A LIPS-7 translational reporter showed a similar pattern of expression as that of the lips-7 transcriptional reporter. In addition to faint expression in the hypodermis at the young adult stage, prominent LIPS-7 expression was observed in cells located in the head region near the anterior bulb of the pharynx, which may be neuronal support cells or neurons. LIPS-7 expression was also observed in a single neuron in the tail which was tentatively identified as the PVQ neuron. LIPS-7 also appears to localise to cells associated with the excretory system, vulva and rectum. Using the lips-7 transcriptional reporter, co-localisation of lips-7 and CTBP-1 expression in the putative neuronal or neuronal support cells in which lips-7 is expressed in the head was not observed. Also, there was no co-localisation of lips-7 and CTBP-1 expression in neuronal cells located in the nerve ring or along the body, in which CTBP-1 is expressed. Co-localisation of lips-7 transcription and CTBP-1 expression was observed solely in hypodermal nuclei. Using the lips-7 translational reporter we observed co-localisation of LIPS-7 and CTBP-1 in a single neuron in the nerve ring and in the hypodermis.
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cells that support sensory neurons, similar to glial cells in vertebrates. A category which collectively refers to socket cells, sheath cells, and structural cells, or their processes. All of these cells extend long processes which serve a supporting role, rather like glia, to form a protective environment around sensory neuron endings. In addition, some of these cells extend broad thin processes from their somata which wrap around neuronal ganglia, again in a glia-like fashion