

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  cell, anterior daughter of B cell in male Name  B.a
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0006985

3 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.ar B.ar   WBbt:0007059
post-embryonic cell of pedigree B.al B.al   WBbt:0007044
nucleus of pedigree B.a B.a nucleus   WBbt:0001715

0 Expression Clusters

7 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
mhIs9 rescued the lin-17 T and B cell polarity defects.   Expr4251 mhIs9 males contain a lin-17::gfp construct that was expressed in the membranes of the T, B cells and their descendants as well as the F, P11, P12 and vuval precursor cells. membrane
mig-5::gfp rescued the mig-5(ok280) B cell polarity defect.   Expr4252 Animals that contained mig-5::gfp expressed GFP in the B, QL cell and several cells in the nerve ring. MIG-5::GFP was expressed strongly in the B cell and its descendants.  
    Expr973 mab-9 is expressed in very few cells throughout development. In L1 larvae, mab-9::GFP expression is seen in the posterior hindgut cells B and F, the two cells that take on inappropriate lineage fates in mab-9 mutants. Expression is also seen in two posterior hypodermal nuclei of the large syncytial cell hyp7 and in the nervous system, where mab-9::GFP expression is evident in two neuronal nuclei of the lumbar ganglion. These are most likely to be the two nuclei of the interneuron PVC. In addition, mab-9::GFP expression is always observed in a single neuronal nucleus of the head ganglion. The neuronal and hypodermal expression pattern of mab-9 is the same in males and hermaphrodites. mab-9::GFP expression is observed in both B.a and B.p. In late larval males, the expression pattern of mab-9 is more widespread in nuclei of the proctodeum. In adult hermaphrodites, mab-9::GFP expression is maintained in the same six cells that expressed mab-9 during larval development. A construct in which a 5.2-kb mab-9 promoter-only cassette was cloned in front of GFP (vector pPD96.04) was found to have a very similar expression pattern when present in wild-type worms as an extrachromosomal array. mab-9 is also expressed during embryogenesis. mab-9::GFP expression is first seen at the 1.5-fold stage, 430 min after first cleavage, in three to four nuclei around the presumptive rectum [B, F, and hyp7]. In 3-fold embryos, mab-9::GFP expression becomes very intense in the nuclei of B and F, and weaker expression can also be observed in nuclei of the ventral cord. This ventral cord expression appears to be transient and is not observed reproducibly as larval development ensues. mab-9 localizes to the nucleus.
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr668 Postembryonic expression is observed in the rectum epithelium. A major site of EGL-5 expression is in the rectal epithelium. At hatching, the rectal expression is in K, F, B, U and Y. In addition expression is seen in (Y differentiates into) PDA motor neuron, (K divides to rise to) part of dorsal rectal epithelium and a cell that becomes DVB motor neuron. In males male-specific neurons show expression. In males Ab staining is observed in B.a and B.p as well as Y.p and Y.p in L1 and early L2. It appears that most/all B, Y, U, F, K descendants express EGL-5. Ventral neuroblast P12, staining is first seen in P12.a and P12.p in 12-h worms. Staining is maintained in P12 descendants in 15-h until adulthood. Both sexes' mechanosensory neurons, expression is seen in PLM neurons throughout larval development. In addition two cells express EGL-5, one in anterior region of each lumbar ganglion, likely to be PVC interneurons. Both sexes' muscles cells, expression is detected in 4-6 left/right pairs of posterior body-wall muscle cells in L1 larvae at earliest examined time 10-12 h. At L2 staining is detected in 12 left/right pairs of nuclei. Staining is strongest in the most posterior nuclei and tapers of towards the anterior. Staining in posterior body wall muscle cells remains throughout larval development and into adulthood in both sexes. In L3 males, sex-specific muscle lineages and sex-specific muscles stain strongly. These muscles include the diagonal muscles, muscles of spicule, gubernaculum and other sex muscles. Staining in these muscles persist until adulthood. HSN neurons, expression from L1 onwards through to adulthood. Male gonad, first detected in the male gonad in late L1 in a group of 6 cells at the anterior end. It appears that expression is clustered in a region that consists of both somatic cells and germ cells. Later at the beginning of the late mitotic period, staining nuclei lose their clustered arrangement. By 34 h, staining is seen in several dividing cells that form the primordium of the seminal vesicles as well as in two large nuclei in the valve region. In the nuclei of diving cells staining surrounds a condensed chromatin. This pattern persists until the end of the late mitotic period (35-37 h posthatching) when staining is also detected in sperm cells. No staining was observed in cells of the vas deferens. Lateral hypodermis, expression is seen in male seam from mid-L2. Staining first appears in V6.ppp at 20-22 h postembryonic development. Staining persists in V6.pppa and V6.pppp but at a lower level. Intensity of staining increases in R5 and R6 and to lesser degree in R4. Identification of staining cells in ray sublineages was not possible due to intense fluorescence of B-lineage cells lying in the same region. However it was possible to observe expression of a reporter gene in R4, R5, and R6 and also in cells of the R5 and R6 sublineages. Expressed in the nuclei.
    Expr1569 Weak expression of lin-17 detected in the vulva cells that form the vulva only after the vulva precursor cells had divided twice, i.e., in all Pn.pxx cells. lin-17 expression was also observed in the male tail throughout development, with the expression strong particularly at later L3 stage in most descendants of the V6 and T cells in the lateral hypodermis. lin-17 was detected in the P11.p and B cells. This expression was almost uniform around the cell surface prior to their asymmetric divisions. Lin-17 was also detected in both daughters and all the granddaughter cells of the P11.p and B cells. Expression in the daughter cells were also uniform around the cells. In addition, weak lin-17 expression was detected in the P10.p cell and both of its daughter cells. Authors failed to detect lin-17 expression in P7.p, Z1, Z4 and T cells. Expressed on cell membrane.
No detailed description on cellular expression pattern at hermaphrodites.   Expr1300 LIN-29 accumulates in B cell progeny. In contrast to the LIN-29 accumulation pattern observed in wild-type hermaphrodites, LIN-29 is not detectable in the F, U, Y, or M blast cell nuclei, or in their progeny, in males. LIN-29 is detected in the progeny of B. LIN-29 is first detectable in B cell progeny during the L3 stage. Although all B.a and B.p progeny accumulate LIN-29, the LIN-29 accumulation signals appear weaker and transient in B.p progeny. The identification of these LIN-29-accumulating cells as B progeny is based on their size, shape, and relative position within the male tail and is further supported by laser microsurgery experiments and the examination of LIN-29-accumulation patterns in a mutant with defects in B cell specification. Elimination of the B cell by laser micro-surgery during the L1 stage reduced the number of LIN-29-accumulating nuclei in the male tail by 1015. LIN-29 appears to persist in B.a progeny in the adult stage. LIN-29 accumulates in the linker cell. The first male-specific LIN-29 accumulation is detected in the nucleus of the linker cell (LC) positioned at the tip of the growing end of the gonad. LIN-29 accumulates in the LC during the L3 stage, after the gonad arm has completed the 180 turn. LIN-29 remains detectable until the late L4 stage when its disappearance is presumably due to LC destruction. LIN-29 accumulates in the male tail seam. LIN-29 accumulates in the lateral body seam cell nuclei and in the SET nuclei in L4 stage wild-type males. LIN-29 accumulates in ventral cord nuclei. During the late L3 stage, five to seven nuclei that belong to the preanal ganglion accumulate LIN-29. Four preanal ganglion nuclei accumulates LIN-29 and were identified by position as the CA9, CP9, AS11, and VA11 neurons which are descended from P11.a. LIN-29 accumulation in the preanal ganglion cluster persists through adulthood. In late L4 stage and adult males, additional ventral cord nuclei anterior to the preanal ganglion accumulate LIN-29. The accumulation of LIN-29 in ventral cord neurons is not observed in hermaphrodites. Also in contrast to hermaphrodites, the ventral hypodermal nuclei positioned within the ventral cord do not contain detectable levels of LIN-29 in adult males. nuclei
Picture: Figure 1.   Expr8148 Both sexes bearing a vab-3::gfp transgene exhibit GFP expression in neuronal, and occasionally epidermal cell types in the head. Neuronal transcription begins after gastrulation and persists throughout the life of the animals. In addition, vab-3::gfp displays sex-specific expression patterns, such as in the distal tip cells (DTCs) of L4 hermaphrodites and the B.a and Y.p sensory organ precursors in males. vab-3::gfp transgene is not expressed in any ray lineages. vab-3::gfp expression is visible in the B.a and Y.p cells beginning in early L2. Expression levels among individual cell types derived from these precursors are not appreciably different through mid L3. In the B.a lineage, GFP persists through larval development. Expression diminishes during late L4 tail morphogenesis, and is absent in adults. Expression in the Y.p lineage shows a distinct temporal pattern. GFP in the Y.p lineage diminishes from mid L2 through mid L3, at which time only the eight B.a descendants exhibit expression.  

0 Life Stages

2 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
a cell that is born in a worm after hatching. post-embryonic cell   WBbt:0007030
a post-embryonic blast cell in male. B cell male   WBbt:0008064