 signals were detected in the 14 hypodermal V lineage cells, which divide synchronously. The SCC-1/COH-2 signal was dispersed and not detectable on condensed chromosomes, as observed in embryos of an intermediate stage. In a slightly older L1 larva, expression of SCC-1/COH-2 was seen in 22 P lineage cells to constitute the ventral nerve cord and in four Q lineage cells to produce posterior neuronal cells, all of which divide at the same time. In this L1 larva, no signal was detected in the V lineage cells, suggesting that the SCC-1/COH-2 protein is present only for a short time in the cell cycle, and likely to be degraded quickly after cell division. Larvae of later stages also expressed SCC-1/COH-2 in dividing cells: in an L3 larva, SCC-1/COH-2 was detected in four M lineage cells to produce the uterine and vulval muscle cells and in 10 P lineage vulval precursor cells, which divide concurrently. The embryos were stained with both anti-SCC-1/COH-2 antibodies and an antibody against a component of the nuclear pore complexes. The SCC-1/COH-2 signal was evenly distributed within the nuclear envelope except for the chromosomal region, suggesting that SCC-1/COH-2 molecules dissociated from the chromosomes at metaphase were trapped by the nuclear envelope. Consistently with this interpretation, the SCC-1/COH-2 staining around the metaphase plate was no longer seen at later stages of embryogenesis involving >30 cells, where nuclear envelope is known to break down before metaphase. SCC-1/COH-2 was dispersed into the whole cytoplasm of metaphase cells at these stages. SCC-1/COH-2 seemed to localize to the chromosomes in a cell cycle-dependent manner. In interphase, SCC-1/COH-2 was seen throughout the nucleus, overlapping largely with DNA. At mitotic prophase, SCC-1/COH-2 started to separate from condensing chromosomes, and it was not detected on the chromosomes at prometaphase and metaphase. At metaphase, the SCC-1/COH-2 signal seemed as if surrounding the metaphase plate, although it was possible that a small amount of SCC-1/COH-2 was remaining on the metaphase chromosomes but escaped detection, because cohesin is reported to become detectable on metaphase chromosomes only after detergent extraction of soluble background in other metazoans. The SCC-1/COH-2 signal was then dispersed in the cytoplasm at anaphase. At telophase, the SCC-1/COH-2 protein began to reaccumulate on the chromosomes.
    Expr12601 sox-2 expression is restricted to subsets of neuroblasts. sox-2 is expressed relatively late in nervous system development, in the progenitor of differentiated neurons, but not in earlier neuroectodermal cells. sox-2 is also expressed in some progenitors of non-neural tissue, in the head hypodermis and the arcade cells. sox-2 is expressed in several postembryonic blast cells that are generated in the embryo. These blast cells include the B, Y, F, U and K rectal epithelial cells and the seam cells along the body. Although expression of sox-2 is absent in the terminal neurons generated by these lineages, sox-2 expression extends beyond the blast cell stage [e.g. sox-2 expression is maintained in the V5 daughters (V5a and V5p) but is lost in the next division].sox-2 is expressed in the sensory neurons AWB, AWC, IL1, IL2, URA, URB, OLL, the interneurons AIM, AIN, AVK, RIH and the motor neuron class RME. The sox-2 fosmid reporter or sox-2 smFISH did not show any expression in the germ line or oocytes of young adult worms. Expression patterns obtained by smFISH were very similar to the ones observed with fosmid reporters.  
Interestingly, Y is replaced in the hindgut by P12.pa, a descendant of the only P cell in which PEB-1 protein expression was detected in L1 larvae. No detailed description on cellular expression patterns in pharynx, try to find those information in Expr838.   Expr3462 In summary, PEB-1 accumulated in L1 larvae in the nuclei of all hypodermal cells and the epithelial cells lining the rectal lumen. As in the pharynx, PEB-1 was not detectable in neuroblasts or differentiated neurons. PEB-1-expressing cells are not obviously related by cell type or lineage. Rather, one striking common feature of these cells is that they contact the cuticle on the exterior of the worm or lining the pharyngeal or rectal lumen. Like in the pharynx, PEB-1 was first detected in the hypodermal nuclei in comma stage embryos (approximately 400 min) and remained detectable until hatching. In 1 1/2-fold stage embryos, the PEB-1 protein was detected in the nuclei of most, if not all, hypodermal cells including hyp5, hyp6, and hyp7 and the H, P, and V cells. After hatching, PEB-1 remained detectable in most hypodermal cells although it decreased in later larvae and was undetectable in adults. In the L1 lateral hypodermis, the PEB-1 protein was detected in H0, H1, H2, V1 to V6, and T, and their anterior and posterior daughters, as well as in the nuclei of the hyp7 syncytium. PEB-1 was also detected in many of the dorsal and ventral hypodermal nuclei in the head and the ventral hypodermal nuclei in the tail. Notably, PEB-1 was not detected in larval P cells. In addition, PEB-1 was not detected in other neuroblasts including Q and T.p. PEB-1 was also expressed in cells lining the lumen of the hindgut. In 1 1/2-fold embryos (approximately 420 min), PEB-1 was detected in many nuclei near the posterior of the embryo. These likely include both the posterior hypodermal cells and hindgut cells, although these cells cannot be easily distinguished at this stage. In L1 larvae, PEB-1 was detected in many of the non-neuronal nuclei surrounding the rectal lumen, including K, K', U, F, B, and Y. PEB-1 was not detected in the rectal-intestinal valve or the anal depressor muscle. As in other tissues, the PEB-1 protein remained detectable in the hindgut throughout larval development but became progressively less abundant and undetectable in adults. Importantly, this progressive decrease in PEB-1 expression also occurs in Y, which withdraws from the hypodermis during late larval development to become a neuron. nuclei
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr1614 At the beginning of embryonic morphogenesis, all ten pairs of lateral epidermal cells, the seam cells, express cdh-3::lacZ. cdh-3::GFP expression in these cells is observed at hatching and throughout subsequent postembryonic development. During the last larval stage (L4) the 15 pairs of seam cells generated during larval development fuse to form two continuous lateral syncytia, surrounded by hyp7. cdh-3::GFP expression correlates with seam cell identity during these postembryonic divisions; it is not observed in daughters that fuse with hyp7 or adopt other fates. In embryos undergoing morphogenesis, lacZ is expressed in a single large nucleus, whose size and position is consistent with that of the excretory cell. This identification is reinforced by the observation that in many newly hatched L1 larvae, low levels of GFP expression are visible in the excretory cell. This expression of cdh-3-reporter genes was observed only during late embryogenesis and in some newly hatched L1s (the latter may be due to perdurance of the GFP fusion protein), but not at later stages. Several other cells expressed the cdh-3 reporter constructs during embryonic morphogenesis; as in the seam cells this expression continued upon hatching. In the tail two cells, hyp10 and hyp11, show strong GFP expression that persists only during the first larval stage. Strong expression was observed in cells that form interfacial epithelia between the intestinal epithelium and the epidermis. Two cells that form part of the rectal epithelium, designated F and U, express cdh-3::GFP during embryonic morphogenesis and throughout larval development. In the anterior of embryos undergoing morphogenesis there were several cells expressing cdh-3::lacZ, and in larvae and adults, GFP expression is seen in nine cell bodies located just anterior to the first bulb of the pharynx. Processes extend anteriorly from these cell bodies and terminate at the level of the buccal capsule. Based upon the location of the cell bodies and the morphology of the processes, these cells were identified as the anterior and posterior arcade cells. Expression pattern of the pJP#38 construct in males indicated expression in the male tail and several male-specific neurons, however the expression pattern is complicated and the cell identity were not determined. cdh-3::GFP expressed in the developing hermaphrodite vulva. GFP first expressed in the anchor cell in L3 larvae. A little later expression were seen in those vulval cells that are closest to the anchor cell and are beginning to invaginate. As vulval morphogenesis continues all of the cells that invaginate to form the vulva are expressing GFP. During this period, the uterine epithelium closest to the invaginating vulval cells begins to express cdh-3::GFP and the anchor cell fuses with the multinucleate uterine seam cell (utse), which also begins to express cdh-3::GFP. Expression continues in these cells into the adult stage, though at somewhat reduced levels, which may perhaps be due to perdurance of the fusion protein, since older adults show much reduced fluorescence compared with younger ones. During the time that the vulva is forming, cdh-3::GFP expressed in the six VC neurons located in the ventral nerve cord and the two HSNs located just posterior and dorsal to the developing vulva. These cells begin to extend processes at about this time, and GFP expression continues in these cells and their processes throughout the remainder of larval development and into adulthood.  
In the absence of food expression is very high in arrested larvae and then fades by 8-12h post-feeding. See Table 2 in the article cgc3201 for the stage/tissue type expression patterns of this locus. Lineage expression: SM lineage. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr608 First detected at comma stage in pharyngeal primordium as pharyngeal muscles begin terminal differentiation. Strong expression is detected in most cells during late embryogenesis when cells are either differentiating or undergoing cell cycle arrest prior to hatching. At hatching and in L1 animals maintained in absence of food expression detected in Q, M, Z1, Z4 and V cells. Expression in these cells fades after feeding when cell division resumes. Strong expression is observed in many postmitotic neurons and muscle cells. Stronger expression is detected in newly differentiated cells and then gradually decreases. cki-1 also expressed in dauer larvae. 1. Lateral hyodermal V lineage: V cells show strong expression until they divide in the mid L1 (fluorescence decreases significantly). Seam cells express at quite high levels during resting phases between molts and at a reduced level during division. Expression increases at L4 (coincident with seam cell terminal differentiation). 2. sex myoblasts (SM)lineage: High level of expression observed during SM migration, reduced during SM division and high again as the sex muscles differentiate. 3. P lineage: L1-molt progeny of Pn.a neuroblasts express high levels of cki-1::gfp. 4. Somatic gonad: Expression in Z1 and Z4 diminishes prior to cell division in mid-L1. Strong expression in Z1.aa and Z4.pp, the distal tip cells, beginning in L2, undetectable in the rest of Z1/Z4 lineage until the late L3 and early L4. Expression in somatic gonad increases dramatically at the onset of terminal differentiation. 5. Intestine: After L1-molt expression in intestine is seen throughout the larval stages 6. Vulva precursor cells: cki-1::gfp expression first detected in vulva precursor cells (VPCs) in late L1 or early L2 and peaks at L2 molt.  
Another transgenic line independently established with the same construct also showed the similar patterns of EGFP expression.   Expr1884 EGFP expression was first observed at the lima bean stage in P and V epidermal cells and intestinal cells. In larvae, EGFP was expressed intensely in motoneurons in the ventral nerve cord and several neurons in the nerve ring and in the tail. The seam cells showed moderate EGFP expression throughout development. In hermaphrodites, vulval precursor cells and their descendants expressed EGFP intensely throughout development. In the male tail, R(n) cells and their descendants all expressed EGFP intensely.  
    Expr2347 CYE-1 is present in adult animals and is restricted to the germline, which is the only proliferative tissue in adults. CYE-1 levels vary in the germline. Mitotic germ cells in the distal region of the gonad have easily detectable levels of nuclear CYE-1. Germ cells in the initial stages of meiosis (proximal to the mitotic germ cells) have lower CYE-1 levels. Finally, as oocytes cellularize in the loop region of the gonad, CYE-1 levels increase with mature oocytes having the highest levels of nuclear CYE-1. These results demonstrate that a significant portion of maternal cye-1 contribution to the embryo is CYE-1 protein. CYE-1 level was assayed postembryonically to determine whether CYE-1 could be detected and if levels of CYE-1 correlated with mitotic proliferation. CYE-1 protein is detectable in larval blast cells that give rise to all tissue types, including, germline, intestine, hypodermis, neurons, and muscle. During larval stages, the level of CYE-1 protein is much lower than that found in germ cells or in the early embryo. CYE-1 antibody staining is restricted to the developmental time when the blast cells are undergoing active proliferation. For example, in the L1 stage, proliferating P blast cells that produce ventral nerve cells have relatively high levels of nuclear CYE-1. In contrast, during the L2 larval stage, the nonproliferating neuronal descendents of the P blast cells have CYE-1 levels that are only barely detectable above background. Further, while a subset of the P cell descendents, the vulva precursor cells (VPCs), will proliferate in the L3 larval stage to produce the vulva, these cells do not have appreciable CYE-1 levels while they are quiescent in the L2 larval stage. Nuclear CYE-1 becomes detectable in the VPCs during the L3 larval stage when they begin proliferation. CYE-1 becomes undetectable in the VPC descendents after completion of cell divisions in L4 larval stage animals. Monoclonal anti-CYE-1 antibody was used to assay CYE-1 levels from fertilization to the end of embryogenesis. In the zygote, CYE-1 is observed in the maternal and paternal pronuclei as soon as they form. The specificity of antibody staining was confirmed by cye-1 RNAi treatment of adult hermaphrodites that abolishes both oocyte nuclei and embryonic anti-CYE-1 protein staining. In early embryos, CYE-1 is enriched in nuclei, and levels appear constant with no evidence of cell cycle fluctuations other than during mitosis. During mitosis, CYE-1 antibody staining appears diffuse once nuclear envelope breakdown occurs, but resumes nuclear localization upon reformation of the nuclear envelope in telophase. CYE-1 is present equally in all cells of the early embryo. The level of CYE-1 declines during embryogenesis and disappears from most cells in comma-stage embryos coincident with the completion of the majority of embryonic cell divisions. nuclear
    Expr11007 egl-18 is asymmetrically expressed in larval seam division daughters with stronger expression in the posterior seam-fated cells in which the Wnt pathway is activated. All ten seam cells in newly hatched L1 larvae showed strong egl-18 expression. After their first division, egl-18::mCherry expression was asymmetric between the daughters, with stronger expression in the posterior daughters that maintain the seam cell fate. Expression in the anterior daughter faded after division, before the hypodermal daughters moved out of the seam cell line. During the L2 stage, several seam cells undergo a symmetric expansion division, generating two seam daughters and increasing the seam cell number from 10 to 16 (Sulston and Horvitz, 1977). In the early L2, strong symmetric expression of egl-18::mCherry was seen in both seam-fated daughters of these divisions. When these seam-fated daughters underwent their subsequent L2 and L3 stage asymmetric divisions, reporter expression faded in their anterior, hypodermal-fated daughters as observed in the L1 stage. In the adult, differentiated seam cells continue to show strong expression of the egl-18::mCherry reporter as described previously (Budovskaya et al., 2008).  
Other strains-- UL889, UL890   Expr2004 Expression is seen predominantly in embryos (from the precomma stage through morphogenesis) and young larvae, although occasional expression is seen in older larvae and adults. At the 1.5 fold embryonic stage 10 cells running along each lateral side of the embryo can be seen, and are V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, H0, H1, H2, and T. In young larvae expression in the hypodermal seam cells can be seen.  
The expression pattern of this construct was similar in independent transgenic lines, but the subcellular localization of the PRY-1 GFP fusion protein differed, ranging from localization at the plasma membrane and in cytoplasmic dots to diffuse cytoplasmic and nuclear staining. This difference in subcellular localization may be a consequence of variations in expression levels of the fusion protein in different transgenic lines. For ease of cell identification, a transgenic line showing diffuse cytoplasmic and nuclear staining was selected. This transgene fully rescued the lethality, the multivulva phenotype, and the QR.d migration defect of pry-1(mu38 and nc1). This suggests that the PRY-1 GFP fusion protein is functional and is correctly expressed in cells in which PRY-1 is essential.   Expr1896 The pry-1 reporter gene is widely expressed throughout development. Expression starts halfway through embryogenesis and is mainly localized to the ventral and lateral hypodermal cells. At the early L1 stage, pry-1 is expressed at high levels in the lateral hypodermal cells (or seam cells) V5 and V6 and in the Q neuroblasts QL and QR. pry-1 is also expressed in the ventral hypodermal (P) cells P7/8 to P11/12, body wall muscle cells, and neurons in the head, the tail, and the ventral nerve cord. No differences in pry-1 expression levels between QL and QR was observed, but this may be a result of PRY-1 GFP overexpression. At the end of the L1 stage, pry-1 is expressed at high levels in all seam cells. Expression was also observed in the QL and QR daughter cells. At later larval stages, pry-1 is expressed at high levels throughout the animal, including hypodermal cells, body wall muscle cells, and many neurons in the ventral nerve cord and head and tail ganglia. In addition, pry-1 is expressed in the vulva precursor (Pn.p) cells and in the developing vulva and male tail.  
    Expr11268 Four constructs were made where GFP was fused to either initiation site or stop codon in order to determine if the splice variants are differentially expressed. Expression of the transformation vectors was driven under 1,951 bp of the KCNL-2 endogenous promoter. Confocal fluorescent imaging of transgenic lines expressing these constructs in the N2 background showed a neuronal expression pattern. expression of KCNL-2 when tagged at the latter stop codon (pkcnl-2kcnl-2(taa2)::gfp) was detected in head neurons, the nerve ring (NR), motor neurons of the ventral nerve cord (VNC), the dorsal cord (DC) and tail ganglia. The pkcnl-2kcnl-2(taa2)::gfp construct was expressed in many neuronal processes innervating the vulva while pkcnl-2gfp::(atg2)kcnl-2 shows expression in the VC4 and VC5 neurons of the egg-laying apparatus in addition to other neuronal processes innervating the vulva. The authors made two additional constructs to drive GFP expression under the KCNL-2 promoter to aid in determining the complete expression profile of KCNL-2 that may be masked in transgenic lines that express GFP-tagged KCNL-2.The first construct, pkcnl-2(atg1) gfp, encompassed the coding sequence of GFP which was expressed downstream of the promoter of KCNL-2 (1,951 bp upstream of atg1). The second construct, pkcnl-2(atg2) gfp, expressed GFP at the second initiation site where the coding sequences for kcnl-2-b and -c were deleted. pkcnl-2(atg1) gfp showed a neuronal expression profile with additional GFP-expression in the vulval muscles. pkcnl-2(atg2) gfp showed a strict neuronal expression profile that complemented the expression profile of the pkcnl-2kcnl-2::gfp constructs. pkcnl-2(atg2) gfp readily labels the VC4 and VC5 neurons and displays a highly innervated vulva, a feature that is lacking in the expression profile of pkcnl-2(atg1) gfp. Ultimately, since both pkcnl-2(atg1) gfp and pkcnl-2(atg2) gfp are expressed in different neurons, this suggests that the various isoforms of KCNL-2 may have differing neuronal expression profiles.  
early + mid embryo(author) = gastrulating + enclosing embryo(curator).   Expr585 At the 200-cell stage, four posterior ventral cells stain, AB.p(r/)lpppp(a/p). At about 350 cells, their eight descendants, and about 12 other cells including lateral and ventral epidermal blast cells, show expression. By the 1.5-fold stage, additional cells stain, e.g., posterior ventral cord neuronal precursors. Most of the cells continue to stain at L1, with the notable exception of the eight descendants of the four cells that show initial staining. Muscle sarcomeres and nuclear localization. Staining is nuclear localized.
    Expr1836 This construct was expressed faintly in QL and QR, more strongly in the neighboring epidermal cells (dorsal hyp7 cells, ventral P cells and lateral V cells), and in dorsal and ventral body muscle cells.  
    Expr542 Expressed in hypodermal precursors, primordial pharynx, and cells surrounding developing buccal and rectal openings at comma stage embryo. Found in P1/2 - P11/12, V1L/R - V6L/R, H0L/R - H2L/R, hyp4, hyp6, and hyp7 cells at comma to 1.5-fold stage embryo. First detected at ~500-cell stage in hypodermal precursor cells and several unidentified cells in the developing tail. Comma-stage and 1.5-fold stage, Expression in many hypodermal precursor cells including P1-12, V1-6 (QV5), H0-H2, hyp4, hyp6, hyp7 cells as well as several presumptive hypodermal cells clustered in the tail. Expression at this stage is also observed in the primordial pharynx as well as in the arcade cells encircling the forming buccal cavity. Posterior expression is detected in cells surrounding the forming rectum and in other cells likely to be neuronal precursors. Later in embryogenesis, GFP detected in majority of pharyngeal cells as well as in neurons with no difference in expression in the cells of the hypodermis. In larvae, GFP observed predominantly in neurons. Staining in ventral nerve cord (first detected in L1 prior to migration of P-cells and is later observed in many cells of the ventral nerve cord from L2-L4). Staining is also detected in hermaphrodite-specific neurons HSN beginning around L2 stage and in the canal associated neurons beginning around L3. Staining is also seen in many neurons of the anterior nerve ring, the dorsal nerve cord and several neurons in the tail. In young adult, weak expression observed in muscle cells.  
    Expr3466 Expression is most robust throughout embryonic development from 250 minutes after the first cleavage until the early 3-fold stage. Expression was observed in the nuclei of hyp5, H0-H2, V1-V6 and T. Additional ceh-16::gfp expression was also observed in cells of the AB lineage at stages prior to the one described above (28-56 cell stage). These cells were determined in 100 minute embryos as being ABprap, ABarpp, ABpraa, ABplap, ABplaa, ABarpa and ABaraa. In later embryonic stages expression was observed in anterior neurons and in the DA1 and DD1 motoneurons after hatching.  
    Expr14287 Expression of cnx-1 was induced in the V5 seam-lineage-derived neuroblast cells in early L2 stage animals.  

2 Life Stages

Remark Definition Other Name Public Name Primary Identifier
  The whole period of embryogenesis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, from the formation of an egg until hatching. embryo Ce WBls:0000003
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 620-800min(hatch) after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. A stage after elongation is over. The last stage of embryogenesis. Also called pre-hatched embryo, late embryo or morphogenetic embryo. fully-elongated embryo Ce WBls:0000021

3 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
a group of hypodermal cells that lie along the apical midline of the hypodermis, at the extreme left and right sides between nose and tail seam cell lateral hypodermis WBbt:0005753
embryonic cell ABprapapaa QV5R WBbt:0006282
Ventrolateral ectoblast of the body that gives rise to neurons, hypodermis and seam cells. V cell   WBbt:0008597