

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  cell of epithelium, the layer of cells that cover the external surface of an organism as well as forming an inner lining between the tissues and organs of that organism and the external environment. In C. elegans epithelial cells include epithelium of the alimentary tract, intestinal cells, hypodermis, interfacial cells and somatic gonad cells. Name  epithelial cell
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0003672 Synonym  epithelium

6 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
primary cell type that forms the hypodermis. hypodermal cell   WBbt:0007846
cell that forms intestinal-rectal valve. rectal valve cell intestinal-rectal valve cell WBbt:0005797
Constituent cell of a hermaphrodite vulva. vulval cell vulval epithelial cell WBbt:0007831
cell of the epithelia of uterus. uterine epithelial cell   WBbt:0008435
cell that makes up the pharyngeal-intestinal valve. pharyngeal-intestinal valve cell   WBbt:0007848
an epithelial cell that serves either to bridge two neighboring epithelial tissues or to form an opening in the epithelium. interfacial epithelial cell interfacial cell WBbt:0005754

0 Expression Clusters

57 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
Picture: Figures 2A and 2A'.   Expr4999   A polyclonal antibody against UNC-34 shows broad cortical localization, as well as enrichment near apical junctions in epithelial cells.
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. pax-1 expressed in pharyngeal marginal and epithelial cells. (J. Stevenson, A. Chisholm, and S. E. Mango, unpublished data).   Expr4263 pax-1::GFP was activated at around 290 min after the two-cell stage of embryogenesis.  
    Expr4596 PAR-6GFP was expressed in epidermal, pharyngeal, intestinal, and excretory epithelial cells, colocalized with PAR-6(immunostaining) at apical surfaces, and was present even when the transgene was introduced at fertilization. In summary, PAR-6 localizes to the apical cortex of most or all embryonic epithelial cells and at least some PAR-6 in epithelial cells arises from zygotic par-6 expression. At apical surfaces.
Picture: N.A.   Marker32   adherens junction marker in epithelial cells
Picture: N.A.   Marker33   Expressed in apical membrane in epithelial cells.
    Expr12323 sma-1:: GFP was expressed in all epithelial cells, as expected (hypodermis, excretory canal cell, intestine, pharyngeal muscles, and pharyngeal marginal cells) (McKeown et al. 1998) but was not detected in gland cells. Likewise, use of a nuclear-localized sma-1::GFP::HIS2B reporter did not indicate any expression in gland nuclei.  
    Expr10837 A D2096.6::gfp reporter was expressed in wild-type embryos specifically in the pharynx at beginning approximately at the bean stage when the pharyngeal primordium forms. Expression was typically observed in one to two cells in the pharynx in one and one-half fold embryos, and no expression was observed outside the pharynx. The number of GFP-expressing cells increased and animals hatched as l1s with GFP expression in pharyngeal muscles, marginal cells, and epithelial cells.  
    Expr12161 Transgenic worms containing the smf-3 pro::gfp construct demonstrated strong GFP expression at all stages of development, beginning as early as the comma stage embryo and continuing through larval and adult stages. Expression was spatially confined to intestinal cells, excretory cells, vulval epithelial cells, and neuronal cells. Fluorescence was largely observed at the apical ends of the adult and larval intestines; in neuronal cells, particularly in the head neurons and hypodermis; in H-shaped excretory cells; and in vulval epithelial cells. Worms expressing the smf-3 pro::gfp construct exhibited distinct intestinal expression, which encompassed most of the intestine.  
    Expr1682 AJM-1 localizes to the apical borders of all C. elegans epithelia. Expression occurs in the embryonic hypodermis, pharynx and intestine, as well as in post-embryonic epithelia, including the vulva, uterus, spermathecae, pharynx, intestine, hindgut, hypodermis and male tail. MH27 staining of embryos expressing HMP-1GFP reveals that AJM-1 occupies an apical domain that is basal to the HMRHMP(cadherincatenin) complex in all epithelial tissues examined. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of embryonic hypodermal cell junctions revealed an apical junctional domain resembling adherens junctions of flies and vertebrates, whereas no morphologically distinct septate or tight junctions are observed. The apicobasal extent of this domain is ~100 nm. Immuno-TEM analysis of hypodermal cells of larvae with the MH27 antibody revealed that AJM-1 specifically localizes to the apical domain. AJM-1 localizes to the apical borders of all C. elegans epithelia.
Operon: CEOP1368   Expr9452 Animals bearing the transcriptional and translational reporters had similar GFP expression patterns. L1 animals carrying the translation reporter expressed GFP in many neurons, including CANs, DD-type motoneurons and ALMs. Expression in the nervous system began early in comma-stage embryos and peaked in intensity around the 3-fold stage of embryogenesis. Although neuronal expression was much fainter at later larval stages, it persisted in some head and tail neurons through adulthood. Non-neuronal cells that also expressed CRML-1::GFP included the migrating distal tip cells, the pharynx, some vulval epithelial cells, rectal epithelial cells and the excretory canal. Sub-cellular localization within the body wall muscle: Muscle cell membrane +/- Muscle arms
See Expr594, and Expr595 for expression patterns for the same locus. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr593 In L1: mRNA localized to cytosol of many cells indicating syncytial hypodermis. Other larval stages - adult: weaker staining of the hypodermis. Expression also observed in epithelial cells in the anus, deirids, buccal cavity and vulva. Also localized in the pharynx. Adm-1 mRNA is present throughout post embryonic development in the syncytial hypodermis, hypodermal-derived tissues, pharynx and in other cells.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr3430 Expressed in embryonic epithelia.  
    Expr12947 DOP-1, in addition to being expressed in several sets of neurons, is also expressed in adult epithelial cells, including the intestine and hypodermis.  
  [lin-17::tagRFP] translational fusion was generated from lin-17::gfp (Wu and Herman, 2006). Expr10753 LIN-17::tagRFP was present in the cell body and neurites of the VD neurons. LIN-17::tagRFP was also present in other parts of the animal including neurons, muscles and epithelium  
    Expr12957 In adults, rsu-1 was found expressed in somatic BWMs and in nonstriated pharyngeal and vulval muscles. It was also detected in a subset of neurons of the ventral cord, in the gonad distal tip cells, and, in some transgenic lines, in epithelial cells.  
    Expr3701 Using two independent antibodies elicited to two different FRK-1 peptides, FRK-1 was initially present both in nuclei and at cell-cell contact points of all cells in early embryos. Expression later became restricted to epithelial cells, body wall muscle and the germline, including mature sperm. Staining was eliminated in frk-1(RNAi) embryos, confirming specificity of the antibody. Epidermal expression of FRK-1, which is apparently sufficient for morphogenesis, requires ELT-1, a transcription factor required to generate all epidermal cells: FRK-1 was seen only in body wall muscle cells in late elt-1(zu180) mutant embryos. Localization of FRK-1 to nuclei correlates with phases of active cell division: nuclear localization was prominent in early embryos and the adult germline. The protein remained in the nucleus and at the cell surface until shortly before embryonic enclosure, at which stage most cells became mitotically inactive and nuclear FRK-1 became undetectable. In elongated embryos, FRK-1 was present in the cytoplasm and at the membrane of epidermal cells; cell surface staining was especially prominent in the seam cells. While nuclear function for FRK-1 in morphogenesis cannot be excluded, the protein was not detectable in nuclei during this phase of development. Later, during larval development, FRK-1 reappeared in the nuclei of seam cells and in the nuclei of the developing germline, correlated with their active post-embryonic division. In the adult soma, FRK-1 stably localized to apical junctions of the intestine and somatic cells of the gonad.
    Expr10635 YAP-1::GFP was widely localized in the cytoplasm of several tissues in adult and larval stage. YAP-1::GFP is expressed in epithelial and muscular tissues including the seam cells, epithelial cells and pharynx muscles in a head region, the excretory tissue, hypodermal cells, gonadal sheath cells, the spermatheca, the intestine, the vulva, and hypodermal cells in a tail region. YAP-1::GFP appeared in cytoplasm of epithelial cells during/after active proliferation. YAP-1::GFP was transiently expressed in nuclei of the dorsal epidermal cells during the specific development stages, which are involved in dorsal intercalation and ventral enclosure. YAP-1::GFP did not appear to be localized in nuclei of embryonic cells at the late development stage, when embryo undergoes elongation. Thus, YAP-1::GFP is likely to be temporarily localized in nuclei of embryonic epithelial cells, suggesting that the subcellular localization of YAP-1 may be regulated depending on developmental stage.
    Expr9224 mtm-9::gfp reporter was expressed in a broad range of tissues, including the muscle, intestine, hypodermis and neurons (including the CAN neuron in the mid-body region). Mtm-9 was also expressed in the rectal epithelial cells that are the major source of EGL-20 Wnt.  
    Expr12844 Specific UNC-34 staining was detected with anti-EVH2 antibodies in embryos at the beginning of ventral enclosure. UNC-34 specifically localized to apical junctions of these migrating epidermal cells as previously described using an UNC-34::GFP reporter (Sheffield et al., 2007). Later in embryogenesis, UNC-34 was also found in a pattern that suggested it localizes to junctions of the epithelial cells that line the inside of the pharynx. UNC-34 localization to these structures decreased after the first larval stage, but was observed strongly at apical junctions of the developing vulva. Anti-EVH2 antibodies revealed broad expression of UNC-34 in the nervous system that was missing from the mutants unc-34(e951) and unc-34(gm104). UNC-34 localized to axons with fainter cytoplasmic staining in neuronal cell bodies. The nerve ring, the major C. elegans neuropil that contains the highest concentration of axons, displayed the most intense staining, while the dorsal nerve cord (DNC) and ventral nerve cord (VNC) also expressed detectable UNC-34. Nerve ring staining was detected as early as the two-fold stage of embryogenesis and the intensity of axonal staining increased until late embryogenesis. UNC-34 axon expression continued into adulthood although it became fainter in older larvae and adults.  
    Expr10780   In wild-type embryos, DLG-1 is well-distributed along the apical junctions of epithelia.
    Expr10781   In wild-type embryos, AJM-1 is well-distributed along the apical junctions of epithelia.

0 Life Stages

2 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
a cellular object that consists of subcellular components, expresses genes or functions. Cell Cell type WBbt:0004017
lies within the body wall, in close relation to nervous system and excretory system. epithelial system   WBbt:0005730