

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  fifth pharyngeal muscle cell layer Name  pm5
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0003737 Synonym  M5

3 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
pharyngeal muscle cell syncytium, layer five, right subventral. pm5R-pm5VR m5R-m5VR WBbt:0003735
pharyngeal muscle cell syncytium, layer five, left subventral. pm5L-pm5VL m5L-m5VL WBbt:0003738
pharyngeal muscle cell syncytium, layer five, dorsal. pm5DL-pm5DR m5DL-m5DR WBbt:0003736

4 Expression Clusters

Regulated By Treatment Description Algorithm Primary Identifier
  Top 300 transcripts enriched in pm3, pm4, pm5 according to single cell RNAseq. Top 300 enriched transcripts were determined by log2.ratio of the tpm in the cell type vs the tpm in the other cells * the log2 of the cell.type tpm. WBPaper00061340:pm3_pm4_pm5
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 31 expressed in: Coelomocytes. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:31
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 32 expressed in: Seam cells (bus+) and excretory duct subpopulation. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:32
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 30 expressed in: pm3_pm4_pm5 and pm6_pm7 (pharyngeal muscle). CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:30

53 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
    Expr4283 TBX-2::GFP expression was present in the both MS- and ABa-derived pharynx cells. TBX-2::GFP expression initiated at the 8E stage (staging by the number of endodermal, or E, cells), in 11 - 12 anteriorly localized pharyngeal cells. Based on position, these cells are likely to be the ABa descendants that will give rise to pharyngeal muscle cells (i.e., ABalpaaa a/p, ABalpapp a/p, ABaraaaaa, ABaraapa a/p, ABarapaa a/p, ARarapapp and ABaraapp a/p). By the 1.5-fold stage, TBX-2::GFP was expressed in pm3, pm5 and variably pm4, with expression persisting throughout the larval and adult stages. Surprisingly, expression extended beyond the ABa lineage after the 1.5-fold stage. For example, only 2/6 pm5 nuclei derive from ABa but authors often observed all pm5 cells expressing TBX-2::GFP in larvae. By the 3-fold stage authors also observed expression in pharyngeal neurons, occasionally in the posterior muscle pm8 and in cells outside of the pharynx such as body wall muscles. Thus, TBX-2::GFP expression initiated within the ABa lineage but ultimately appeared in both ABa and MS-derived muscle cells. While TBX-2::GFP was initially localized to nuclei, it was detected in the cytoplasm as well as the nucleus in pm4 and pm5 cells by the 1.5-fold stage. Cytoplasmic expression was not homogeneous. Rather, TBX-2::GFP appeared filamentous, as though it was associated with the cytoskeleton. Cytoplasmic expression was observed even in lines expressing very low levels of TBX-2::GFP, suggesting that cytoplasmic TBX-2::GFP did not reflect over-expression from transgenes. The same pattern was observed in tbx-2(ok529); tbx-2::GFP embryos. This localization pattern suggests that the timing of tbx-2 transcriptional function likely initiates before the 1.5-fold stage, when TBX-2 appears completely nuclear.
Embryos at the ~200 cell stage contain 24 clonally committed pharyngeal precursors located in the anterior of the embryo (13 ABa-derived and 11 MS-derived), and the location of the 12 tbx-2::gfp expressing cells at this stage suggests that they are included among these precursors. To determine if these early tbx-2::gfp expressing cells were indeed pharyngeal precursors and to characterize their lineal origin, athors examined expression of a tbx-2::gfp promoter fusion containing the same tbx-2 5'-flanking sequences characterized above fused to gfp just downstream of the tbx-2 translation initiation codon (pOK206.30). Previous studies demonstrated that such promoter fusions can produce a longer lived GFP signal than full-length protein fusions. This tbx-2::gfp promoter fusion produced cytoplasmic GFP first detected in premorphogenetic embryos in the same pattern as full-length fusion protein, but GFP perdured in the pharynx until near hatching. GFP expression was observed in 3-fold embryos and early larvae in a reproducible subset of pharyngeal muscles, with occasional expression in body wall muscles and head neurons. GFP was observed predominantly in pharyngeal muscle types derived solely from ABa or from mixed lineages, and the number of these GFP-positive cells was generally consistent with those containing ABa-derived cells. However, exceptions to this generalization were found. Most notably, GFP was reproducibly observed in one MS-derived m7 muscle and all three m4 muscles (of which 2 contain only MS-derived cells). Taken together, these results strongly suggest that tbx-2::gfp expression in premorphogenetic embryos is limited to pharyngeal precursors, and most of these are ABa-derived, although expression is also likely in a small number of MS-derived pharyngeal precursors.   Expr4285 In transgenic embryos, this larger tbx-2::gfp reporter was expressed in a dynamic pattern, including in a subset of pharyngeal precursors in the premorphogenetic embryo, as well as body wall muscle and pharyngeal neurons. tbx-2::gfp expression initiated in 2 anterior cells in approximately 100 cell embryos and increased to 12 cells by approximately the 200 cell stage. The increasing number of GFP expressing cells was not due to cell divisions; rather tbx-2::gfp expression appeared to initiate asynchronously in individual cells. Expression in these cells was transient and was undetectable by the bean stage. Prior to the bean stage, tbx-2::gfp expression was also observed in body wall muscles, and later, in 2- to 3-fold embryos, expression was observed in a number of pharyngeal neurons. Expression in both of these tissues continued in larvae. This full-length fusion protein is nuclear localized.
ace-3 and ace-4 are transcribed together from an operon.   Expr4203 The construct was expressed in many cells outside the pharynx, including body wall muscle and neurons, and in several muscle cells within the pharynx, including pm3, pm4, pm5 and pm7.  
Since utse aff-1 expression and AC-utse fusion occur almost simultaneously, it is possible that aff-1 expression detected in the utse is actually a contribution from the AC cytoplasm after the fusion event. To test this, authors examined utse aff-1 expression in lin-29(n482) mutant worms where AC-utse fusion does not occur. aff-1 expression in the utse in these mutants indicated that aff-1 is specifically expressed in the utse cells and is not a consequence of AC to utse cytoplasmic GFP diffusion after fusion.   Expr4654 Specific and continuous expression was detected in the AC from the invasion of the vulval primordium at mid-L3 until its fusion with the utse cells. As the vulva completes its invagination in the L4, the utse syncytium starts to express aff-1, resulting in coexpression of aff-1 in both cells prior to their fusion. Thus, AFF-1 is dynamically expressed in a specific group of cells that undergo cell fusion during normal development. aff-1 expression is first detected in the embryonic hyp5 cell and later during larval development in various cell types, including pharyngeal muscles (Pm3 and Pm5), uterine rings (Ut2 and Ut4), head and tail neurons, sheath cells of chemosensory neurons, and male tail neurons). aff-1 is also expressed in vulval vulD and the seam cells shortly before these cells fuse. In general, the myoepithelial cells of the pharynx and the epithelial cells in the uterus, vulva, and hypodermis that express aff-1 undergo fusion. Thus, AFF-1 is dynamically expressed in a specific group of cells that undergo cell fusion during normal development.  
This Expr_pattern is about CeTMIV, an isoform of tmy-1 transcription. To confirm the CeTMIV isoform expression pattern, corresponding tmy-1::gfp vectors were assayed. Similar GFP expressions induced in pharynx and intestines respectively. These results show that the CeTMIV isoform was expressed in the pharyngeal muscles and intestinal cells and establish that the primary promoter region was located within 853 bp upstream of the initial ATG. pretzel stage (author) = fully-elongated embryo (wjc).   Expr1679 The constructs pTMZIV4349 and pTMZIV1957 induced beta-galactosidase expressions in both the pharyngeal muscles and intestinal cells with similar intensities. Specifically, pharyngeal expressions were observed in all the eight muscle cells (m1-m8), one marginal cell (mc), one epithelial cell (e1) and the four cells of the pharyngo-intestinal valve (PIV). The 20 intestinal cells, some of which are binucleated and localized alongside the intestine, posterior of pharynx and anterior of anus were all stained with intense staining occurring at the most posterior end. Intestinal staining was limited only to intestinal cells, although there were slight variations in position of nuclei and staining intensity. Expression was also detected in embryos between gastrulation and the comma stage. At this stage of development, the exact nuclei are difficult to identify, but the positions and topology suggest pharynx and intestines. By the pretzel stage, identification of the different pharyngeal muscles showing expression becomes possible. A similar expression was also observed in the pharynx of males, although the intestinal staining was more restricted to the posterior region. No expression was induced by the further deletion construct pTMZIV1219. In all cases, the most uniform and intense expression patterns were observed between L1 and L2 worms, and were completed by L2. From L3 to adult, there was a reduction in expression intensity. Both pharyngeal and intestinal expressions were evident within six hours after staining.  
Feature : "myo-2.B207"   Expr11410 Multimers of a single oligonucleotide from the B fragment (B207) activate pharyngeal expression in a pattern very similar to that observed with the duplicated B fragment, with expression predominately in pharyngeal muscles m3, m4, m5 and m7. Unlike the larger B fragment, the B207 oligonucleotide occasionally activates additional expression in cells other than pharyngeal muscle (e.g. pharyngeal marginal cells, body wall musculature and intestine).  
Feature: 'WBsf919537::pPD95.21'   Expr11811 The distal enhancer activated reporter gene expression both inside and outside the pharynx. In larvae and adults, expression was observed in the m3, m4, m5, and m7 pharyngeal muscles as well as pharyngeal marginal cells, epithelial cells, and neurons. Expression was also observed outside the pharynx in the body wall muscles and the ventral nerve cord. Distal enhancer activity initiated in the pharynx at the bean stage of embryogenesis near the time that the endogenous ceh-22 gene is first expressed.  
Picture: N.A.   Expr8916 Expressed in marginal cells, pm3 to pm6.  
    Expr9722 Expression becomes detectable around the comma stage of embryogenesis and persists through adulthood. Expression in vulval precursor cells is strong and can first be seen in L3. PQN-47::GFP is expressed in seam cells, peaking at L2 and ceasing after the seam cells differentiate in late L4, concurrent with the appearance of alae. The intestine shows variably undetectable to low pqn-47 expression (always less than in the neurons) and gets dimmer as development progresses, especially after L3. The two bulbs of the pharynx, specifically pharyngeal muscle cells pm3-8 (not pm6), are variably bright. Overall expression levels are lower in adults than younger animals, with only some expression in head and tail neurons remaining. Head and nerve ring neurons, pharyngeal cells, ventral nerve cord cells, vulval precursor cells, seam (though interestingly not hyp7), as well as cells in the tail show the strongest pqn-47 expression. Muscle, intestine, the distal tip cells of the gonad, the spermatheca, and a large neuron that may be CAN that is essential for survival but of unknown function near the vulva (also bathed in pseudocoelom fluid, and next to the seam and canal cells), as well as a subset of the ciliated neurons of the head (amphid neurons ASI, ADL, ASK, or AWB) and tail including phasmid cilia PHA and PHB, also express pqn-47. We could not detect expression in the pharyngeal glands as reported for a different promoter pqn-47 fusion construct made as part of a high-throughput analysis of gene expression, although other tissues did show similar patterns. Promoter and translational reporters show pqn-47 expression in numerous somatic cells, including cells uniquely poised to mediate or transmit signal(s) involved in the regulation of molting, some of which have been implicated in molting. For example, many cells expressing PQN-47 have significant exposure to the pseudocoelom, and as such are candidates to transmit or detect endocrine signals; the H-shaped excretory cell and its ducts, which form extensive gap junctions with the hypodermis and lie against the pseudocoelom along the entire body of the worm (Nelson and Riddle, 1984), the head mesodermal cell (hmc) lies in the pseudocoelom up against the (excretory) gland cell and forms gap junctions with them and muscle, and the VPI cells at the juncture of the pharynx and intestine are bathed by the pseudocoelom, as well as the intestine itself.  
Feature : "ceh-22.pe39_pe41"   Expr11279 Both pe39 and pe41 enhanced expression specifically in pharyngeal muscles. Transgenic lines bearing pe39:: pes-10::lacZ and pe41::pes-10::lacZ reporters exhibited robust reporter gene expression in the m3, m4, m5, and m7 pharyngeal muscles, cells that express the endogenous ceh-22 gene. In addition,the pe41::pes-10::lacZ was also expressed in one non muscle cell in the pharynx (provisionally identified as a g1 gland), the pharyngeal-intestinal valve cells, and a pair of neurons outside the pharynx. The onset of pharyngeal-galactosidase expression was as early as the comma stage of embryogenesis, and expression persisted in the pharyngeal muscles through the remainder of embryogenesis and larval development. Both the spatial and temporal specificity of the pe39 enhancer in particular was nearly indistinguishable from that of the full-length proximal enhancer.  
Other strain-- UL990   Expr2076 Expression is seen from early larval stages until adulthood. Strongest expression is seen in the pharyngeal musculature (expression is seen in all muscle cells, excluding m6 and m7, but including m8). Weak expression is seen in a few cells in the head and tail, which are probably neuronal.  
    Expr2628 Expression was detected in a few nuclei in the head as the embryo reached morphogenesis stage at ~300 minutes of development. Expression was identified in more and more nuclei as development proceeded, so that by the 1 1/2-fold stage a large number of neuronal cells in the head and a few cells in the pharynx expressed zag-1::YFP. At this stage expression was also prominent in motorneurons in the ventral cord and in neurons in tail ganglia. Expression was maintained during the 3-fold stage, but reduced to undetectable levels in most cells before hatching, when only a few cells in the head still expressed zag-1::YFP. In the L1/L2 stage expression was detected transiently in postembryonic motorneurons. Expression was maintained in a few head neurons throughout the entire life cycle. Pzag-1::YFP construct was expressed predominantly in neurons in head and tail ganglia, starting approximately midway through embryogenesis. In some of these neurons expression was maintained throughout development. Additional expression was found consistently in the intestinal and anal depressor muscles during all life stages as well as occasionally in body-wall muscles during embryogenesis. zag-1::YFP signal was detected only in the nuclei of cells.
Picture: Figure 6.   Expr7891 The CDR-4-eGFP fusion protein was expressed predominately in the intestinal cells of the nematodes. It was concentrated in small punctate structures within these cells. The size and distribution of these structures were similar to those of lysosomes and of CDR-1-eGFP. It has been shown that when a nonfusion form of eGFP is expressed in intestinal cells, it accumulates in the cytoplasm, not in vesicles. The transgenic nematodes were fed rhodamine B isothiocyanate (RITC)-labeled dextran, which labels intestinal cell lysosomes, to confirm that CDR-4 was targeted to the lysosomes. In the double-labeling experiment, both eGFP and rhodamine colocalized to the same structures, confirming that CDR-4 is targeted to intestinal cell lysosomes.
Identical staining pattern observed with both antisera (ST::CEH-22 and poly-his::CEH-22 ). Reporter_gene X-gal staining identical to anti-CEH-22 antibodies (Construct contains ~4 kb of ceh-22' -flanking DNA fused to lacZ within the ceh-22 5'-UTR.) This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope). see Expr748 for western analysis data.   Expr603 Antibody staining limited to nuclei within pharynx and is detected from beginning of morphogenesis onwards. CEH-22 first detected approx. 330 minutes after fertilization (the lima bean stage) in 11-14 pharyngeal muscle nuclei (probably pharyngeal muscle). At 1.5-fold stage, 14-23 pharyngeal nuclei stain. Cells identified as m3, m4, m5 and m7. In embryos that have completed elongation (pretzel stage), CEH-22 positive nuclei are identified as m3, m4, m5 and m7. Also detected in 6 other pharyngeal nuclei, which are believed to be m1 muscles. After hatching, staining persists in m1, m3, m4, m5 and m7 but absent in m6 and m2.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. This Expr_pattern is about CeTMIII, an isoform of tmy-1 transcription.   Expr1680 The constructs pTMZIII4135 and pTMZIII1743 permanently induced beta-galactosidase expression in pharyngeal muscles and intestinal cells of the worm from L4 stage. Pharyngeal expression was observed in m1, m3, m4, m5 and m7 muscle cells. Between the L2 and L3 stages, both constructs induced expression in tissues corresponding to germ-line tissue of the gonadal primordium: one anterior and one posterior. At this stage, intestinal expression was restricted to the most posterior part of the worm. The expression in the germ-line tissue was eliminated by L4 stage. The beta-galactosidase expression of CeTMIII isoform was stage specific. In about 95 % of L1 worms, expression was observed in the pharynx only; between L2 and L3 stages, the expression extended further to germ-line tissue and intestinal cells. Permanent expressions in pharynx and intestines were evident from L4 stage and continued to adulthood. The pharyngeal staining was much stronger than those of germ-line tissue and intestines. Unlike CeTMIV isoform, embryonic expression of CeTMIII isoform was absent and the expression intensity of intestinal cells did not decrease with stage.  
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8678 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in pharyngeal epithelium, pm1, pm2, pm3, pm6, pm7, pm8, mc1, mc2, mc3. Weak or rare expression in pm4, pm5. Expression in the nervous system: DDn, DVA, DVB, DVC, PVP. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in proximal gonad sheath, spermatheca. In developing larva stage, expressed in uterus, spermatheca. inx-10 is localized to pharyngeal precursors from early stages of embryogenesis, and by three-fold stage, all pharyngeal muscles except pm4 are seen to express it at high levels.  
    Expr2624 Promoter-GFP transgenes indicated that lam-3 is expressed during gastrulation and through embryogenesis in pharyngeal, intestinal and epidermal cells. In the larvae, lam-3 gene expression is maintained in the spermatheca and in the pharyngeal m3-m8 and mc cells.  
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8677 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in anterior arcades, posterior arcades. Weak or rare expression in pm2, pm3, pm4, pm5, pm6, pm7, pm8, mc1, g1, g2, rectal gland cells, rectal epithelial cells. Expression in the nervous system: Phsh, AVK, DVC (early larva), PVR, SIB (early larva), URB, I3. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in gonad sheath, uterus, vulval muscle. In developing larva stage, expressed in vulva. Neuronal expression of inx-9 appears around three-fold stage. The rectal gland expresses inx-9 during early larval stages. inx-9 is expressed in adult hermaphrodite sex muscles. inx-9 was expressed at high levels in arcade cells starting around two-fold stage continuing throughout development and adulthood.  
Picture: N.A.   Expr8691 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in pm2, pm4, pm5, mc1, mc2. Weak or rare expression in pm3, pm6, pm7, pm8, K.a/K$(B!G(B cells.  
    Expr13079 The short ilys-3 promoter drove GFP expression mainly in the pharynx grinder muscles pm7, the isthmus marginal cell mc2 and muscle cell pm5. In addition, all intestinal cells exhibited ilys-3 promoter activity, with some variability. Intestinal expression of ilys-3 appeared to be temporally regulated. GFP was first detected in intestine of L1 hatchlings but declined at the L2 transition. By the L4 stage, the intestinal GFP signal became stronger and continued through adulthood. The intensity of GFP was very high in aging adult worms that were no longer self-fertile. Whereas the intestinal expression of ilys-3 changed during larval growth and adult life, the pharyngeal GFP reporter expression remained constant in larval and adult stages. Weak epidermal promoter activity was also detected. The long ilys-3 promoter revealed additional GFP expression in the six scavenger coelomocyte cells, but at a significantly lower level in other tissues.  
Legacy Data: "Bauer PK" "Mounsey A" "Royall CM" "Hope IA" Date 1997-06.   Expr92 This pattern is very strong. This strain requires less than one hour of incubation for the pattern to be clearly seen. If left longer, non-localised staining of the pharyngeal muscles occurs obscuring the nuclei. There are three components to this pattern. The first is diffuse staining nucei in the procorpus (m2 and m3). The second is strong expession in the m4 nuclei in the metacorpus, and the final component involves m5, m6 and m7 in the terminal bulb. There is some mosaicism exhibited as not all components are seen in all worms. No staining has been seen in the isthmus.  
Reporter gene fusion not specified   Expr16549 Our transcriptional reporter lines revealed that Cel-nhr-1 is broadly expressed in multiple somatic tissues at varying intensities. We found high expression levels in the entire hypodermis and body wall musculature from head to tail, as well as in the majority of the worm's pharyngeal muscles. The latter includes pm3-5, the cells which make up most of the muscular portions of the procorpus, metacorpus, and isthmus. Relatively lower expression levels were found in the stomatal tissues (aa, ap, e1, e3, pm1, and pm2), the terminal bulb of the pharynx (pm6-8), the intestine, and some ventral aspects of the somatic gonad.  
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8671 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in pharyngeal epithelium, pm5, pm6, pm7, pm8, g2, rectal gland cells. Weak or rare expression in anterior arcades, posterior arcades, pm2, pm3, pm4, M3, MC, intestine, rectal epithelial cells. Expression in the nervous system: CEPsh, ALN, ASn, CAN, DAn, DBn, DDn, DVA, DVB, HSN, PDE, PLM, PVQ, PVR, PVT, URB, VAn, VBn, VDn, M3, MC. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in spermatheca, vulval muscle, HSN. In developing larva stage, expressed in vulval muscle, uterine muscle, HSN. inx-3 was expressed broadly during early embryogenesis. After the beginning of morphogenesis, inx-3 expression becomes more restricted to the pharynx, hypodermis, and intestine. By three-fold stage inx-3 expression appears in ventral cord motor neurons (strongest in DA neurons) along with continued strong pharyngeal expression. By hatching, its hypodermal expression disappears, while postembryonically born ventral cord motor neurons express it at low levels. Its pharyngeal (strong) and neuronal (faint) expressions continue to adulthood.  
Other strain-- UL308.   Expr101 Staining is first observed in precomma stage embryos. In all larval stages, expression is seen sporadically, as a number of nuclei in the head and occasional rows of paired nuclei down the body. This pattern seems to be highly mosaic as the number nuclei in the head bodywall that stain varies considerably. This mosaicism is also evident in expression of the bodywall nuclei in the body. These appear to be bodywall muscle. Some of the staining in the head appears to be that of the nuclei of the pharyngeal muscles (m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7). This component is a common feature of expression patterns from fusions with incomplete promoters, but this does not seem to be the case in this situation. Occasional staining in the nuclei of the posterior intestine is also seen.  
Picture: N.A.   Expr8675 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in pm5, MC. Weak or rare expression in pharyngeal epithelium, pm1, pm2, pm3, pm4 pm6, pm7, pm8, g1, g2, rectal gland cells. Expression in the nervous system: ADE, AIY, ALM, ALN, AVA, AVK, AVM, BDU, CAN, DAn, DVA, DVB, DVC, FLP, HSN, LUA, PLM, PLN, PVC, PVM, PVP, PVQ, PVT, PVW, RID, RIS, SDQ, URB, MC. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in HSN. Faint hypodermal expression of inx-7 is seen around two-fold stage and becomes stronger by threefold stage.  
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8676 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in pm1, pm3. Weak or rare expression in pharyngeal epithelium, pm2, pm4, pm5, pm6, pm7, pm8, intestine, rectal epithelial cells. Expression in the nervous system: ILso, AIN, AVF, AVJ, AVK, PVR, SAB. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in Gonad sheath, Vulva(low), vulval muscle, uterine muscle. In developing larva stage, expressed in vulval muscle, uterine muscle. inx-8 is expressed broadly, albeit at very low levels, around two-fold stage, and its expression becomes stronger in the pharynx, nervous tissue, HMC, and GLR cells as development continues. In the reproductive system, expression of inx-8 starts during early larval stages and continues during migrations of the great granddaughters of the SM blast cell to their final locations and after the sex muscles achieve their final structures. inx-8 is expressed in the hypodermal cells of the animal in postembryonic stages.  
    Expr1164 Transgenic animals that carry this construct show GFP expression in a variety of tissue types. GFP expression is observed in the intestine, and the posterior cells express GFP more intensely than the remaining intestinal cells. Other cells include the rectal epithelial cells, the pharynx, the somatic gonad, and vulval hypodermal cells. In addition, the IP3 receptor is expressed in hypodermal cells of the tail, rectum, and head. Pharyngeal expression is restricted to the muscles of the metacorpus, isthmus, and the anterior portion of the terminal bulb (m4, m5, and m6). This construct was only expressed in neurons LUA and PDA. GFP is expressed in the gonad sheath cells, spermatheca, spermathecal valve, and uterine sheath cells. GFP is expressed in the vulval hypodermal cells.  
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8679 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in anterior arcades, posterior arcades, pharyngeal epithelium, pm4, pm8, g1, g2, vir, K.a/K' cells. inx-11 is more strongly expressed in the most posterior (int 9) intestinal cell. Weak or rare expression in pm1, pm2, pm3, pm5, pm6, pm7. Expression in the nervous system: CEPsh, DVC, LUA. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in utse. In developing larva stage, expressed in uterus, sperm (spermatocytes, spermatids). Expression of inx-11 appears in pharyngeal tissue around two-fold stage, and by three-fold stage, strong expression becomes restricted to g1, g2, pm4, and pm8. inx-11 is expressed in the hypodermal cells of the animal in postembryonic stages.  
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8682 Expression in the alimentary canal: Weak or rare expression in pm5, pm6, pm7. Expression in the nervous system: DDn, VDn. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in vulval muscle, uterine muscle.  
Protein_Description: 3NB12 antigen.   Expr2788 The antigen recognized by 3NB12 first appears in embryos about 6 hours in development, which is shortly after the divisions generating the pharyngeal cells are completed. 3NB12 recognizes an antigen present near the surfaces and within all cells in the pharyngeal muscle sets 3, 4, 5 and 7. 7 of the cells stained by 3NB12 are derived from AB blastomere, and 14 are from P1. Staining was not observed in cells in sets 1, 2, 6, or 8 during any stage of embryogenesis. 3NB12 also recognize 4 cells in the tail, 2 of them are AB-derived intestinal muscles and the other two are small cells of unidentified identity. Antigen present near the cell surfaces.

0 Life Stages

3 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
type of cells that make up muscle layers in the pharynx. pharyngeal muscle cell   WBbt:0005451
the last, posterior bulb of the pharynx. terminal bulb   WBbt:0003732
cell that has more than one nucleus. syncytium syncitium WBbt:0008074