Expressed in throughout embryogenesis. In adult hermaphrodites, MAU-8/PhLP expression was detected in most tissues, including body wall muscles, hypodermal cells, pharynx and intestine. MAU-8/PhLP also remained associated with the germline lineage throughout the life of the worm. Staining appears throughout the gonad as small punctate structures concentrated in the cytoplasm and the cortex of oocytes and germline cells.
Primary Identifier
Subcellular Localization
During embryonic development, from the first cell stage to the end of morphogenesis, MAU-8/PhLP staining was faint and diffuse in the cytoplasm and strongly concentrated at the cell membranes. In addition, MAU-8/PhLP exhibits a dynamic cell-cycle-dependent distribution with staining concentrated at the centrosomes and at the central spindle region of mitotic cells. From the 2-cell stage, MAU-8/PhLP is specifically expressed in the germline blastomere where it co-immunolocalized with P granules.
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5 Anatomy Terms
Primary Identifier
A chain of very large cuboidal cells forming a wide central lumen in which food arrives from the posterior pharynx, is digested, and from which waste products proceed to the rectum. Intestinal rings form in groups of two and four cells surrounding the common lumen; thus the epithelium is only one cell deep at any point, with neighboring cells firmly secured to their neighbors by apical adherens junctions. These cells have very large nuclei and many large vacuoles, yolk granules, and other inclusions; the latter increase in number and electron density as the animal ages.
Longitudinal bands of muscle cells surrounding animal body, with one band running in each quadrant of the body, regulated contraction and relaxation of these muscles cause locomotion.
the feeding organ, a neuro-muscular pump in the head of the animal, used to ingest food, bacteria suspended in liquid, filter them out, grind them up and transport posteriorly into the instestine.
cell line which early in development becomes differentiated from the remaining somatic cell line, and alone has the potential to undergo meiosis and form gametes.