

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Name  pharyngeal cell Primary Identifier  WBbt:0005460

5 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
type of cells that make up muscle layers in the pharynx. pharyngeal muscle cell   WBbt:0005451
neuron of the pharyngeal nervous system. pharyngeal neuron   WBbt:0005439
Secretory gland cell of the pharynx Pharyngeal gland cell   WBbt:0005788
cell that makes up epithelium in pharynx. pharyngeal epithelial cell pharyngeal epithelium WBbt:0005459
a type of pharyngeal cell that connects basement membrane to the apices of triangle-shaped pharyngeal lumen. marginal cell   WBbt:0003673

0 Expression Clusters

51 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
Picture: Fig. 6A Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr4828 The unc-33::gfp reporter is expressed in dividing neuroblasts at pre-comma embryonic stages. unc-33::gfp expression can be observed outside the nervous system in two amphid socket cells and weakly in non-neuronal pharyngeal cells.  
    Expr4947 no GFP except for one line with a couple of head neurons and pharyngeal nuceli  
    Expr14606 Native GFP::CATP-7 is expressed closely associated with the plasma membrane of the amphid sensory neurons (localized to the sensilla), the gonadal sheath cells, the spermatheca, the hypodermis and the excretory cel. GFP::CATP-7 is expressed in most pharyngeal cells, where it localizes to the plasma membrane, plus internal membranous tubules. GFP::CATP- 7 is also expressed in the intestine, where it is associated with tubular structures in the basolateral domain and with vesicles in the apical domain immediately below the microvilli. GFP::CATP-7 is strongly expressed in spermatocytes and spermatids.  
    Expr12706 lyst-1p::gfp expression was first detected at the bean stage where it was restricted to the intestinal primordium. Expression in intestinal cells continued through embryogenesis and persisted into adulthood. The lyst-1 promoter was active in neurons and pharyngeal cells, suggesting that LYST-1 acts outside the intestine as well.  
Temporal description.   Expr11637 pax-1 was expressed in 14 pharyngeal cells, which included nine marginal cells, the e2 epithelial cells and the pm8 muscle, based on morphology, position and co-staining for marginal cell filaments. Expression of pax-1::GFP in marginal cells was first detectable in two rows of pharyngeal nuclei shortly after embryonic cell division ceased, at the late-bean to early-comma stages of development. Expression gradually faded during later embryogenesis and was undetectable in larvae or adult worms.  
    Expr13334 In hermaphrodites and males, selt-1.1 GFP expression was observed in neurons, epithelial and muscle cells of transgenic animals carrying both transcriptional (i.e. selt-1.2 promoter driving GFP expression) and translational (i.e. containing selt-1.2 promoter, exons and introns driving GFP expression) constructs. Crosses with the pan-neuronal marker rab-3 fused to the red fluorescent protein (RFP) in the nuclei confirmed that SELT-1.1 is expressed in all neurons of the nervous system. The expression of selt-1.1 in the ADL, ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, AWB amphid sensilla neurons was also confirmed by DiI staining. In the epithelia, selt-1.1 is expressed in the hypodermal, arcade, pharyngeal, vulval and rectal cells. selt-1.1 was not found to be expressed in the intestine or in the gonad. Muscle cells expressing selt-1.1 include the somatic muscle cells from head, neck and body wall as well as the non-striated pharyngeal muscles. SELT-1.1 expression was observed throughout development, from pre-bean embryonic stages to the adult stage. Embryos expressed GFP in most cells, also with a perinuclear localization. The translational Pselt-1.1::selt-1.1::gfp reporter revealed perinuclear localization, consistent with the ER localization previously reported for mammalian SELENOT. The ER localization of SELT-1.1 was confirmed by expressing into the QW1266[Pselt- 1.1::selt-1.1::gfp] the ER marker tram-1 fused to mcherry in muscle cells.
    Expr9722 Expression becomes detectable around the comma stage of embryogenesis and persists through adulthood. Expression in vulval precursor cells is strong and can first be seen in L3. PQN-47::GFP is expressed in seam cells, peaking at L2 and ceasing after the seam cells differentiate in late L4, concurrent with the appearance of alae. The intestine shows variably undetectable to low pqn-47 expression (always less than in the neurons) and gets dimmer as development progresses, especially after L3. The two bulbs of the pharynx, specifically pharyngeal muscle cells pm3-8 (not pm6), are variably bright. Overall expression levels are lower in adults than younger animals, with only some expression in head and tail neurons remaining. Head and nerve ring neurons, pharyngeal cells, ventral nerve cord cells, vulval precursor cells, seam (though interestingly not hyp7), as well as cells in the tail show the strongest pqn-47 expression. Muscle, intestine, the distal tip cells of the gonad, the spermatheca, and a large neuron that may be CAN that is essential for survival but of unknown function near the vulva (also bathed in pseudocoelom fluid, and next to the seam and canal cells), as well as a subset of the ciliated neurons of the head (amphid neurons ASI, ADL, ASK, or AWB) and tail including phasmid cilia PHA and PHB, also express pqn-47. We could not detect expression in the pharyngeal glands as reported for a different promoter pqn-47 fusion construct made as part of a high-throughput analysis of gene expression, although other tissues did show similar patterns. Promoter and translational reporters show pqn-47 expression in numerous somatic cells, including cells uniquely poised to mediate or transmit signal(s) involved in the regulation of molting, some of which have been implicated in molting. For example, many cells expressing PQN-47 have significant exposure to the pseudocoelom, and as such are candidates to transmit or detect endocrine signals; the H-shaped excretory cell and its ducts, which form extensive gap junctions with the hypodermis and lie against the pseudocoelom along the entire body of the worm (Nelson and Riddle, 1984), the head mesodermal cell (hmc) lies in the pseudocoelom up against the (excretory) gland cell and forms gap junctions with them and muscle, and the VPI cells at the juncture of the pharynx and intestine are bathed by the pseudocoelom, as well as the intestine itself.  
    Expr12480 GFP fluorescence in animals carrying the unc-23::gfp construct is found throughout development appearing first at the 1.5-fold stage of embryogenesis in a few unidentified cells. Expression of the GFP-tagged UNC-23 protein continues during embryogenesis and by the 3-fold stage, it has expanded to include muscle, hypodermal and pharyngeal cells. In adult hermaphrodites GFP fluorescence is expressed in the pharynx, body wall muscle cells, hypodermis, vulva, and H cells, as well as some unidentified neurons and touch cells. In the hypodermis, UNC-23::GFP is distributed throughout the entire tissue including some nuclei and nucleoli, and in addition, is localized in a pattern reminiscent of the intermediate filaments. In body wall muscle cells, UNC-23::GFP is localized to the dense bodies and M lines in a pattern similar to that observed for several proteins including PAT-3/b-integrin, UNC-112, UNC-97/ PINCH, and PAT-4/ILK.  
    Expr12259 let-756 expression is observed in pharyngeal and body muscle cells as well as in some neurons (CAN or cephalic). LET-756 shares features with FGFs of different families, such as expression in cytoplasm and nucleus of muscles and neurons.
    Expr1439 During ventral enclosure of the epidermis, VAB-1::GFP was expressed in clusters of cells of the head and tail regions. In the head region, VAB-1::GFP was expressed in clusters of presumptive neuronal cells. Early in enclosure these cells appear to lie beneath the epidermal leading cells; later in enclosure, the VAB-1 expressing cells lie anterior to the leading cells. VAB-1::GFP was not detectably expressed in the epidermal leading cells at any stage during ventral enclosure. In the posterior of the embryo, VAB-1::GFP was expressed in several cells, including QV5 and the ventral hyp7 cells posterior to the rectum; VAB-1::GFP was also expressed in several pharyngeal cells. In late embryogenesis and throughout larval and adult development, VAB-1::GFP was localized to the axons of many neurons throughout the nervous system. Thus, in most stages following gastrulation, VAB-1::GFP is widely expressed in the developing nervous system. During ventral enclosure of the epidermis, VAB-1::GFP was expressed in clusters of cells of the head and tail regions. In the head region, VAB-1::GFP was expressed in clusters of presumptive neuronal cells. Early in enclosure these cells appear to lie beneath the epidermal leading cells; later in enclosure, the VAB-1expressing cells lie anterior to the leading cells. VAB-1::GFP was not detectably expressed in the epidermal leading cells at any stage during ventral enclosure. In the posterior of the embryo, VAB-1::GFP was expressed in several cells, including QV5 and the ventral hyp7 cells posterior to the rectum; VAB-1::GFP was also expressed in several pharyngeal cells. In late embryogenesis and throughout larval and adult development, VAB-1::GFP was localized to the axons of many neurons throughout the nervous system. Thus, in most stages following gastrulation, VAB-1::GFP is widely expressed in the developing nervous system. Located at axons of many neurons.
Of the tissues where K10C3.4 is expressed, only in the pharynx was expression directed by the upstream promoter, whereas expression in most tissues was directed by the downstream promoter. Picture: Figure 5b.   Expr8350 The expression of a GFP reporter containing 8.6 kb of genomic DNA upstream of the K10C3.4 coding region began in embryos and was observed at the L4 stage in vulval cells, seam cells, distal-tip cells, pharyngeal cells, rectal epithelial cells, and several neurons.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr7810 ref-1 was expressed in a few cells in the pharyngeal primordium of the embryo.  
    Expr11357 CATP-6::GFP is expressed in multiple tissues throughout development. These include a) many neurons in the head and tail, b) all body muscles, c) most pharyngeal cells, particularly in the posterior bulb, d) vulval muscles, e) coelomocytes, f) spermatheca, g) gonadal sheath cells, and h) lateral hypodermis. In many cases, particularly neurons, the fusion protein localizes to cytoplasmic puncta that probably correspond to membranous vesicles. In other tissues, e.g., pharyngeal cells and gonadal sheath cells, CATP-6::GFP is closely associated with the plasma membrane. Most significantly with regard to the effect of catp-6(0) on gonadogenesis, CATP-6::GFP is associated with the plasma membrane of the somatic gonad precursor cells, Z1 and Z4. Although the authors detect CATP-6::GFP in close association with the plasma membrane in some tissues, they cannot certain that the protein is actually located within the plasma membrane. For example, in the case of Z1 and Z4 the fluorescence pattern of CATP-6::GFP (unlike that of GEM-1::GFP) is often discontinuous along the periphery of the cell. Thus, it remains possible that the protein localizes to vesicles that are just beneath the plasma membrane. Furthermore, it is possible that CATP-6 localizes to both plasma membrane and vesicular compartments and that the relative distribution differs between cell types. Higher resolution microscopy will be necessary to resolve this issue.
    Expr12797 tat-2 reporter is first clearly detectable in 2-fold stage embryos in two sets of pharyngeal cells, the developing pharyngeal-intestinal valve and a set of cells in the posterior. By the first larval (L1) stage, GFP fluorescence also appears in the intestine. L4 and adult animals exhibit reporter signals in unidentified cells of the pharyngeal procorpus, the gland cells located in the posterior bulb of the pharynx, the pharyngeal-intestinal valve, rectal gland cells, the intestine and all cells of the excretory system. tat-2 reporter signals are also seen in L4 larvae in the primary vulval lineage vulE and vulF cells and in the proximal gonad. The vulval fluorescence vanishes and a moderately strong uterine signal appears after the uterine-vulval connection is complete in adults. The gonadal signal, emanating from spermatids, migrates to the spermatheca around the time of the first ovulation.  
    Expr1886 Expression of the smp-2::gfp transcriptional reporter is detected initially in twofold embryos, in one mononucleate pharyngeal muscle cell and in intestinal cells. In the L1 stage, GFP fluorescence is observed in one mononucleate pharyngeal muscle cell m6, in all intestinal cells, in the head epidermal cells, in a restricted number of body wall muscles, in inner labial sensory neurons, and tentatively in URAVL/R and URADL/R motorneurons. In L4 larvae and adults, GFP fluorescence is restricted to intestinal cells and pharyngeal muscle cell m6. During larval development of the male tail, GFP expression is observed only in the hook. In adult males, rays 8 and 9, and the tail bursa express smp-2::gfp. smp-2::gfp is not seen in hyp 9 or hyp 10.  
Lineage expression: sexmyoblasts and descandents.   Expr1596 LIN-29 was detected in many non-hypodermal cells in the head, tail and vulval region of the developing hermaphrodite. In the head, LIN-29 accumulates in cells of the pharynx and in a subset of neurons. In the tail, LIN-29 accumulates in the rectal cells B, F and U. LIN-29 also accumulates in the sex myoblasts and their progeny, in the distal tip cells, the anchor cell, and in many vulval cells. Although the accumulation of LIN-29 in the hypodermis is restricted to the L4 stage, accumulation in several of these other cell types is not. For example, the accumulation of LIN-29 in the anchor cell and the distal tip cells occurs during the L3 stage. In addition, many, if not all, of the cells that make up the pharynx contain low levels of LIN-29, beginning in the L1 stage and extending to the adult stage. The anti-LIN-29 antisera recognized a nuclear antigen in lateral hypodermal seam cells in wild-type C. elegans. The anti-LIN-29 antibodies revealed a differential pattern of lin-29 protein accumulation during development. LIN-29 was not detected in hermaphrodite hypodermal nuclei prior to the L4 stage. Although it is possible that LIN-29 is distributed diffusely throughout the hypodermal cytoplasm during the L3 and younger stages, there are no difference detected in hypodermal cell staining when these animals were incubated with secondary antibody alone, relative to animals incubated with both primary and secondary antibodies. The earliest LIN-29 accumulation in lateral seam cell nuclei was shortly after their final division, during the L3- to L4-molt. LIN-29 accumulated in these hypodermal nuclei during the L4 stage, and remained detectable in the adult animal. At approximately the same time, LIN-29 was detected in the hypodermal nuclei of the head (hyp1-hyp6), tail (hyp8-hyp12), and the large hypodermal syncytium covering most of the animal (hyp7). The accumulation of LIN-29 in hyp7 was typically observed following accumulation in the seam, and the signal was usually less intense. In summary, LIN-29 accumulates stage-specifically, beginning during the L4 stage and persisting into the adult stage, in all hypodermal cell nuclei of the worm. LIN-29 was also detectable in late stage gravid adults, at a time when lin-29 mRNAs are greatly reduced in abundance. nuclei
    Expr12273 Among all the head neurons, SPTF-1 is exclusively expressed in ASJ neurons. In addition, SPTF-1 is also expressed in non-neuronal cells of the animal such as pharyngeal cells, rectal and intestinal cells, seam cells and vulva epithelial cells.  
    Expr14150 ADL, ASI (dim), some pharyneal cells close to the tip of the nose  
Picture: Fig 2.   Expr8993   SUP-35::GFP expression was first observed in embryos at around the 50- to 100-cell stage. Expression of SUP-35::GFP was ubiquitous throughout the proliferative phase of embryogenesis and was strongly enriched in the cytoplasm. Commensurate with the onset of visible morphogenesis (~400 minutes), SUP-35::GFP localization became pronounced in nuclei, most notably in cells comprising the pharyngeal primordium. Pharyngeal cells also maintained nuclear SUP-35::GFP expression throughout larval stages and into adulthood. In addition, weaker SUP-35::GFP could be detected in the nuclei of several non-pharyngeal cells in the posterior.
Picture: Figure 2A.   Expr8250 Expressed primarily in pharyngeal cells.  
Picture: Figure S5.   Expr8147 CEP-1 is expressed in the germline during larval development and in a subset of pharyngeal cells. CEP-1 levels are highest in the mitotic and meiotic regions of the germline and staining is weaker in the transition zone between the mitotic and meiotic regions.  
GFP was observed in two intestinal cells near the center of larval stage worms, which could reflect artifactual intestinal expression. No detailed description on expression pattern in postembryonic stages. Picture: Figure 8B.   Expr8086 Expression was observed in most cells of the early embryo, but as development progressed to the 2-fold stage, expression became restricted to pharyngeal cells.  
No detailed description on postembryonic expression pattern.   Expr1419 PHA-4 was observed in the nuclei of cells destined to form the digestive tract. At the 4E stage, weak expression is detected in 8 MS great-granddaughters and 10 ABa descendants (ABaraaaa/p, ABaraapa/p, ABarapaa/p, ABalpaaa/p, ABalpapa/p) that each produce pharyngeal cells, as well as nonpharyngeal cells. Faint expression was also detected in the four midgut precursors. Brighter staining is observed in 6 to 8 MS-derived and 16 to 18 ABa-derived cells after the next cell division (MSaaaa/p, MSaapa/p, MSpaaa/p, MSpapa/p). Soon thereafter, at the 8 to 12E stage, PHA-4 is first observed in the rectal precursors. Expression is maintained in all pharyngeal, midgut, and rectal cells throughout embryogenesis. nuclei
    Expr12285 The CCM-3::GFP fusion protein localizes along the apical (luminal) surface of the pharynx as well as the lumen of the intestine, and rachis of the germline, and the cytoplasm of oocytes. Within the canal, CCM-3 maintains strong apical and cytoplasmic distribution, but frequently shows enrichment at the growing tip, sometimes in the form of a short trailing cytoplasmic extension.  
    Expr14874 pha-4 expression was detected in the nuclei of the intestine, pharynx and arcade cells, both in the nxf-1(t2160ts) mutant and WT. All nine arcade nuclei could be identified and were located approximately between the pharyngeal and epidermal cells.  
    Expr14961 In the one-cell embryo, maternally provided ZF1::GFP::PKC-3 enriched at the anterior cortex, like endogenous PKC-3 (TABUSE et al. 1998), but by the 24-cell stage ZF1::GFP::PKC-3 had degraded to undetectable levels in somatic cells. Zygotically expressed ZF1::GFP::PKC-3 reappeared during the middle stages of embryogenesis at the apical surfaces of differentiating epithelia, including the epidermis, pharynx, and intestine, where itcolocalized with PAR-6.  
    Expr11360 At postembryonic stages, epg-11::gfp was widely expressed, including in pharyngeal, body wall muscle, intestinal, and vulval cells. EPG-11::GFP was diffusely localized in the cytoplasm during embryogenesis.
    Expr12914 EFN-4-GFP is detectable in intestinal cells prior to int5 intercalation. EFN-4-GFP is not detectable in intestinal cells at later stages, but is abundant in a subset of pharyngeal and valve cells anterior to the intestine. As expected for a secreted protein, EFN- 4-GFP accumulates at high levels in all visible extracellular spaces within the embryo.  
Other strain-- UL525   Expr115 The earliest expression is seen in L1 larvae as non-localised staining in the procorpus and metacorpus. There is also some expression seen in the terminal bulb of the pharynx and in the posterior of the animal. In the adult expression is predominantly seen as non-localised staining of the pharynx (excluding isthmus). A few nuclei (possibly muscle) stain in the terminal bulb. Adults also show expression in up to four anterior and some posterior intestinal nuclei. Weaker staining in hypodermal (seam) cells and in the tail region is also seen.  
    Expr9341   HMP-1 expression: Before morphogenesis and tissue differentiation, the HMP-1 antiserum stains all blastomeres of embryos. HMP-1 antiserum prominently labels all regions of contact between blastomeres, in addition to showing diffuse cytoplasmic staining. At approximately the time adherens junctions begin to form in the hypodermis, HMP-1 protein accumulates to high levels along the apical margins of all hypodermal cells (all hypodermal staining lies within a 1-um focal plane near the cell surface). During migration of ventral hypodermal cells, HMP-1 antiserum staining is not detected at the leading edges of these cells. HMP-1 becomes localized to the ventral margins of these cells as they contact contralateral cells at the ventral midline. During body elongation, the HMP-1 antiserum stains predominantly the apical margins of all hypodermal, pharyngeal, and intestinal cells, as does the mAbMH27 antiserum. The staining of these two antisera appears to colocalize, strongly suggesting that HMP-1 is a component of the adherens junctions. In later stages, staining appeared most prominent on the margins of the hypodermal cells that abut the two ends of the CFBs.

0 Life Stages

2 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
the feeding organ, a neuro-muscular pump in the head of the animal, used to ingest food, bacteria suspended in liquid, filter them out, grind them up and transport posteriorly into the instestine. pharynx esophagus WBbt:0003681
a cellular object that consists of subcellular components, expresses genes or functions. Cell Cell type WBbt:0004017