Expression of the construct is first detected during embryogenesis, at the beginning of morphogenesis. evl-20::gfp reporter is strongly expressed in the migrating hypodermal cells throughout the enclosure process. Shortly after the beginning of elongation, evl-20::gfp is turned on in many developing neurons, where it persists through adulthood. (This pattern reflects zygotic evl-20 expression, and it is possible that the maternally produced endogenous gene product is also present in the early embryo. However, such maternal expression cannot be recapitulated by the reporter construct due to the germline silencing effect.) In larva, the construct is expressed in a subset of developing tissues. The reporter construct is highly expressed in all 22 cells of the vulva in mid L4 stage. No apparent difference in levels of expression between cells adopting primary and secondary vulval fates can be seen. evl-20::gfp expression can first be detected in P5.p to P7.p during the two-cell stage, after the first round of VPCs divisions. GFP expression was observed in the somatic gonad during L2 to L4 stages. The expression was the strongest in the uterus, although it was also detectable in the spermatheca, sheath cells, and the distal tip cells (DTC). Expression of the construct in the vulva and the gonad was undetectable in adult worms. GFP expression is also seen in many cells during male tail development, with the highest levels found in the proctodeum. As mentioned previously, evl-20 is also expressed in most neurons during larval stages and in the adult worm. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
The longest construct, containing 10 kb of 5 upstream region from the first lin-3 exon, expresses lin-3::gfp in pharynx; spermathecal-uterine junction core cells and later in the spermatheca valve; pre-anchor (AC)/ventral uterine precursor (VU) cells and later in the anchor cell in the somatic gonad; vulF cells of the primary vulval lineage cells; and F, U and some of the B progeny cells in the male tail. This expression pattern was not affected by the different genetic backgrounds (dpy-20, pha-1 and unc-119) rescued by the corresponding co-injected rescue plasmids, implying that the gfp expression pattern is established by the lin-3 regulatory region. LIN-3 expression in different cells was temporally distinct as well. Expression in the pharynx was observed throughout post-embryonic stages. Spermathecal-uterine junction core cells, which later form the spermatheca valve, started expressing lin-3::gfp at the late L3 larval stage. |
Fusion junction is at position 21392 in F18G5 ...GTATTCTCTGAGAGAAGGAATGATC/lacZ Young and Hope (1993). Dev. Dynam. 196:124-132 = [cgc1752]. Legacy Data: Author "Arnold JM" "Guo J" "Hope IA"Date 1992-01. life_stage summary : postembryonic |
b-galactosidase expression in the spermathecae and the three rectal epithelial cells. Staining in the rectal area was first observed in L1 larvae whilst expression in the spermathecae appeared as the structure formed in L4 larvae. Variable staining was also seen throughout the uterus. In the mature gonad staining appeared to be in the two sets of two large toroidal epithelial cell, Ut-1 and Ut-2. Staining was also observed in the large, multinucleate H-shaped Use cell which attaches the uterus to the seam cells and to the four epithelial cells Ut-1 and Ut-2. The Uv-1 cells did not appear to stain. Individual worms often showed only one component of this expression pattern. In the male, expression was observed to be dispersed in what appeared to be all or part of the proctodeum. |
mab-9 is expressed in very few cells throughout development. In L1 larvae, mab-9::GFP expression is seen in the posterior hindgut cells B and F, the two cells that take on inappropriate lineage fates in mab-9 mutants. Expression is also seen in two posterior hypodermal nuclei of the large syncytial cell hyp7 and in the nervous system, where mab-9::GFP expression is evident in two neuronal nuclei of the lumbar ganglion. These are most likely to be the two nuclei of the interneuron PVC. In addition, mab-9::GFP expression is always observed in a single neuronal nucleus of the head ganglion. The neuronal and hypodermal expression pattern of mab-9 is the same in males and hermaphrodites. mab-9::GFP expression is observed in both B.a and B.p. In late larval males, the expression pattern of mab-9 is more widespread in nuclei of the proctodeum. In adult hermaphrodites, mab-9::GFP expression is maintained in the same six cells that expressed mab-9 during larval development. A construct in which a 5.2-kb mab-9 promoter-only cassette was cloned in front of GFP (vector pPD96.04) was found to have a very similar expression pattern when present in wild-type worms as an extrachromosomal array. mab-9 is also expressed during embryogenesis. mab-9::GFP expression is first seen at the 1.5-fold stage, 430 min after first cleavage, in three to four nuclei around the presumptive rectum [B, F, and hyp7]. In 3-fold embryos, mab-9::GFP expression becomes very intense in the nuclei of B and F, and weaker expression can also be observed in nuclei of the ventral cord. This ventral cord expression appears to be transient and is not observed reproducibly as larval development ensues. |
mab-9 localizes to the nucleus. |